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[Resolved] - Received erroneous lifetime badge

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Fitbit Update 9/14

This issue should now be resolved, and the erroneous badges have been removed. Thank you for your patience, everyone!



Our team is aware that some Fitbit users have received an erroneous lifetime badge and we are currently working to resolve this problem. Thanks for everybody’s patience while we work this out and we will keep you posted with updates in this thread!

Derrick | Retired Moderator, Fitbit

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I earned the first of my erroneous badges, so now I have 8/18 as the earn date for Japan instead of 9/2. I will earn India in 20 or less days, so it will also say 8/18 if this is not corrected soon. By the end of the year, I will earn the Monarch, but you should have a fox by then.
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Also some badges that I legitimately earned have also disappeared.  I hope that I will get the actual dates when those badges were earned as the Dashboard does seem to have the correct data, this should not be much of a problem.

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Can my Japan badge date be changed from August 18 to September 2 by Fitbit? I would like the actual date I earned it instead of the date when it was awarded erroneously.
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Hello all, I hope you are doing great. Woman Happy As mentioned in a previous post, our team is aware of this inconvenience and are working to get it fix as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any other inconvenience feel free to post it. I appreciate your patience in this situation.


Catch you later. Woman Wink

Alejandra | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Thank you for the response, and I'm trying to be patient.  However, this happened more than 2 weeks ago.  Has anyone really been working on it, or is this just a canned response?  I must say, I'm somewhat disappointed.

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@rwe Without getting overly technical, fixes like this have to be moved into production in a specific way. The fix was completed some time ago, but we haven't yet been able to release it into production (due to new product announcements and other complications). So it isn't a matter of not working on it - it's a matter of when everything will line up to allow a production release. I'm hopeful that it will be this coming week, and will post another update when I hear more. We definitely haven't forgotten about the issue.

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Thanks. My errors occurred around August 20.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
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I received a wrong "Pole to Pole" badge (12,430 Miles, Earned on August 18, 2016), my current total mileage is about 9300 miles.


in Oct 2014, I received one Waterfall badge (300 Floors, Earned 1 time, Last on October 22, 2014) while my max is 208 on "My Achievements" section which was recorded correctly through my fitbit. Could you please help also delete this wrong badge created long time ago? I reported this issue but none can fix it at that time.


Many thanks.



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@MatthewFitbit So it's been almost a month since the error. Every week we hear that it will be the corrected the following week. How about a realistic date instead of just pushing us off week to week? This just seems like it's not a priority to fix for your customers who paid good, hard earned money for your product.
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@Chrism2323 you're spot on. I called Matthew out a while back on this not being a priority. Essentially, he was passive aggressive and called me negative. Yet the issue persists and more empty promises are made. Bottom line - if this was a priority it wouldn't keep getting bumped.
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@Siryarngod I know what you mean. On top of the error and the long delay to fix the issue, the people I have dealt with at Fitbit (Matthew included) have been very passive aggressive and confrontational. one person on the phone told me there was no error, I just didn't understand how to sync my Fitbit.
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@ Siryarngod They are treating us like a nusance because we want the product we bought to function properly
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@Chrism2323 we should sit back and wait forever for them to fix it when it's convenient for them, then be thankful when they finally get around to it.
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@sirarngod @Chrism2323. I will be surprised if this is fixed anytime soon. I am still waiting for my daily best trophies on the Android app to start working. That was reported in April.
SW 327 May 17, 2015
CW 272.2
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I suspect we will have earned our badges by the time they fix it. One only
hopes they don't take the no-longer-incorrect badges away from us once they
are really earned!
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I still show the erroneously earned badges from last month's problem. Did this ever get resolved? Does one have to do something to remove the "bad" badges?



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Earned Japan 9/2 and will earn India no later than 9/16. Can the 8/18 date be changed to the correct ones??? I asked once and have received no answer. The Monarch is my last negligently awarded badge and I will have earned it no later than the end of the year.
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@Chrism2323 Sorry for the continued wait - and also that you find my messaging here to be passive-aggressive. I'm not sure what specifically you're referring to, as I've done my best to communicate the status of this issue as I continue to get new information.


As I've mentioned previously, a fix has been completed which will revoke all the erroneous badges granted on August 18th. What we're waiting on at this point is for that fix to be pushed into production. I don't have any specific information regarding what has prevented that step from taking place, but I do continue to advocate on behalf of this thread, and make sure the relevant team knows you are all patiently waiting. 


I have no intention of letting this issue go unresolved, and apologize that I haven't been given a more definitive timeframe on which to expect that resolution.

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good to hear ...


however, as someone with more years in IT than I care to think about you should be asking your IT team if the Change Request has actually been submitted and approved. If not, why not and, if so, when is it scheduled.


If it's more than another week there will be a marketing reason rather than an IT reason (but your internal Change Management process will identify who is holding this up from which department[s]) 

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Are you guys done yet? They've identified the issue, have a fix in the
works for it, apologized for any inconveniences, and promised to implement
it ASAP. Is there anyone affected by this issue that can't walk, run or
perform any of their normal routines? Quit yer **ahem**'n..
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