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Advantage of using the Walk workout instead of just tracking steps?

Short and sweet, what do I get out of logging a walk as a workout, as opposed to just letting my Blaze track the steps?


Here's the things I can think of; please correct any innaccuracies and add any additional advantages.


  1. A walk workout will set up GPS to track the walk, giving accurate distance and in turn calibrating stride length to estimate distance when I'm not using GPS.
  2. A walk workout counts as a workout and thus toward the weekly goal. I don't know if those steps also count toward the daily goal; most of my workouts are non-step-based (cycling, elliptical).

I ask because my Blaze only allows 7 workout activities in the list. Currently I have Walk, Bike, Golf, Treadmill, Elliptical, Weights and Workout. I'd like to add Boxing, since we have a heavy bag and gloves in the garage that I'd like to start using more often (My wife's been into losing weight and getting fit and I play golf as often as I can, so we have a ton of equipment for all the above mentioned workouts), but I'd need to drop something, and Walk is the leading contender as my primary workouts beyond the home are cycling and golf. For now I just log bag work as a "Workout", and if there's additional advantages to keeping Walk as a workout type then I can just keep this state of affairs indefinitely.


As a post-script, how often do you guys change your workout list? Do you often swap out one of your options for a special activity you plan to do that day, or do you tend to keep the same options? I'm typically not content doing the same things daily, gets too boring, but syncing the update to the workout list can be a pain.

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Great question, I wonder this as well.


To my understanding you have to be in run mode to auto correct stride?

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The Blaze (and maybe others) have two stride lengths for walking and running, and the associated workout type can be used to auto-calibrate the appropriate stride length.
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