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Unable to change Profile Photo


I am currently unable to change my profile photo.

From /settings/profile, I click on "Change Profile Picture" under Personal info. Then, in the Upload Picture pop-up window, I click on "File on computer..." and choose a jpg image in the "Upload File" dialog box and click the upload button. When the "Make Thumbnail" window opens, I resize the crop a little bit and click done. The "Make Thumbnail" window closes and nothing happens. I am still just on the /settings/profile page. I've repeated this process a few times and tried a few different browsers and the result is the same.

I have searched for this issue in the community and it seems there were some problems a while back but not recently.

I quit using fitbit in 2016 but left my profile/account up in the event I decided to use a future fitbit product. When I set up my pixel watch 2 yesterday, reconnecting my fitbit account was part of the suprisingly long and challenging setup process (needed to do 2 or 3 factory resets during the process). Since, I've been logging in with my google account and I wonder if that is what is causing the problem, because on my android phone app, my image is my google profile image.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated. Until then, the world is just going to have to keep looking at my old Garmin Forerunner.

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Thank you! 

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Thank you sooooo much. Been trying to change my picture for 3 months now 😁

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@Hlkljgk. I have an older Fitbit Inspire 2, not Google Pixel. I never used to have problems changing my photo. I followed all of the steps listed. The last step was "Submit" but nothing happened. I've tried countless times with no luck. The steps posted on this thread cannot help me. I'm glad they worked for others, but I don't have the same tabs to choose to change my photo.

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I have discovered that if you log into your account through your Google account, then it's your Google account profile picture that remains as your Fitbit profile picture. 

I have now changed my Google profile picture on my Fitbit and my profile has updated to the same picture.

Hope this helps

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That should read. I have changed my profile picture on my Google account in my Fitbit profile picture as updated

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@debbie.pen . I still have had no luck changing mine. I've tried for days.

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Do you log into Fitbit with your email and password or by clicking your Google account. 

If you login by clicking your Google account then your profile picture is your Google account profile picture and needs to be changed through Google. 

If you log in through username/ email address and password, then you should be able to change it through the Fitbit instructions above. I hope that makes sense

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That's not how it worked for me. I login with Google but have a different
photo on Fitbit.
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I think there are multiple bugs and fixes. Does the other solution not work
for you either?
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Thanks for the help, this worked still!

I guess it's difficult to change it now that they are tying the Fitbit and Google accounts together. Still weird that the dashboard picture is the only picture that isn't updated automatically.

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@Hlkljgk . I don't find a Family or Guardians tab on my Inspire 2. 

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@Nawtykitty You'll find those in the FitBit phone app - hope it helps!

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@Hlkljgk  That is the only thing I use. I've always been able to change it, now I can't. But thanks.

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@ManuFitbit. Nothing worked for me to change my photo. Very disappointed. I miss being able to change my picture 😿

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@Poncke. I will be leaving Fitbit due to the downgrade Google gave us (and have no interest in fixing). Because of that, I will NEVER buy a Google device. Good luck with yours.

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@LZeeW  I only use my mobile app and cannot change it.

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IT WORKED!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH.  I am very **ahem** when it comes to profile pics (eg. I won't put someone in my address/contacts book unless I have a picture for them).  I tired over and over and couldn't get it.  THANKS!

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