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Don't hate...we all have to start somewhere.

I currently have a little home gym my son and I have been building over time.  I believe one of my main reasons for having this home gym is to avoid the embarassment of appearing like this in the gym.  I am not sure I've ever done anything this goofy, but I sure do feel this way working out in public at times.  I think shame has been a large motivativating factor in both not working out and eating unhealthy foods and portion sizes.  Anybody else have any thoughts on the role of shame and embarassment on staying fit? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

A compilation of idiots at the gym.
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I work out at home, but that's really more of a convenience thing.  A number of years ago I worked out at the college gym (I was a mature student) and never had any issues.  I have, when walking, had an occasional rude statement yelled out of a car - yet anyone I met on the walking paths themselves were polite and/or friendly.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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I also work out at home.


I did for a while go to the gym. Never saw any one do anything like that before that was in the video.

There were some people that did things wrong but there were also a lot of very helpful people who would show them the right way.


I agree with @A_Lurker Never met anyone rude while walking. Some people are not friendly but most all always say hi

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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@WendyB- I changed my wording slightly to polite and/or friendly.  That's probably more appropriate.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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I think most people at commercial gyms do their own things and mind their own business, but there are jerks and judgemental people everywhere. If you encounter them, just ignore them. That being said, good to hear you had the possibility to build your own home gym (not everyone has the space to do it), and even better if it can be used by other members of the family.

Dominique | Finland

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I used to be afraid to go to the gym because I really wasn't sure how to use the machines and I was afraid of being judged because I didn't know what I was doing. However, I recently started going and have found that, although there are some people who are not very nice, the number of nice people who are willing to help out outnumber them tremendously! Your home gym sounds great! Do what makes you feel comfortable and what you enjoy- you can get moving and get fit anywhere, whether it's at home or at the gym!

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I've worked at a gym and seen people do some odd things, staff should be stepping in and helping the person.

Going to the gym i prefer butits awful that people dont feel safe i have friends who wont go to gyms due to bullying, i get nervous myself sometimes. I switched to a womens only gym due to being creeped at a coed gym not quite the same but also inappropiate

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 I used to belong to a gym.  It took me a long time to get the courage to go.  I never felt like anyone was making fun of me, but they had a separate area downstairs for women only organized like a curves (machines in a circle, go counter clockwise 20-30 seconds on each machine) so I mostly stuck to that area.  I stopped going for a couple of reasons.  Toward the end, they made this area more open and stopped enforcing the whole curves thing, so you could just go in whatever order you want.  I didn't mind, but there were 2 snooty women who would 'scold' you for not going in the same order they were.  The gym owner was also cheap and in the summer he refused to turn on the AC so it was hot as heck in there.  Luckily you could freeze your account for the summer, but I felt it was a nuisance. I never really saw anyone being mean or anything...there was even a lady who fell off the tredmill and everyone ran to help her.  I felt so bad for her.


I now have a tredmill and some weights and work out in my own living room.  I love it, but it would be nice to have more variety of machines & weights to work with.  I also started bike riding in the spring, which really burns calories, but it's too cold right now.

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I have just got my  fitbit am not going gym. am 8 stone over weight .am just going out 20mins two times aday or somtimes ill go out once and do a walking exercise video on you tube 

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@johnny26- I know it's a bit of a cliche, but weight loss really does start in the kitchen.  Exercise is good for your overall health, however, it is possible to start your weight loss journey just getting your food in order.  Best of luck!

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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 hi i know it starts in the kitchen that is why i joined slimming world boxing day thanks


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I think its awesome that you are working out- doesn't matter where it is- just that you do it. For me, at home just isn't the same. I will find reasons not to- where at the gym- what else is there to do? When I first started going years ago, I was really intimidated by the beefcake guys who would over run the weight machines so I mainly stuck to cardio. Until a trainer asked me when I was going to start adding muscle to my frame. I signed up the next day. Learned the machines, free weights, boxing, etc. Now, I don't care who is where or what they are doing. I go in, I do what needs to be done and mostly ignore everyone around me. For me, gym isn't social. Its to sweat and work. I actually get annoyed by the smartly dressed, full made up face ladies who come in..

Elena | Pennsylvania

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