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Is it cheating to walk in place while watching TV?

Walking in place seems to be my preferred way of exercising. It's painless and keeps me moving instead of sitting. But it seems lots easier than actually walking or running. Do the steps still count?

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I actually tell myself that I can sit and watch tv but I need to get up during a commercial....then I don't feel lazy. And If I need to get my steps in, I will turn on netflix and walk in place while my show is, I say they count! 🙂
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I do that when I'm watching baseball on TV. Each break between the innings (or when they change pitchers during an inning) is roughly 2:30. I do walking in place for the first commercial, side steps for the second, kicks for the third, and knee raises if there's a fourth commercial (yes, I follow Leslie Sansone's basic steps). Usually, though, it's three commercials and back to the game. I'll see how it works when hockey season begins since there are only three commercial breaks per 20-minute period.

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Gerry and the Pacemakers. You'll never walk alone. (Gerry Marsden that is
- one of the Beatles era groups) J

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Whatever works. Just collect the badges. J
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What?? It doing something more then nothing like the average person does while watching TV.

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You have to see that doing something (anything) is better than doing nothing.  If walking on the spot or even running on the spot can raise the bpm  above fat burn, through cardio zone and into peak then I'm doing just as well as anyone on a track or in the park frightening squirrels back up their tree.  My fitness is always a topic of discussion with the local GP team, ie doctor/nurse etc.  Everybody seems to be encouraging me and congratulatory so I think this is just fine.  If you prefer jogging that's fine - for you; but it doesn'y float my boat.  Good luck to you though.

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Yes, yes, YES! Of course it counts. I often jog in place in the evening to get my step count in. 😊

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I’m trying a new personal challenge, if I’m walking in place while watching TV, I try to keep my heart rate up and move consistently long enough for it be recorded as active minutes. All steps are good steps, but I feel if you can move enough to have it show up as active minutes, you’re pushing yourself a little bit more.


Marci | Bellevue, WA
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Hi MarciM,
if your challenge is within walking or stepping and you want to review it
in active minutes I would recommend - from personal experience, I'm not an
expert here - I would recommend that you go to your tracker and press the
button a couple of times until it shows Stairclimb then tap the face of the
tracker once (or is it twice? ) anyway get it to log your steps as walk.
This should record all your steps, even short walks of less than 10 minutes
and you can then use your phone app to track your efforts in the 'Track
exercise' icon.

I will say that sometimes my tracker fails to record all my steps, and
sometimes even the stairs in the house. I think this is probably my fault
for not wearing the tracker in the best place or snug but not tight as
suggested. There's no way I know of to enter stair climbs maually and have
them count, but if you want to get some 'lost' steps back then just swing
your arm with the tracker and it will give them back. Of course you could
cheat using this correction but you can only cheat yourself.

Kind regards
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@SunsetRunner Appreciate the suggestion. However, it removes the element of the challenge. The point of my personal challenge, is just that, to challenge myself to move enough for my Fitbit to recognize it. :-).


Marci | Bellevue, WA
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Nice ambition and good luck with it. I like to put my smartphone in a dock
so that i can see it then pull down the 'Steps' icon to sync. It is easier
to keep an eye on the bpm than keep looking at the tracker. That way I can
see at a glance whether to pick up the pace or ease up. Wish you joy of it
all. John
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Mama always said. If you have to ask then it probably is...
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If mama says no - ask nana. Family motto handed down from one generation
to another John
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Love the wisdom passed on from generation to generation!

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Well I'm a Great Grampy now so seen it in action for quite a while.  There are only two golden rules.

1  Nana is always right.

2   Nana is NEVER wrong.

No fighting that - even great grampies have to toe the line.  (SECRETLY WE LOVE IT BUT DON'T SHOUT)


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I do a lot of jogging in front of the t.v. I can usually get 2,500-3,000 steps per 45min episode. Which turns Netflix marathons into actual marathons. As long as you are moving and your heart rate increases, it's all good.

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My wife tends to do that. It could be considered as cheating maybe if you're undertaking a challenge but otherwise, I don't think so. Observing her, I see her heart rate goes up, she's actually putting some effort in it. If it works, then why not. Yes, it will add up to her steps. Sometimes she forgets and starts waving her arms like as if she's doing some aerobic which also adds fake steps ( Fitbit not always recognizes on its own the right exercise ). At the end of a day, it doesn't really matter. Do what works for you. Numbers are there to help you understand what your activity level is. Steps, calories, logged exercises, food and water - it tells you how you did spend your day. Before going to sleep you may look at it and say "yes, I was active today", or "no, I got lazy" etc. If you're not going for steps challenge I think walking in place is as good exercise as any other. I have one warm-up exercise which also adds steps while I'm standing in one spot and that's fine if I get steps from it. I don't feel like cheating. However, my point of view comes from the fact that I don't really care much about the number of steps. They are some sort of indicator of being active and very high numbers will definitely tell you that you didn't spend a day sitting in front of TV. On the other hand, they are easily faked unintentionally ( even when you brush your teeth ) and their number doesn't always reflect the level of activity. For example when you run, probably you will make longer strides, hence fewer steps over the same distance, but definitely, you will put more effort in it. That's why walking in place is nowhere near to being called a cheating.

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I tend to agree but I don't consider it to be cheating, even if you are rising to a challenge.  You say you can see your wife's stats going up and that she is putting some effort into it - I'll bet you'd get some exercise running away if you told her you think she is cheating!  At the end of the day the only person you can cheat is yourself.  Don't cheapen your wife's or anyone elses efforts please.  It reflects on you - nobody else.

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@SunsetRunner read again what I wrote, please 🙂 I think you understand it the other way around. I have emphasized several times that I do not consider such walking in place to be a cheating 🙂 it is as valid exercise as any. However if you think of competing with others in a challenge then I believe it is all about the rule that everyone performs same thing same way. If it would be cheating then in order to achieve highest step count? I don't know that but if one does it simply to exercise and it works ( like my wife does ) then it is far from cheating.

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I read your post several times but still think the same.  I'm convinced I have it the right way round.

I started by saying I tend to agree - still true, generally we are in agreement.

I think you need to check what I said after that.  It is your idea that running on the spot is cheating that makes me think differently.  A step in place is as good as a step on the pavement/sidewalk.  If they are different then FitBit must learn the ability to distinguish them.  A step on a treadmill is just as good too.  The step length may be different, and therefore the distance registered will differ also.  It is for each individual to choose the correct activity and steps in place are steps.  No alternative.  If you compete in a group then group rules must apply so if the group says step and move is the rule you either have to move or not compete or maybe enter NFC, ie Not For Competition - just see how you would have compared.

Waving your hand in excitement and exaggerating your count or brushing your teeth whilst wearing your tracker (okay if you have the waterproof model for when it comes time to wash your face) is different.  I like to take mine off in the bathroom.  What happens in there isn't exercise.  However if my tracker misses some steps I'm not averse to putting them back by swinging my arm.  What I do find annoying is that my tracker sometimes fails to acknowledge a stair climb.  I have taken to raising my wrist at the top of the stairs to try to make sure I get the required altitude change, but I still get let down sometimes and it is not only frustrating but I find it demoralising that I cannot correct that.  How would I fix that if I was on a stairclimb challenge within a group?

I reckon we are now at the point where we either agree or register a failure to agree.  I'm happy for you to refer the matter for moderation - or not, but like steps on the spot we will end up going in circles.  It has been interesting discussing this with you.  Kind regards, John.

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