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How do people average 50000 steps per day?


Who has the time to average 50,000 steps a day!? How can this be possible?



Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

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I wish I could get that many steps! I can barely get 7,000 a day.

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I completely agree with Corney. Even though I can do crazy steps, my knees are sorta starting to feel it. Am trying to cap at 30k max per day.

But that said, everyone's thresholds are different, our bodies are structured differently and fitness levels are differnt, what doesn't work for me may work for someone else. The key is to listen to your own body. If it doesn't feel right, it ain't right. Go back a few steps and that slowly step up again.
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I can't say this enough, everyone must listen to their own body, never train through pain, if your legs feel tired and weak, back off, and never train with a fever.  If your training is too much it affects your immune system, a fever is telling you your immune system is compromised, so back off.

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I'm not gonna say concerned just disappointed and curious. I have some friends that we decided to challenge each other to be more active .. I am active military and avid long distance runner..
My friend is over weight and works in a retail store..
He avg 3,300 steps and hour and usually hits 25-30 a day..
I work 10 hours run 5 miles in the morning and 7 after work and still work out and only hit about 14-18k

Is he just working harder ?
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I can't imagine 50,000 steps per day for myself but I try to reach 10,000 and I feel accomplished Smiley Wink it's more about how you feel and what "you" can accomplish.


Working at an office job from 9-5 makes it difficult and more challenging to meet that type of goal. I do wish I could do that but I do what I can Smiley LOL

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I always say.


Make your hometown to your home. Which means, don't always walk around at home, also just walk through the city several times a day ( or village ). 


Most people don't even take time for a nice calm walk through their village anymore, while some like us walk through their village like several hours.


1. You get to know your area much better.


2. You actually do something for your healthy. Walking 50.000 steps is a lot, and definitely more healthy than just going for a 15 minutes run.

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I agree, @Nomad92. I did that just today. I dropped my wife off at the dentist office for an appointment, and she told me I had 45 minutes to 1 hour before she'd be ready to go. So, I went for a short walk through the neighborhood. Much better than sitting a reading magazines, or sitting in the car listening to the radio.




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My theory just is, it is much healthier to spread some nice walks over the day, rather than having strict times of " running ".


I also think that several walks a day, or a few long walks, have a much better influence on someones mentally and physically balance, rather than 10 - 45 minute runs.


When I am not ill anymore, I am looking forward to to my walks in the morning and runs in the evening. This is the best I've experienced so far, and definitely one of the best ways to push your body up to a maximum.

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indeed, I think it is better to spread the steps out rather than do a long walk/jog/run in the morning and then again after work as it were


by spreading it out, less stress on the joints etc


obviously that depends on your daily life, some people just can't due to work etc


but as I said in another thread, that time spent stood still cooking, sat down whilst watching tv, could be spent jogging on the spot, it all adds up


2 hour film, 3 steps per second jogging on the spot, 21600 steps right there


coronation street, emerdale farm, or any of those crummy shows, 10800 steps per 1 hour show

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Sorry to sound negative, but you are right it all adds up.   50,000 steps per day whether spread out nor not takes a toll on the feet, ankles, knee and hips.  After running for over 25 years I knew when to stop because I listened to my body.  My feet and knees were rebelling, rather than contining on and increasing the stress on those joints, I switched to aerobic equipment that were easier on my joints.  Mark my words, those that continue to advocate and participate in the obsessive/compulsive race to complete 50,000 steps per day, will at some time have to pay the piper, the orthopedic surgeon.  The stress you are putting on you joints does add up and in the future the body will rebel with a vengence.  Good luck!

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I feel no one should ever be criticized about their daily activities. Motivation, determination, relaxing your mind and enjoying yourself while doing it is important because it makes you feel good inside and out. Everyone's body is different, therefore can't be compared to another. I feel that part of wanting to get fit is enjoying the process and not feeling that it's another job. Accomplish what you can and set attainable goals that are right for you.
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Nobody here is critizised. It's about people who cheat and obviously put their fitbit on their dog chasing it over the field.

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@Nomad92 wrote:

Nobody here is critizised. It's about people who cheat and obviously put their fitbit on their dog chasing it over the field.

Pretty funny, I hadn't thought of cheating in that manner.  🙂

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I am more concerned as to why someone would want to walk 50,000 steps per day?  As a retired Physical Therapist with 38 years experience dealing with degenerate joint problems, knees, hips, feet, backs, I ask myself what these people expect these joints to look like when they reach the Golden years, which from my experience are not so Golden!

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Not even military special forces walk 50.000 steps a DAY.


Maybe three times a week, or less. But not every single day.


I doubt a normal human would have time for that.


50.000 steps = around 38 kilometers.


This means, walking an average speed, this can take you between 9 - 15 hours.


Now tell me, who would have the time for that on a daily base ? + Nobody walks this distance without any equipment like water, a rucksack and some foode. Which is addable weight.


People who claim to walk 50.000 steps are day, simply are liars. I believe it if people do it sometimes, but someone who claims to do so on a daily base, is a liar or some extreme hardass working in the SAS or Navy Seals ( but I doubt someone like this would have a tracker on his wrist to upload his track online ).

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I easily can get 15-20K per day by doing 1hr in the gym in the morning and then going to work from 9-5pm mostly sitting down all day and then walking my dog at night....


I can see how it is possible to get 50K+ If I think about it..


If I worked on a building site or if my Job was outside doing a lot of walking I would easily get 50K per day. I get around 15K per day by basiclly sitting down all day, so its not that hard to get to it.

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There is a difference between reaching a certain amount of steps and actively walking a huge distance.



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How does one get 15 to 20K steps in one hour in the gym?  I walk on an ellipital for 45 minutes averaging 125 steps per min and only log 5.5K steps.  To log 15K steps in one hour you would have to do 250 steps per minute which is unbelievable, then while walking your dog log another 30-35K steps, why would one do that to their dog?  The ASPCA should be notified!  If you worked outside and your walking pace was 120 steps per minute, you would have to walk 7 hours non-stop.  At that pace how much work could you accomplish?  James, no one can easily log 50K steps per day, let alone day after day, THINK ABOUT IT!

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Agreed; when I go for a 10 mile run, it takes me between 1:30 and 1:45 depending upon numerous factors; that run will only net me a maximum of 16,000 steps.

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@Corney You might want to re-read no one said they got 20K in an hour at the gym. It was an over all day. You are reading it wrong

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