06-24-2014 09:19
06-24-2014 09:19
06-24-2014 09:21
06-24-2014 09:21
06-24-2014 09:44
06-24-2014 09:44
I decided to take the plung and get a personal trainer to help me get more toned, and learn how to take advantage of all of the equipment in the gym that I always see the guys using. I was amazed at how much in six weeks my fitness level has improved. I'm getting very toned in my abs and everywhere else. I'm learning that it is not just about cardio. personal trainers have different price plans I would recomend tying one a few times to get you started. I . The reps you do depends on your fitness level.
06-24-2014 10:37
06-24-2014 10:37
Thanks for the advice but that deffo isn't an option with my income, only just affording the gym membership!
06-24-2014 11:38
06-24-2014 11:38
Sam | USA
Fitbit One, Macintosh, IOS
Accepting solutions is your way of passing your solution onto others and improving everybody’s Fitbit experience.
06-24-2014 11:45
06-24-2014 11:45
6 days a week, okay thanks, I know that my gym does a circuits class and zumba which is included in my membership. I really want to do Gillian michaels 30 day shred again but the last time I did it my knees didn't agree with all the starjumps and I couldn't walk properly for ages! anyway thanks! 🙂
06-24-2014 12:00
06-24-2014 12:00
Sam | USA
Fitbit One, Macintosh, IOS
Accepting solutions is your way of passing your solution onto others and improving everybody’s Fitbit experience.
06-24-2014 12:04
06-24-2014 12:04
Getting tone starts with what you put in your body. Fruit, veggies and lean meat. I have tried everything this has worked best for me in toning down and getting muscle definition.
06-24-2014 12:36
06-24-2014 12:36
Sam | USA
Fitbit One, Macintosh, IOS
Accepting solutions is your way of passing your solution onto others and improving everybody’s Fitbit experience.
06-24-2014 14:44 - edited 06-24-2014 14:45
06-24-2014 14:44 - edited 06-24-2014 14:45
I've seen a lot of the apps in the app store and have used a few, but I think what I really want is just a structure, so I know exactly what I'm gonna do on each day and not just 'oh maybe ill use that app at home later', I just have a really structural mind set haha, which is why I would rather do it in the gym too. I don't want to look ripped no, just not 'flabby', obviously I know that comes with cardio too which I would be doing.
The Jillian thing was unfortunate as I found it pretty good when I did it for 15 days (as long as I could before my knees gave up), it really lifted my stomach and I could see a teeeeny bit of ab definition at the top of my abs (and I weighed 1 stone heavier than I do now).
What I've got from what your saying is just to spend a couple of days doing the toning exercises at the gym, which will be easy because there are lots of machines, and to do cardio the rest of the days, plus classes when I can. Which are all good ideas. Think I should start swimming too but I find it soooo boring haha. I know how to use the machines as it's compulsary to have an induction when you join the gym so you can't sue them if you hurt yourself too.
Thanks for your help! 🙂
06-24-2014 14:45
06-24-2014 14:45
I'm a vegetarian so no lean meats for me! But I eat ALOT of vegetables and quite a lot of fruit (don't want too much sugar for my teeth!)
06-24-2014 22:10
06-24-2014 22:10
A great way to start a strengthening program is circuit training, but heavy compared to the way many do it.
Don't even worry about doing cardio and strength together, focus on one to get max benefit from your time.
Jack of all trades, master of none - don't want to do that.
3 x a week, maybe 10 min cardio warmup and 10 min cardio cooldown.
You can use dumbbells, which is nice because usually there is several sets, so the fact you are surrounding yourself with the ones you need doesn't prevent others from using another set.
You'll want 3 to 4 circuits, one lift after another, 60 sec rest max between, 30 sec minimum.
You'll have to manually log this, as Fitbit will be badly underestimated. Track actual time for accuracy.
You want enough weight that 15 to 20 reps is tiring at the end of 1 set of 20. By the 4th set and last reps - may have trouble keeping good form.
Here's a good order using the biggest muscles first, and alternating between lower and upper body.
Piece of paper with the order and current weight of dumbbells to use is all you need. That can be on phone too of course.
squats - quads and glutes
lat pull-down or weight-assisted pullups - lats and upper back and biceps
straight-leg deadlift - hamstrings and lower back
bench press - chest and triceps
planks - 15 sec intense hold front and then both sides
shoulder press - delts and triceps
For form - click on the muscle mentioned, look under dumbbell usage, and watch.
Cardio on between days for first few weeks, you may want very low key, just to get blood flow around to ease the pain. Ready for some pain!
Actually, start out lower weight hitting that 20 reps until sure on form, then start increasing weight to find what you need.
06-25-2014 12:28
06-25-2014 12:28
Thanks! I think i'll stick to mainly cardio at the moment just to get my weight down a few more pounds and then try doing this and focus on it instead of cardio 🙂
06-25-2014 17:00
06-25-2014 17:00
i work the body part im going to work on the machine. Say im doing squats. I will do 8-12 squats then 15 burpees. i repeat that 4 times. just ad cardio into weight lifting.
06-26-2014 06:21
06-26-2014 06:21
Hi @rowan - I just did a quick read of this thread and thought I should add my own insights to all the already excellent advice you've received, relating it to my own experience.
"I was wondering if anyone knows the best and most effective ways to combine cardio and weights/toning exercises." You've incorporated cardio and strengthening in your daily exercise regimen, and I think that's a good thing and the best approach, and that's what I do as well. But I try to vary my exercise as much as possible. If I walk, I just don't walk - I walk as fast as I can for one minute; and then resume to a normal pace for the next three; and cycle through like this during my entire walk. I don't jog, I do walk/jog intervals using a 50/50 split during my entire workout - 2.5 min brisk walk, followed by 2.5 min. jog.
At the moment I go to the gym and hour a day and only do cardio, as I'm only 8 pounds away from my goal weight id like to start toning up too by using the gym weights machines and doing the usuals like sit ups etc. Does anyone know a good amount of time to spend doing each cardio and toning to get a good balance?
There is no hard and fast rule. But generally speaking, 8-15 repititions, 3 sets, work well. But if you work one muscle group one day, give them a chance to recover for a day or two; and work another muscle group next time you hit the gym.
Cardio is good, but if you do the same thing, day after day, your metabolism will adjust to that demand and stop burning more. That's why I like intervals, as it fools your BMR through peaks and valleys, and you end up burning more. That's why if I walk/jog one day, I'll do something the next day - like cycling, rowing ... I am not always successful, but I try to do at least one cardio workout daily (but never the same two days in a row); I try to fit in an abs workout daily (floor exerrcises); and I try to do strengthening daily (again, never the same muscle group two days in a row.)
I nice transition to weight training for me was elasitic bands - I use Thera bands, but one brand is probably no better than another. I adopted Thera primarily because of all the accessories they also have to make their use easier - although the accessories can be used with any brand of bands. But sticking with Thera, I only have one place to shop for all my needs. After using the bands for a bit over six months and toned up nicely, I started doing some free weights here and there, again avoiding working the same muscle group two days in a row. My goal was never to become Mr. LookAtMe, but just to tone up a little - and it worked quite well for me.
"Going on holiday in September so if I looked how I wanted to by then it would be good! I don't want to be muscly, just toned " I pack a band or two whenever I go out of town. They take very little room and allow you to work out pretty much anywhere, with no need to go to they gym if you don't feel like it.
Any way, that's my lot. Hope this helps a little.