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Are our syncing issues caused by Fitbit Servers ?

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Like many I have had syncing issues with my Fitbits.. Last night I had a weird experience.. I woke at 3am and decided to look at my phone and accidentally hit the Fitbit App..


An immediate sync to my One and Ionic.. and showed nearly 3 hours sleep on the Ionic...  It was so quick... Normally in the morning it can take up to 20 minutes of wheelies.. Even after taking into account all of the suggestions..   When it comes up with the "Scheduled message" I'm suspicious that it's in a server queue and just draining my phone battery.. I power off the Ionic and the One and it still wheelies, not even "Looking"..


So that makes me think me it could be a queuing issue on the Fitbit servers.... So I examined the times in key parts of the world when my instant sync occurred....


Australia 3-30 am All asleep..

Los Angeles 7am  - Just waking up

London 3pm Easing off....


Over to others for comment...



Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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@rr56 - 


I can only address how to do it with the iOS app on iPhones and having an Alta HR. But I have heard many of the common functions are used across platforms and devices.


There are two ways to do so - 


  1. Within the main dashboard, swipe the screen downwards until you see "Release to sync". You may see "Pull to sync" while you are swiping down. Release the screen and your device will sync.
  2. From the main dashboard press the account icon in the upper right. The Account page will show. Press on your device. From your device screen, scroll down to the bottom and press "Sync Now".

I hope that works for you.


In the future, you may want to start your own post for asking questions instead of adding a message to an existing topic. You are more likely to get a timely response, though I will admit that this topic's title is similar to your post's topic.


It isn't hard to do. It is almost like replying to a message like you did today. An image of the Alta HR boards "Start a topic" button is shown below:


Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 2.49.52 PM.png


Just click on it and create a topic. The only difference between what you did today and starting a new topic is that you need to give the topic a title.


Welcome to the boards.

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
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Thanks for the information. It just says"looking" and the wheel just
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@rr56 - 


Ahh, man, I hate to speculate when discussing something I have never experienced.


Here is my recommendation:


If you are using an iPhone, look at the iOS App board for a post that looks like your issue, or better yet create a new topic. The board is located at


If you are using an android phone the Android app board is located at


If you are using a Windows 10 app that board is located at


It is possible that you may get a better response by going to the board for your device. Select your device from the list - with pictures of the devices - at the top of this page:


Good luck.

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
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@rr56 wrote:
Thanks for the information. It just says"looking" and the wheel just

If it never gets past "Looking", then it's not connected via bluetooth at that point. You want it to say "Connected".  You may have to unpair the tracker from the phone and re-pair it.


Once is is connected, then in the app, go into the tracker settings, and under Sync, select Sync Now.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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After syncing issues yesterday, I tried for hours and when I woke this morning, switched the phone on, opened the App and the Ionic and One synced immediately..


I have changed nothing and Always Connected is on..


Open the App again and it synced immediately???  Also the One and the Zip which is 13m (40') away and that could be Fitbit Connect auto feature


Why the issues yesterday and intermittently over the last week.?                .. makes me suspicious..


Opened the App before I post and it synced immediately.... and this is what I was enjoying in the first few weeks of using the Ionic... Maybe it will be a brighter year... 2018



Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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@Colinm39 wrote:

Maybe it will be a brighter year... 2018



Man, I sure hope so. I don't think I could survive another 2017. Flu turned into pneumonia that took three separate antibiotics until it was crushed. In the meantime, left to it's own devices, the virus attacked my heart, dilated the left ventricle and damaged the electrical pathways to that side. One pacemaker/defibrillator "combo pack" ICD later and I'm ready for 2018.


Good luck to all reading this in both this year and however many more we get to experience. I'm off to the treadmill before dinner.

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
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@MrMarvGreat to hear from you again..What you have gone through last year made my 75 year old sister a statistic.. 3 bouts of pneumonia over 3 months... So sudden in the end..  My doctors made me have Flu, Pneumonia and Shingles shots last year.. Never had the flu but they were more concerned with all of my Senior sitting, mixing and keeping an eye on all of my 80+ in-laws..


Are you on top of your setback now with your rehab routine...


We had a typical Melbourne 4 seasons in one day yesterday..and.. I wouldn't want to add this to your day...


All week, daylight temperatures were around 24oC (75oF) and yesterday temperature got to 42oC (107oF) then at about 6 pm a southerly change and temperature dropped to last weeks temps in 30 minutes.. No rain just Southern Ocean wind...


Last night it was sleeping temps at 17oC a (63oF).. That's why we call it four seasons in a day..


Fortunately no power blackouts because our State Government have gradually shutdown coal fired power stations and starting to rely on Wind and Water and some cleaner power plants.


Tesla are involved in installing a huge battery storage wind farm


Just opened the App and both Fitbits synced again...Smiley Happy

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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@Colinm39 -


The last of my post-surgery restrictions ended on Christmas day, six weeks after implant surgery which was handled out-patient.


No surgery specific rehab - the ICD is doing it's job and it's day-to-day performance is measurable by reduced heart rate during exercise and faster recovery from hight heart rates from exercise. 120 bpm to under 70 within 60 seconds. Before surgery, I was lucky to get from 110 to 90 in that timeframe. I can literally live with that.


Sixty-five and hoping for at least 90. Let's have a great year, huh?

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
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@MrMarvThat's a very positive post.. and... cutting code for a few more years...


Around me we have had various heart issues.. One of our amazing ones is my neighbor.. At age 35 he had a heart attack while on the sporting field.. In those days he had his insurances cancelled etc and had to then invest wisely for his future


I said those days, because he and his wife are now in their 80's traveling once a year to somewhere in the world..


Life is sweet...

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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Same thing happened to me and my daughter! All the sudden it started
syncing again.
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Same here. When I synced last night, it took 5 seconds, instead of the 5 minutes it has been taking.

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Two minutes this morning going through the this link



Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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And this evening it's back to taking forever to sync. Whatever they did last night, they need to do permanently.

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