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Exercising without equipment at home


I am a 64 year old man who is obese, and about a month ago I decided to do something about it. I have cut back on alcohol and calories, and I go to the gym every day. And it's working! I have already lost eight pounds. I couldn't do it, though, without the motivation my Aria scales and my Charge HR gives me.


Although the gym is obviously fantastic, I would like to get some exercise at home. I have no equipment. I have looked at the web, but everything I have seen either assumes you are fairly fit already (I'm obviously getter fitter, but I still have a long way to go), know what the names of the exercises mean, or understand American jargon ("do it like Lil John").


Can anyone point me to a site that speaks UK English and is for beginners - both in knowledge and fitness levels.

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@NoMoreFat I was not aware of the muscle lose after 30, that's definitely very useful information to know! Thank you for sharing. 


Welcome to the Community, hope to see you around often!

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Probably not an ideal thing for yourself but you might find it entertaining is a website called 


99% of her workout dont use any equipment except a mat which you can sub other items in for. They range from easy to hard. 


I always had a hard time with the seven minute work outs and other similar tools because I couldnt do half the workouts. Blogaloties has some very simple excersies but man do you feel the burn and the videos range from 5min - 20min.

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@Jenz10 awesome. I will make sure to check the site out. It definitely sounds interesting! 

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If you're looking for good cardio/body weight exercizes to do at home, the youtube channel FitnessBlender has a bunch of great ones.  They're easy to follow moves, and multiple levels so you can find one that will make you work.

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What does having a cat have to do with liter jugs?


A lot of various items come in liter and 2ltr jugs.... not to be picky, but if you have a water bottle... you should be able to find a liter bottle with handle... 2 for 1 deal in my opinion.... lol

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I use water too, since it's easily available @greywolf21. I was able to find some of  2 liters and more. 😁

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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