09-16-2014 14:55 - edited 01-07-2015 13:49
09-16-2014 14:55 - edited 01-07-2015 13:49
Hi everyone!
Want to know a great way to stay in shape and burn calories while at work?
So, I based this thread off of one of our awesome work days here at Fitbit. Every Wednesday our office celebrates Work Out Wednesdays. (WOW)! On Wednesdays, we come to work mentally and physically prepared to work it out! We focus on a specific workout for that day. The best part is that it can be done in any office! Like this week, we're doing push ups to increase endurance and strength. We start off with 10 pushups and then increase by 5 every hour. If you're wondering, yes, it gets really tough after lunch but, its a GREAT way to keep burning calories, relieve stress at work AND it only takes a minute or two to do! Who knows, maybe you can get your office or a group to participate in a wourkout sesh like this?!
What other workouts are simple, fast and can be done at work to burn calories and stay fit!? Please share and join us tomorrow for WOW! #westartat9am
01-08-2015 10:53
01-08-2015 10:53
I also do something when I take a break to go to the restroom. We have three floors and it takes me 1 minute and 1/2 to walk up and down. I do this 3-5 times each time i go. That is my "smoke" break that others take. I use it to exercise instead. A few minutes throughout the day adds up. I also stand alot instead of sitting. The small things make a difference. Raise up your computers if you can, and stand and move about whenever you can!!
01-08-2015 11:59
01-08-2015 11:59
Love "this is my smoke break." When I began walking more I would get snide comments until I finally said "Look these are my cigarette breaks. If all these people can stand outside smoking for ten minutes I can deliver a document to that other building and get some fresh air."
01-08-2015 15:57
01-08-2015 15:57
Woot! I love the suggestions here!
@PaleoCrossfit That's intense...like really intense....
@Jabrat I was finally able to join the Fitbit Facebook Red Tennis Shoe Group: I found the stairs at my office; it's on!
@ChaChiZ Use the camera in your favor! Maybe who's watching will join!? A quick 15 seconds of knee highs every 30 minutes or like @HelenaFitbit suggested, hit those stairs!
@sdbelle10 I love the movies! Everytime I go, everyone who works there looks like they're having fun. I agree with @WendyB I like the fact that you get your workout on even though on camera. Work it!
@PilatesLover Welcome to Fitbit! How do you like using the TheraBands?! What type of exercises do you do?
@Jodi6682 Awesome! Planks are killer. That's another great office workout. Great suggestions!
@Baltoscott Whoa! You guys in that group are intense! I love it. I'll go ahead and get my steps up before joining... I've noticed that I've been walking a lot around the office rather than seding emails as well....which is great for steps and for social reasons as well!
@Myfiggy Nice way to turn that "Smoke break" to "Exercise Break". I like that...
I like @Jodi6682 's suggestion. Maybe everyone can start their own wellness committee at their company. Even if it's a quick 10 min walk and start from there?
01-09-2015 02:05
01-09-2015 02:05
@RickyFitbit - Glad you were able to join the Red Tennis Shoe Group - I know you have been saying that - glad to have you - we love our Fitbits - would love to get a thread going with you on the community boards - would like more people in our two groups to use ! We have now started a "rebounders" (mini trampoline) group 🙂
01-09-2015 02:07
01-09-2015 02:07
@RickyFitbit Didn't know if you saw our monthly challenge group - some hit over 2 Million Steps in a month's time - check it out on the Fitbit site - awesome steppers - some of the best I think ! https://www.fitbit.com/group/22D39L
01-09-2015 05:54
01-09-2015 05:54
Ricky I type all day so I get up periodically and do yogic shoulder stretches - holding the band up with a wide grip and bringing the arms back and around; stretching side to side, etc. It helps a lot.
01-12-2015 11:48 - edited 01-12-2015 11:49
01-12-2015 11:48 - edited 01-12-2015 11:49
@PilatesLover That's interesting. I would like to see a visual or a video on that. Actually, I think I did that with a small towel at a bootcamp for stretching!
Everyone! Take 4 minutes a do these stretches while you're at your desk (or where ever you are)! I just did and I feel rejuvenated!
@Jabrat Thanks! I'll check it out!
01-12-2015 11:56
01-12-2015 11:56
@RickyFitbit Thanks! That felt good and relaxed me to.
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
01-12-2015 12:24
01-12-2015 12:24
Loving all the ideas here!!
01-14-2015 03:50
01-14-2015 03:50
How about standing push ups? You could step back and lean against the kiosk? I dont know if that will push it over but if its solid then you could do them that way... just a thought.. Kudos for doing what you do - I get so immersed in work I dont even think of exercising when I'm here.
01-14-2015 18:59
01-14-2015 18:59
Try wall sits with kicks (wall sits and kick legs out one at a time). This is a new activity for me and I'm loving it!
01-14-2015 19:05
01-14-2015 19:05
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
01-14-2015 19:15
01-14-2015 19:15
I did 43 flights of stairs today with heels. My feet are so sore. Tomorrow I am taking my running shoes and only wearing dress shoes if/when someone comes in the office. I can see out the window to know when someone might be coming in. I am now setting a timer for every 20 minutes and going up and down the stairs twice every 20 minutes unless someone is in my office.
01-14-2015 19:19
01-14-2015 19:19
I'm also going to buy some bands tomorrow. Even after all the stairs and standing as much as possible my butt is so sore in addition to my feet. I also have deep cracks in my heels and noticed blood in my shoes this morning after I came home from the gym.
01-14-2015 19:23
01-14-2015 19:23
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
01-14-2015 19:42
01-14-2015 19:42
I have excellent shoes from the running store. They spend lots of time fitting me with the right shoes. Ihave gone there for years. The blood is from the large, deep cracks I get in my heels every winter. I have coconut oil on my feet now with socks on. I will reapply the coconut oil again before I go to sleep. One of my feet near a crack feels warm like it is becoming infected. I HATE WINTER!!!
01-14-2015 20:26
01-14-2015 20:26
01-15-2015 04:08
01-15-2015 04:08
These are awesome ideas!! I work in an office so since reading this, I discreetly do pushups when no one is watching, and lunges in the restroom when nobody else is in there! It keeps you alert throughout the day!
01-16-2015 12:57
01-16-2015 12:57
I also work in an office and am on the phone/computer all day. I've found that using a yoga ball as a chair and doing rolling situps while I'm typing is helping me with strengthing my back/core and helping improve balance. It's also helping me improve my posture so I don't end the day with a sore back from slumping over the keyboard.
01-19-2015 12:13
01-19-2015 12:13