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Keeping healthy is not that hard!

We all have a friend who is always doing healthy stuff and eating well and the only thing we can think of is... I'd really like to be healthier and be more active and eat well and do more for my life. But the truth is that it's just a one-second thought. After a while, we get back to our regular lives, forget and do nothing about it.


As everything in life, balance is the key for things to work. It's the same thing with our daily routines and activities and doing different things everyday is the key for living a healthier and more happy life.


I'd like to share five things I do everyday to stay on track that most others take for granted and in the end will make you feel better about yourself.


1. Wake up 10 minutes earlier.


I'm the first one struggling with this one. I even have a shirt that says "Not a morning person" and believe me when I say that I would wear it everyday if I could. I've tried to set my alarm just 5 or 10 minutes earlier every day. It doesn't only give me more time to get ready for the day, but it also lets me completely wake up, fall back into reality and start my day fresh by stretching a little. If you do yoga, you will know how positively this habit can influence your day. Of course, you don't need to know anything about yoga for this. Just stretch out as desired, and I bet you'll feel a lot better than just jumping out of the bed rushing for the day.


                      Discussion Wake up.gif


2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.


Sometimes fresh fruit in the morning is taken for granted and if you don't have much time to do something elaborate, fruit will be an excellent option as you don't really need to cook anything. You just need to just chop the fruit  (you can use whatever you like as apples, strawberries, oranges, pineapples, kiwis and other berries) in decent sizes and put it all in a bowl, add yogurt or honey and voila! You are all set with a delicious combination of flavors, textures and vitamins that your body will be thankful for something other than fried stuff that will not do much good.


   Discussion Fruit.gif 


3. Use the stairs!


Yeah, you will hate me the first couple of weeks and it can seem like you're never getting there but trust me, it totally improves your body condition.


I'm a first-hand witness of this because in the building where I work, there are four elevators and you can really feel you're in an ancient battle fighting to get a spot in one of them with the people around you. So, I decided I would remain a civilized person and decided to take the stairs. Did I mention I work on the 9th floor? Well, as I told you before... I felt I was leaving a little piece of my lungs on every step for the first couple of weeks, but I'm really impressed how after about 4 months of doing this almost on a daily basis I can get to the 9th floor while singing <insert favorite song here> better than Frank Sinatra would. (Nah, I'm not that a good singer but you get the idea).


So, you should give that a try. You will not only exercise your legs but you will also oxygenate your brain which will get you in a good mood for starting the day.


                              up stairs


4. While at work: Walk around.


Walking around will keep you active, prevent you from suffering any illness caused by a sedentary lifestyle and by walking around you see things in a different way and thus, be more creative. Take a small break from what you are doing, take a walk around, breathe fresh air and let the magic happen!




5. Last but not least, Drink Water.


We all know how good water is for our body but the story is different when trying to drink it. In my case, I don't really like it because it tastes like nothing, but you need to know how important it is for the good functioning of your organs and to keep your skin hydrated and everything running well inside of you. I just saw this water challenge idea and I have really no idea who started it, but I think this is great when getting you in the habit of drinking more water.


                                                       Discussion Water.jpg


So, that's it from me. These are things I try to do everyday to stay active and be in a good mood. I'd like you to share something you do everyday to stay active! Better if you have found a way to do it when you don't have much time. I'm excited to see what you are all up to!

Ferdin | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I do all of the above but #3. I do try and do 25 flights in my house a day. But I don't have stairs at work. I would totally use them if I did. When my Hubby and I go somewhere I will take the stairs he usually takes the elevator and laughs at me. Or I will walk the longer way around as well. Again he laughs at me. Smiley Tongue


But What I do every day at work is get up every hour and move around for 5 minutes. I have a desk job so it helps to move when you can. I have my Fitbit one's Alarms set every hour to remind me Smiley Very Happy

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Alright, @FerdinandFitbit -- I'm voting for this post because it has a lot of great habits (I especially like taking the stairs whenever possible), but .... IF you get up 5-10 minutes earlier EVERY DAY, pretty soon you will never go to sleep.  That's crazy talk 😉

Seriously, though.  Lots of good tips.


Something I do every day to stay active is ride my bike to the train station for my work commute.  Saves money on parking, and it is much less stressful than sitting in traffic!



Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

Best Answer
Yea to you @FerdinandFitbit I totally agree.. do all 5 every day. Most days I do 4. Another thing is I get things done before noon which helps me energy-wise.
We have really early mornings here (4am) twice a week which can both benefit and hinder.
There's nothing wrong with getting out of bed earlier when you are well rested. Into Summer 2016Perseverance and moving on is who I am
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I too work I the 9th floor of my building and I make a point to take the stairs at least once a day, but typically average 2-3 times per day. I have noticed a huge difference in my cardio capacity.

Getting up earlier can be a hard commitment, but I've tried to commit to doing a 7-10 minute workout first thing, time and schedule permitting, even if I'm working out later on.

