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map not loading

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i have a charge 2 fitbit which i link to my phone to map any walks i do, which usually works really well. i recently did a big walk of approx 40km and linked to my phone etc to map it. on the fitbit app, the map just won't load and constantly shows the wee circle thing circling. on the fitbit dashboard, it shows the map thumbnail but when i click on it to see the big map along with all the other stats, it shows loading for a few moments then says "error". 


is there anything i can do to fix this? 

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A very warm welcome to the Community @daynzie.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Our them is aware of the situation and it is being worked on. As a workaround we recommend that if you go for a walk or hike you select the 'Run' activity instead of the other two as it does load the maps correctly. 


Thanks for your understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

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Thank you for replying! Do you think this issue will be resolved so I will be able to see this particular map?! It was a charity challenge so I doubt I'll ever walk that far again 😂

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Hey @daynzie.


I'm not entirely sure how everything will be resolved when it is. I'll keep my eyes open for any updates and let you know if I do get any info, though. 


Let me know if you have any questions.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

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Your idea of choosing "Run" activity, I am not sure if that will work or not.  Because I'm having the problem of "Map NOT Showing" for my "Bike" Activities. 


My point is that Past Activities (Bike) that had the Map now no longer show it!


I have the screen shots to prove it.  So the problem is definitely with the Website.  Activities that showed the map in the past, now no longer show the map currently.




I would have to scroll thru 100's of activities to get to the last time I had a "Run" activity.  The Bike activities have lost the Map just this October.

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I had the same issue. A work around that I found on the forum was to

1 choose exercise

2 choose track my exercise(stopwatch and + sign in the top right).

3 wait for GPS to connect then start a run from my charge 2 rather than my phone. (Your phone will not show that a run has been started)

4 charge 2 will show a phone icon indicating a connection to your phone(Bluetooth on obviously). It will show time and distance. Quick press Charge 2 button to pause long press to stop

5 Stop the exercise on your charge 2 when finished and a map will magically appear on your recent exercise.


I tested this a few times by walking up and down the driveway and it worked every time. 

A bit annoying, but at least you get your map and splits.


I did test using only my phone and choosing run. It did work but I prefer not having to get my phone out during a run.

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Unfortunately I think past exercises are lost, I've tried and failed to recover any previous ones.

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Welcome to the Forums @Mark5551 and @LeevanCleef.


@Mark5551 Unfortunately we do not have a way to get that information at the time. Choosing a run activity is a workaround for future activities.Please do know that this is being worked on and we will be sure to let everyone know once we have any news.


@LeevanCleef Thanks for sharing what worked for you! Surely it will help other users out.


Please let me know if there are any further questions.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

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I do believe he Exercises are still there. It is just that the Website programmers messed up and it no longer displays the maps.

Older existing ones that used to show maps no longer do. New exercises (Bike, Run, etc.) do not show the map. The Fitbit device did not change. Only their Website that displays it changed.

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Hi, I am also unable to see the GPS map on my dashboard, or anywhere in the fitbit app. I have used the "Run" activity as suggested , because I did go for a run but the map is nowhere to be found.  how can I get the map back

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I've gone back several months, and all the maps from both my "Bike" and "Runs" are gone.

This is apparently a problem with web server, it started in October for me, when they made some changes to the format of the website where you log into.. The problem is on both my PC and IPad, and I can assume the Phone Apps too as you have confirmed.

My suggestion is to contact;
And ask them when their Team is going to fix the problem. I believe many others are also having the same problem.

Funny thing on my PC, the maps show (as Thumbnails) on the Dashboard, but then when you click on the Activity, it does not show. The loading is slightly slow, as though their webserver is waiting on a "Web-Service" which does not come through. Again, I've gone back several months and all are missing.
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Hey @Mark5551 and @Ali28.


Interesting. I'll pass all of this information to the rest of the team so that it can be looked into. I will also keep my eyes open and try to get news on the matter. If I do find something I'll be posting about it back in here.


Let me know if you have any further questions!  Thanks for your patience.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

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I went back and looked at a past "RUN" and it did not have the Map loading either.

The software link to the map on your Server is the problem! This happened when changes were made the beginning of October 2017. It worked fine before that.

I think the only solution is for the IT (Information Technology) team at to restore the websites September version of software on your webserver.

Surely they (the IT Department) must have some form of "Revision Control" or hopefully at least a Backup of the Software on the server. They should be able to restore programs without effecting current Data. After all it is not the 1970's anymore.

I do not see the recent changes as an improvement. I'd rather have the "Pre-October" version.
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Hey @Mark5551.


Thanks for sharing your insights on the matter. I'll be passing those details on to the team so that this can be worked on, as I mentioned previously. If we do have any news I'll be sure to let everyone know.


Thanks for your patience and understanding. Let me know if there is anything else that I can do for you.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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My data on my surge wont load either ,I completed an ultramarathon on Saturday  4th November and was looking forward to seeing my data . Also all my previous GPS recorded  runs won't show including a 100k event . This appears to have  been  going on awhile now   so instead of just saying you will keep people informed  how about telling us what the problem is. You  must have an idea about what has quite clearly gone wrong and why it is taking so long to fix it . You are currently selling Fitbits with useless GPS under false pretenses at the moment and these are not cheap so please , less of the platitudes and give us some real information !!!!  

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I just found out what the problem is.  IT IS ON THEIR SERVER.


You can see the Map if your browser is Chrome, but if it is IE (ie11) it no longer works.  Apparently their "IT Department" decided that Microsoft's default Browser did not have enough users to justify supporting it.   This is strange because they used to support IE browsers just a month ago, so it would have taken Zero effort to keep supporting it.


Well, at least my online Brokerage and Bank still support IE11.


It also does not work on my wife's IPAD either.  So they've eliminated the MAPS for many users.

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I use Chrome and it won't display the map or details , as soon as I click on the activity it just has a blue circle going round and round and then says error . It does however show details of activities automatically recorded which is any over 15 minutes but not any using the GPS . This has only been happening a few weeks 

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The Blue Circle is what I get when using IE 11.

The only possibility for it working on some peoples Chrome Browser and not others is that maybe it only works for the latest version.  I just downloaded Google Chrome on November 7th 2017 (Yesterday, Monday).


They (the Web Development Team) must not be doing a good job of Testing their applications.

Sorry news is that is worked fine for 20 months for me, then last October the problem started.  Now I have to use a "Special Browser" just to view the Maps.  Pain in the Butt.

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Welcome to the Community @10Buster. Hey @Mark5551.


As I mentioned previously, our team is looking into the situation to determine what is the best way to move forward. Unfortunately we have not received any news or updates so far, but I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for anything that I can share. I can definitely see how this is very frustrating.


Hope to see you around.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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I have used Charge 2 since April 2017. Runs loaded with map until October.   Now I find previous maps not loading.  Just spinning. Strange thing is some December runs loading, but not accurate.  Just about ready to give up  on Charge and purchase a Garmin

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