11-08-2023 06:33
11-08-2023 06:33
Like others who have posted about this issue, I have been on a wild goose chase trying to get it resolved. Not a good impression for a brand new user. I first contacted Fitbit customer service, they said I have to contact Google Play Store as the Premium membership was purchased through them (how else could it be purchased?? Log in with Gmail address is mandatory!) I contacted Google Play Store, they claim Google is "just a payment processor" (wth? No - it literally owns Fitbit??) and given another email address to contact.
I was given a Luxe Fitbit for a birthday gift. I was excited to try the 6 mos. of Premium Free, like it says on the box. I went through the process of downloading the app and setting it up. Everything seemed great. It wants me to put my payment information in for the free trial. Fine... It then tells me I am "ineligible" with no explanation of why. I go ahead and pay the $9.99 to get started and figure this is simply some error that will be resolved. And here I am now, trying a fourth way to get this resolved. 😠