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2015 Goals with Fitbit?

Today is New Year's Eve and my mind is buzzing with ideas for the upcoming year! Smiley Very Happy


Having my lovely Fitbit on my side will certainly help me reach my goals for 2015. Some of them are weight and health related but a couple of them are to rest, make me step out of my comfort zone and try new things :smileywink:


So far I have:


  1. Reach 100 pounds lost (41 pounds so far!) 
  2. Get 10,000 steps at least 3 times per week
  3. Complete the C25K
  4. Run a 5k for my birthday and a 10k by the end of the year
  5. Explore new places! Climb a volcano, run around a lake or a beach
  6. Walk with friends and family 
  7. Sleep 8 hours a day 
  8. Improve my eating habits

How are you going to use your Fitbit towards your 2015 goals? 

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@Crownheights67 That is a great way to stay focus and motivate yourself to achieve your goals. I'm sure you will reach your 250 lbs goal and more!


Happy stepping! Robot Very Happy

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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My 2015 Goals include:


  • Lose the remaining 18.2 lbs. (Already 86.4 down since I started).
  • Run a 5k
  • Run an 8k
  • Run a 10k
  • Learn to transition back to solid food and not go back to old habits.

How about yours?


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That's excellent Jill! Way to go!

I am preparing myself for a Maryland Warrior's dash competition that's
coming up in May 2015. It's 3.18 miles with 12 obstacles you must manage
and overcome; that I am so looking forward to doing. One of the other
things that I am truly learning about is, "Food" and it's role in my Life.
It is both my enemy and friend so I'm putting some effort into
understanding its function and role it plays into life so I can master that
as well!

Once again, excellent job you're doing with yourself!

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Good morning,


Thank you for your words!  All encouragement is needed.  I don't know why but yet again I do; why losing weight is so difficult!  Not going to fail this time and I plan on achieving my goals without any excuses!



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@Crownheights67 Tell me about it, it's quite a challenge to lose weight, but I'm sure you will do fantastic! It seems that you are on the right path and that you will achieve anything you set your mind to.


I wish you the best in the Maryland Warrior's dash competition. Keep up the good work! Robot wink

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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I am a little late to the party, but here goes...


  1. I want to lose  70 lbs  by September 2015. 
  2. Stop skipping meals-especially breakfast and lunch
  3. Make better food choice.

I have lost 25 pounds since December 2nd. 

Bought and using a stationary bike and treadmill to work-out

Seeing a nutritionist to help with my food choices. 


Wish me luck!!!

All advice and encouragement is welcomed!

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It's never too late @beaches1! It sounds like you are on an excellent path to achieve your goals and I'm sure you will do fantastic! 


Remember that the Fitbit Community is here to help you and support you with any questions or comments you might have along the way.


Happy stepping! Woman Very Happy

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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Nice Work Ken. Seems to me you are motivated, and have agreat attitude. Best of luck with the runs.

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Just found your post and felt concerned. Hope that you are doing well, logging food, getting your steps in and losing the lbs.. My concern was the 100 lb goal in only 5 months!  Usually 40-45 lbs is a reasonable goal for 5 months and that takes burning 1000 more calories than you eat. 

Just be healthy and shout for joy if you can steadily drop 2 lbs a week on a healthy diet.

All the best,


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Hi Column

Reasonable goal by May to lose 30 lbs. You might want to see if you can take more steps each day to reach your goal. Sounds like burning 750 more calories than you eat should get you there for Graduation Day.

All the best,


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My goal is to get to 185. Right now I'm about 210. I was close to 250 but just have not been able to break beyond that 200 mark. I am very determined to do it this year. It's been years since I've been below 200. I'm joining this community because this year I'm trying to do diifferent things that I have  not tried before. So for now my 2015 goal. 



Exercise 4 times a week (To Start Off)


Wife and I made smoothie to tonight so I feel great about the week!!!!!


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@ITS2015 I'm sure you will reach that goal this year. I'm glad also that you are trying new things, this is important so you can stay motivated and look forward to new results or even discover that you actually enjoy what these new decisions will bring to your life.


Keep up the good work, you are on the right path! Smiley Happy

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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1) Stop being a couch potato

2) Lose 5 pounds

3) Get fit enough to return to biking regularly/semi-seriously when spring rolls around.


In my heyday, biking regularly meant 80-120 miles a week. I doubt I'll return to that type of biking as I simply do not want to spend 6-10 hours every weekend on my bike.  But I do want to return to biking as transportation and go for the occassional 20-25 mile bike ride.

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Thanks Lindsay!


It sounds like the ToughMudders and Spartan Races out here. Let me know how it goes? I'd love to try an obstacle course run 🙂


How are you tackling your food challenges? I'm going to be transitioning from liquid fasting to real food in about a month and I'm SCARED. I don't want to go back to the old habits and (dysfunctional) relationship with food I've had in the past.


Thanks for the kudos and the encouragement!



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Hi! My main goal for the year is weight loss. I'm ~90kg now and want to get below 80kg, hopefully by the summer. Alternatively, as I'm also going to the gym 3 times a week, I'd be happy just with losing the slight belly that I've nurtured over the last few years. Ultimately, I'd like to be able to fit into some of my older clothes - 32in waist jeans, not 34-36in.


Just for some achievement goals, I'd like to be able to run a 5k by the summer and a 10k by winter this year.


I've already lost 3-4kg which isn't much but has already made such a difference to my self-confidence; as has going to the gym. I'm starting the 5-2 diet this week to see how that might go; hopefully it will compliment my exercise routine nicely and I can start to see results a little sooner. 

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average at least 10k steps per day, hopefully be summer up it to 15k

stay within my calorie limit as per myfitnesspal

if I keep to those two, I should be fitter by xmas, how much depends on how much effort I put into it
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My wife and I are expecting our first child, these past two years have been an emotional roller coaster and I've gain 21 lbs. over 20 months. I've got myself emotionally and mentally (and spiritually) healthy in the past 13 months… now it’s time to get the physical healing and health in gear. I got my Fitbit a few weeks ago and join my local gym last week. I’ve already gone six times; I like to go 2 hours each time. My goals are not only for myself to be fit but to be truly healthy. I want to be the example my daughter sees of a healthy lifestyle, being a father that can play and run with her without concern. I desire to give her something better than I could leave in a bank account or a part of land, I want to give my family the best years of my life by being there and being able to keep up. My goals below, some I will get to within weeks, some months, others are my overall ongoing for this year.

  • Go to gym 4x per week
  • Lose 21 lbs
  • Run 30 minutes without stopping (Treadmill at speed 4.5)
  • Run 45 minutes without stopping (Treadmill at speed 4.5)
  • Run 10k under 60 minutes (10 years I’ve done a 10k)
  • Take 10,000 steps on average 4 times a week
  • Sleep 7-8 hours a night
  • Improve eating habits
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Goals in general never seem to work for me, at least not in the context of dieting and exercise.


There is always something that gets in the way, be it a health issue, or impromptu visitors that happen to stay a little longer than you hoped for; and you fall off your daily routine. You end up eating more and exercising less; and then to try to get back to where you were before the 'event' is always a bit of a challenge, isn't it?


For me, my goal, my only goal for 2015, is to do better today than I did yesterday. And if I fail one day, well guess what - my goal for tomorrow will be easier to meet than yesterday's goal. 




Smiley Happy     TW     Smiley Wink


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I like the way you think.  I couldn't reach my goal yesterday because of a meeting but today I'm back on track.  I try to take it day by day.

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