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@FerdinandFitbit - Excellent post. Thank you.



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@FerdinandFitbit That was a brilliant post with bunch of helpful tips and advices on keeping healthy. Loved your perspective!


See you around buddy. Thanks for sharing! Cat Very Happy

Mariam | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Great post and great reminders! I especially love the gallon jug of water! It makes a great visual of how much we should really be drinking!

"You can't out-run your fork!"
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Hey @FerdinandFitbit, great post! Smiley Very Happy It is true that is not that hard, maybe just a matter of will power to do those things that are good for us.

For me the most challenging thing is to wake up early! Never been a morning person either but had to become one haha. So I feel you. Cat LOL When I do it not only I'm able to have a healthy delicious lunch made by me for the whole day, and also I get to arrive 10 minutes before my shift at work, so that gives me the time to use the stairs and not the elevator, so just by doing the first tip you shared with us, I get to do # 2 and # 3. The #4 is something that every person that working in an office should do, It feels great to stretch and boost some energy to keep working. I love drinking water, specially cold. It is true that it tastes like nothing but you can feel how your body hydrates while it goes through your throat. 


haha I wish I could stretch out like this one day! Smiley Tongue

One thing that I would like to share that I do everyday is to meditate. It is incredible all the beneffits that it brings. Don't have to believe what people tells you just try it out and find out for yourself. Heart

Solange | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Awesome post @FerdinandFitbit! I love water and, boy I do hate the stairs! I do 2 or 3 flight of stairs but that's it. I'll commit to take the stairs this week. Also, if you absolutely hate to drink water you can infuse it with your favorite fruit (just remember, to skip the sugar). 

download (1).jpg


Thanks for the tips! 🙂 

Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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The infuse are the best! Just feels so fresh 🙂 @LucyAP

Solange | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I fight every day to get out of bed, so the number 1 will be a challenge for me but I'll try it. Thanks for the tips @FerdinandFitbitSmiley Very Happy

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Great post! 🙂
John Richard | Norway
Fitbit One and Fitbit Aria owner
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Looks delicious @LucyAP! Great idea.
I love water with ice and lemon. Those jars keep nicely in the fridge too. I usually drink 100 to 130 oz. daily. So good for you! Thanks for another new idea. Into Summer 2016Perseverance and moving on is who I am
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You should try tangerine and lemon, so fresh and delicious.  

Fitbit Community ModeratorVivian | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Great post @FerdinandFitbit! I'd just like to add something to point # 2.  I love all kinds of fruits, and I used to eat them as a meal for many years. Then, last year I was diagnosed with prediabetes. To reverse the problem, instead of loading my grocery cart with fruit, I started buying more vegetables. I  still use some fruit, but only to spice my salads. The greener my plate looks, the healthier and tastier it is to me now. I started doing this in January, this year. The result: I lost 30 lbs and I brought my blood sugar back to normal (under 100). I can't tell you how happy and healthy I feel!


So, my suggestion is, eating fruit is great but, like all things, must be done in moderation. I mix veggies (mixed salads) with most of my meals, including soups. I actually put mixed salad in my soup bowel, as I eat. It's tasty, healthy, and filling. You may want to try it. You may also consider using home-made soup on your salad, instead of dressing. It's really good!


Best of health to us all!

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2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.


Sometimes fresh fruit in the morning is taken for granted and if you don't have much time to do something elaborate, fruit will be an excellent option as you don't really need to cook anything. You just need to just chop the fruit as apples, strawberries, oranges, pineapple, kiwi and other berries in decent sizes and put it all in a bowl, add yogurt or honey and voila! You are all set with a delicious combination of flavors, textures and vitamins that your body will be thankful for something other than fried stuff that will do not much good.


   Discussion Fruit.gif 

 People say the same stuff year after year about eating more fruits and vegetable.  Vegetable is fine, but fruit, no.  Eat less fruit if you need to lose weight, not more.   Too much sugar in fruits.  


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Hmmm that really made me think @Bogdel @SunsetRunner. I honestly eat more fruit than vegetables and hadn't really thought of the disadvantages of eating too much fruit (which I do) but will do some serious research about it.


Thank you both for participating in this thread! 😄

Ferdin | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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It is a myth that fresh fruit will make you gain weight.  Canned fruit will cause weight gain, because it is loaded with high fructose corn syrup, but fresh fruit will not cause weight gain.  I eat a lot of fresh fruit, and have for many years -- it is part of my diabetic diet -- and I have never gained weight from it.  When I go to the gym, I throw an apple in the car, and eat it on the way home from the gym for my after-workout snack.


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I actually read a study about this a few days ago @USAF-Larry so I can say that I agree with you. For anyone interested in checking out the study/video, here's the link:


How much fruit is too much?


Any thoughts, I'd love to hear them!

Ferdin | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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