12-31-2014 06:38
12-31-2014 06:38
Today is New Year's Eve and my mind is buzzing with ideas for the upcoming year!
Having my lovely Fitbit on my side will certainly help me reach my goals for 2015. Some of them are weight and health related but a couple of them are to rest, make me step out of my comfort zone and try new things
So far I have:
How are you going to use your Fitbit towards your 2015 goals?
03-05-2015 06:17
03-05-2015 06:17
@TandemWalkerthank you! I am in my mid-thirties but have a bad knee so I have no illusions of running an entire 5k. I do, however, envision running/walking in stints as you have described below. I used to do a lot of running prior to all of this so I know my strengths and weaknesses and know what my body can and can't take. I don't plan on doing anythign that would reinjure or create new injuries. Thanks for the advice though! I will need to look that app up!
03-05-2015 06:35
03-05-2015 06:35
@McoreGood luck! I was diagnosed several years ago with no less than three disorders (a skin disorder, an inner ear disorder, and an eye disorder), two of which have no cures. I ended up having to take several rounds of steroids to get the skin disorder under control, lost my job, turned thirty, and developed bursitis in my knee all within months of each other. The bursitis is managable and the skin disorder is under control thanks to switching my skin care/make up products. I've found that working out and losing some of the weight has really helped me bring my Meniere's disease under better control because I'm not getting as many colds/sinus infections which were causing me to retain fluid and cause vertigo. Any one can do it, like you said, you just have to have the right attitude. There are several women at my church who have asked me how I've lost my weight and I've told them that it's through a combination of the Fitbit and being more active, plus not dieting per se but watching my portions and tracking my calorie intake. Their responses were "oh, I could never do that" and I remember thinking that it was that attitude that was preventing them from losing the weight. It isn't so much that they "can't" its that they "don't want to".
03-05-2015 06:48
03-05-2015 06:48
That's so true @bdaniels04. You know, I have also learned the hard way and I actually don't regret anything that I have gone through because thanks to those difficulties, I was able to built a stronger me and protect myself with a positive attitude. I mean it's tough but it's not impossible to do.
Thank you again for sharing your story and for being an example to all of us. I'm very happy for you, I wish you nothing but the best in your life and I just hope that from now on you keep on improving more and more.
Take care!
03-06-2015 15:00
03-06-2015 15:00
@Melissa wrote:That's so true @bdaniels04. You know, I have also learned the hard way and I actually don't regret anything that I have gone through because thanks to those difficulties, I was able to built a stronger me and protect myself with a positive attitude. I mean it's tough but it's not impossible to do.
Thank you again for sharing your story and for being an example to all of us. I'm very happy for you, I wish you nothing but the best in your life and I just hope that from now on you keep on improving more and more.
Take care!
OMG! How so very true this is! I keep chanting those very same principles to my daughters, whenever they hit a nasty bump along the way. What you've said in just a few words is what I do - but I need a 1000 words and then some to do it. Thank you!
03-07-2015 07:30
03-07-2015 07:30
I love this conversation!
@TandemWalker It doesn't matter if you use too many words, believe me when I say that your daughters are getting the message even if they don't show it ( I was kind of like that) but I did get the message every time.
Have a blessed day!
03-12-2015 14:43
03-12-2015 14:43
03-12-2015 15:12
03-12-2015 15:12
Unless your daughter is a nutrionist or a doctoer, I'd put her comments to the side.
Go meet with your doctor or arrange for a nutritionist to talk to about what YOUR specific body needs are.
03-12-2015 15:50
03-12-2015 15:50
@Suejo wrote:
Hi all. Trying to lose 50 lbs. my daughter says that my eating under 1200 calories a day is harmful but I don't seem to lose if I eat over 1000. I am not understanding the yellow green red bar thing. Is this accurate for how many cals to eat. I programmed level hard since I want to lose 2 lbs a week. Any ideas
It is next to impossible to give you an intelligent answer on this unless we knew more about you. Your current weight, age, height, general health, current physical fitness condition, etc. are all factors that would come into play. But in the absence of better information, I think that the advice you got from your daughter is indeed a wise one. A too rapid weight loss is doomed to failure in the long run. A gradual weight loss, based on permanent lifestyle changes, not only in terms of diet choices but activity as well, are the keys to success. As you increase your level of activity, you have to make sure that your food intake is commensurate with the incremental demand you're placing on your system.
I don't knwo what device you're using with look at your dashboard, so I'm not sure what screen you're looking at. But using a PC and looking at the dashboard, I see a dial with a yellow part of the circle to the left, green in the middle, and orange-red to the right. This is a graphical representation of your calorie intake verse what you burned, as at the time you're looking at it. If in the yellow, it means that your under (your burned more that you ate); if in the greeen, you're on target; if in the red, you're food intake exceeds what you burned.
Hope this helps. Have a nice day.
03-13-2015 03:57
03-13-2015 03:57
My goal this year is to get very lean to summer 😄 Last summer I were down at 68 kg with maybe 12% bodyfat.
Now I'm at 84 kg (been bulking) and fitbit aria tells me I've around 18% bodyfat, I believe more in 20% maybe.
Goal is 75 kg but might go further down than that, not hard goal really, but a goal 😄 and my fitbit (flex that I have) doing good in helping me count the calories.
03-14-2015 05:27 - edited 03-17-2015 05:02
03-14-2015 05:27 - edited 03-17-2015 05:02
03-16-2015 08:35
03-16-2015 08:35
My goals are:
Eric @ericlosesit
03-16-2015 16:56
03-17-2015 01:39
03-17-2015 01:39
03-17-2015 05:04
03-17-2015 05:04
@pixelheap @Marky65 There's no doubt in my mind that you will achieve what you have set your minds to. I wish you the best, keep on working hard and keep that positive attitude!
Have an awesome week.
03-17-2015 13:48
03-17-2015 13:48
Hi there @DerrickS - Let's see what you have here.
-Finish my first half-marathon - that could be easy or challenging, so you need to add some specifics. How long is a half marathon?
-Dunk a basketball (I'm 6'4 and it's been my New Years resolution 4 years running) - really, 4 years running? You can't be serious! I dunk it every single time! I just lower the hoop first!
-Eat more vegetables - That's not a goal - if you're eating one carot a week, that would mean eating another whole one, or a half ... Come on now, you can do better than that. I had that as a goal too, and I'm going back years now. What worked for me, and I'm serious now, was to cut out almost everything else for about a week or two. Believe me, when you get hungry enough, you will find those greens very very delicious indeed! And once you get pass that 'learning' curve, you will continue to include more vegetables in your daily diet.
-Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night - Again, I think you can achieve this one, no problem, as long as you don't use auto-sleep! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!):smileylol:
03-22-2015 14:31
03-22-2015 14:31
Wearing the fitbit is more of a motivator for me. Losing weight is definitely not part of my goal, I'm skinny as is, but definitely eating healthier and keeping track of how active I am, how many calories I eat per day. For this year my goal is to simply eat healthier, drink more water and walk more than 10,000 per day.
03-29-2015 21:39
03-29-2015 21:39
In November of this year, my mother's side of the family is planning a little family reunion on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean Sea. Both my mother and I decided that we going to get fit before this reunion, starting with averaging 15,000 steps per day!
This will be my first time traveling outside the United States.
03-30-2015 04:22
04-01-2015 05:52
04-01-2015 05:52
A couple things that I want to do:
-Finish C25K
-Complete a 5k & 10k
-Start training for a half
-Get my bodyfat down to 18%
-Build muscle
So far I'm on week 6 of C25K and signed up for a 5k in May!
04-01-2015 06:47