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App won’t let me change step goal


I keep trying to change my step goal under activities in the app. There is no “save changes” button so it just reverts back to the original goal when I leave the screen. It’s driving me crazy. Why is this happening? I don’t see any other way to change it. 

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I have been trying to figure out how to fix this for a week, you are a life-saver!!! ❤️ 

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Thank you!!!  After months of intermittently trying to fix this problem - and somehow not finding this particular thread in my searches - this problem is finally solved for me!!!!!  (At least it seems like it, so far - we’ll see what happens as the days go on).  Why in the world is this a glitch?  My last two Fitbits haven’t had the floor-counting capability so this goal is irrelevant.  I wouldn’t have ever thought of putting a random number in that line.


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I have been having this problem for months with no resolution.  Changing other goals defaults the step goal back to 12000 steps.  If I just change the step goal and click set goal, go out of that screen and back in, it just resets it again.  It will not update goals no matter what I do.  Anyone else having this issue?  Customer service acted like I was crazy and said they put in a ticket but I doubt it, and I've never heard back from them.

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Same issue did you ever get it fixed?

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Yes, I followed the steps in the previous comments and it works.
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I am having the same issue. I read if floors goal is zero you can’t change step goal. But I can’t change my floors goal either. Everything just reverts back. So horribly tiresome 

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I wish that worked for mine. But the floors goal also reverts back to zero

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There has been no update or progress on this. And customer service has
refused to even acknowledge there is an issue. Made me switch to Garmin.

*Mara Whitener*
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@Djacks10   You added on to a rather old thread.  You don't mention what type of phone you use.  I think you will get more help if you start a new thread in the appropriate app forum, Android or iOS.  You have an app issue.  Can you give more details?  More information will help.

Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Sorry to hear that 😞. It makes me sad

Thanks, Debbie Jackson
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