01-12-2017 16:06
01-12-2017 16:06
I am curious is go to gym or home gym better? I like go to gym, sometime but I get tired and bored be alone. But at home I do exercise video from Fitstar, it fun! So I wonder what better gym or home gym help better be healthy? Or it doesn't even matter what one? Thanks
01-23-2017 17:35
01-23-2017 17:35
I think it depends on your situation. I do both, go to the gym and workout at home.
And weather permitting I enjoy being outside, walking, biking, ect. I live in Chicago
and that is not always possible. As long as you workout it really doesn't matter.
For me, on bad weather days I go to the gym. Other days, I do yoga at home.
Hope this helps.
@SunsetRunner wrote:I am curious is go to gym or home gym better? I like go to gym, sometime but I get tired and bored be alone. But at home I do exercise video from Fitstar, it fun! So I wonder what better gym or home gym help better be healthy? Or it doesn't even matter what one? Thanks
01-24-2017 13:14
01-24-2017 13:14
I go to a gym because I lift weights and run. However, I enjoy running outside as opposed to a treadmill. I guess it doesn't really matter as long as you're moving.
01-24-2017 15:14
01-24-2017 15:14
G'day KellyHeathyBee As a lot people have already said as long as you are getting out and having a good hard crack at some form of training you are going to improve your being. As I am a lazy bugger by nature I have found that going to a gym has benefits. In the last 18 months I have been attending a Crossfit class, where individuals are accountable for their workload and turning up. The classes are capped at 12, and people have to engage and encourage each other during the one hour workouts. There is no wandering around in your own little world, trying to look busy. This works for me. See what what works for you and remember to change it up from time to time.
Robbie ( I hate running, I just turn up to those Tough Mudder things for the beer at the end) Judge
01-25-2017 00:01
01-25-2017 00:01
As Larry suggested, as long as you are execising AND having fun then do whatever one you want. My brother has a full gym membership, but bought a treadmill. I couldn't understand why he bought one considering they have many at the gym. The reason being is that some days he could not get to the gym so he would have the treadmill. You could use your treadmill at home on the days you don't feel like going out. Then on the days you feel like going out...then you shall go!
01-25-2017 15:50
01-25-2017 15:50
I personally do both, but I prefer going to the gym. I think it requires a lot more self-discipline to work out at home because there are plenty of things that you can distract yourself with; but at the gym there's few distractions, the hardest part for me is physically getting myself there.
I've also found that I've been more consistent with getting my work outs in at the gym than at home. I think that there's a mindset change when I arrive at the gym to get to work; while the mindset of being at home (at least for me) is to get comfortable.
01-31-2017 09:25 - edited 02-01-2017 06:27
01-31-2017 09:25 - edited 02-01-2017 06:27
Both have their pro's and con's, and it all comes down to which one a person has more success with as far as sticking to workouts and getting quality workouts in.