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G'day one and all, I have been doing CrossFit now for a little under 12 months and it has me hooked.


One of the reason that I really enjoy it is the variety and range of exercises that are used to engage our bodies and potential. Exercises can also be scaled back, I have yet to master the muscle up, so pullups were utilised.


Today we did a Chipper and it was brutal.(See Below Image) I use a Charge HR to track my training and I always have a bit of a laugh when I try to marry up my training with the heart rate being recorded. There are a couple of times when I can pinpoint where my lungs have left my body during a CrossFit session. 


Does anyone else do this?


WOD 03082016.jpg

Heart rate WOD 03082016.jpg



Robbie( I hate running, I just wander about those Tough Mudder things for the beer at the end) Judge

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My hats off to you - but I think I'm a bit too old for crossfit. I can barely do a squat without wincing, my knees are so bad. Too bad, too. I used to be able to hoist a good bit. Even a burpee would cause me undue stress. 


I tend to joke on Facebook that it takes me longer to get up off the ground than it does for me to do the 50 push ups I got down on the ground to do. 


But, the more weight I lose, the more I eat right, and the more I learn about supplements and foods that counter inflammation, I may yet be able to do box jumps again. 


I think I'd like the variety - but some of those movements would have me in agony during and long after the training. 


Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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