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RESOLVED: Active Minutes missing from Activity Group Leaderboard

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We are aware of an issue which is currently preventing Active Minutes from updating on the Activity Group Leaderboard page, which looks like this.


You may have noticed that Active Minute totals are inaccurate or missing from this page - our team is investigating this issue, and I will follow up in this thread as soon as I can provide further information on this topic. Note that your personal Active Minute data should still appear on your Dashboard, as normal.


Thanks everyone for the reports and details you've provided to help us troubleshoot this! 

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Hi everyone - as some of you noted, the fix for this issue was just moved to production. You should see Active Minutes appear correctly again in your Leaderboards.

View best answer in original post

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Yesterday my Charge 2 showed I was active 9/9 hours, but my dashboard & app just show 8/9. Why? 

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Hello @dtalksall!


In this case I'd like for you to please contact our Support Team. They should be able to take a closer look into what's happening. I'm sure they will be happy to help you. 


Be sure to let me know how it goes! 

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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My Active minutes are'not been updated onthe comunnity groups that i belong to for the last 2 days , is there a problem techs are working on? Is some other folk having simu;lar problems

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You and me both. What do you have to do to get something fixed about here?

The WLR board's active minutes have been a bit dodgy of and on these past few months. For the last two days they have come to a stand still. Smiley Mad

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Man Sad

No updates here either for total monthly minutes on my community groups!!! 

Man Sad

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Hey @kens33! Also, thanks for joining the Community @Bulza and @Carolyn20!


From the way you are describing it, it seems like Dashboard is not properly loading all of the information. I recommend that you all try to log out of your Dashboard and then log back in. It should then help the Dashboard reload and get all of the correct information back in.


Please let me know how it goes! Smiley Very Happy

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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I have done this already several times, nothing changes. It is not just me that is affected on the WLR board several people are.


I have logged in out and in again now! Still no change to anyone's figures.

Sent from my iPad

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Same happening in community groups I am in, active minutes seem to have stopped updating about a week ago in the group, and is the same for everyone in our group.  Steps and distance updating OK just not active minutes.  Sods law the time I actually start being active for a change!!

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i have re booted every day That is done every day. Not the resolution. I have done more active minutes this last week than that are not showing in the community board. There is a problem. I'm not,  the only one thats for sure.  also i have kept a manual excel for last week and that is not included in what is showing on community boards, what is point of the unit if i have to do that to keep records. I'm not the only one   You might have to maybe do some rebooting on you side or trouble shooting . Ty for you attentions is,speedy would be much appreciated 


Br Ken

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This is a Fitbit problem on Fitbits end!

If the active minutes are registering "each and every day", which they are, they should be entering themselves into the monthly totals and averages, which they are not.


Sombody out there flipped a switch they shouldn't have flipped.


It has been my expereince over the years to have the company sluffs off most problems like this, with having us try things that just don't work rather than really looking into the true problem.


I have an email in on this....awaiting action.

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I have also emailed them.  They COMPLETELY missed the point!!  I have emailed back with links to groups I am in and print outs of my actual active minutes so they can see the difference.  Here is the reply I got, grrrr very annoying to get a script answer when they clearly have not read the fault message correctly!  Hope the next answer I get is a bit better.  My groups are now showing zero minutes for the 7 day view, so the fault must have started about a week ago.


We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing an inconsistency with active minutes. As you may have read in our article on the topic (, our algorithms detect subtle differences in exertion that may explain why two seemingly identical activities result in different active minute totals. For example if you took a brisk walk along the same route two days in a row, differences in your speed and exertion levels (e.g. out of breath vs not out of breath, etc) will cause different active minute totals for the two activities. Also keep in mind that active minutes are only recorded for activities that last 10 minutes or longer.

Because our trackers primarily track movement through the use of an accelerometer, they more accurately detect active minutes for step-based activities (brisk walking, running) than non-step based activities or activities that require more than steps (yoga, tennis). Trackers with a heart rate monitor detect active minutes most accurately, since heart rate data allows us to better estimate caloric burn and, in turn, exercise intensity. If you're unhappy with your active minutes total, we recommend logging the activity manually as described in Manually logged activities override your tracker's data. Sometimes customers report a decrease in active minutes after logging an activity, which can occur if what your tracker recorded was more intense than what you logged.

If you still have reason to believe your tracker is recording active minutes inaccurately, please reply with the date and time of the activity(s) in question so we can investigate your account and troubleshoot the issue.


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I cannot agree with you more, they are not reading carefully what the problm is, maybe support should be "rebooted".  they are ignoring it completely.


BR Ken

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I have just checked on a monthly challenge we have in our company, currently as it stands i have a total of 1418 active minutes. On the community board it shows as 755. that was my number a week ago in the company challenge.


Please explain, accept there is a problem and fix it.

no definition of what a active minute is or a re - boot

those are inadequate answers.

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They gave me the same "scripted" answer!


The last "good day of active minutes was 1-10-17. After that date 7 days ago, there are zero minutes added to monthly totals on anyone's active minutes as far as I can tell.


Still no email answer from "THEM" concerning this problem.


They better get this corrected before the month is up...otherwise there will be many teed off customers.

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I just logged out and back in, but nothing changed. In our group of 52 people, only 42 show up on the leaderboard for active minutes. Please get this fixed!

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Me too 😞

Active minutes are tracking correctly and showing in my dashboard, but the leaderboards in the Activity Groups that i belong to have stopped incrementing the Active Minutes.  Its not just me - its stopped for the entire group of us.

So definately an issue at Fitbit's end.

I think another "rate the Fitbit app at 1 star" campaign is in order.  It worked the last time - they fixed the custom meals logging zero calories issues albeit it took 10 months or so!

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Funny they took 1 hour to not read my original email properly and send me back a scripted answer, nothing to do with the issue I reported, yet 24 hours after I have sent links and screen shots of data to proove they are the ones with the issue I am hit with complete radio silence.


I agree 10th January must have been the last date that the minutes updated because now in the "7 days" view no one in my group has any active minutes at all, and all about half they should be on the "January" view.


FITBIT - At least acknowledge us that there is a problem, and give us some feedback about what is being done to rectify this.  In my company group we are all being January do-gooders so very miffed not to be able to see how our good efforts are fairing against each other 😞

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I have had same issue

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The "active minutes" have not been recorded on the Community Board for my activity group (Women Over 60). The active minutes, and other indicators, are correctly being tallied on my Dashboard, but the number of active minutes stopped being added after January 10th. The last 8 days, totalling 1412 active minutes, has not been added to the Community Board for my group. I love using my (One) Fitbit and have benefitted a great deal from doing so (since June 2012). I have lost about 15 pounds, lowered my cholesterol, increased my bone density, and sleep better.  Please look into why "active minutes" have not been tallied on the Community Board activities since January 11th. It sounds like the problem is at Fitbit's end as it appears that a number of us have the same experience. Thanks in advance.   Lisa Harlow, age 65

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