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Maximum Heart Rate, Intensity Interval Training, and Heart Zones

I've been doing HIIT training a few times a week. If you haven't heard of it, it's training alternating between low-intensity and high-intensity work. Usually high-intensity is defined as at least 85% of heart rate max, so it's a challenge. The Charge2 makes it easy to track this as the default peak zone is 85% of max.


But my doctor said the old formula of using 220 minus your age to calculate heart rate max/zones is not accurate, and I should be using the formula as outlined here:


Under the current fitbit calculation, someone in their late 40s could have a max heart rate of 172bpm (100%), and a peak zone at 146 (85%), and cardio starting at 120. But under the newer calculation that same person with 172 max heart rate would have a peak zone that starts much higher, 157bpm, and a Cardio zone that starts at 140bpm (70%). The fitbit cardio zone starts at 120bpm. That's quite a large difference.


This has left me wondering if my intensity training is not quite intense enough. But if the new calculation is correct, the peak zone is only 156-172bpm, which is a pretty narrow window? I know I can change the heart zones to whatever I want. I'm hoping someone with experience with HIIT type training might chime in with their experience in calculating their heart zones. Any thoughts or comments about using fitbit with HIIT is appreciated.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Hello @WavyDavey. This is quite interesting. I would like to add to always seek the opinion of a doctor and in your case a second opinion may benefit you more. Still if someone can comment about their own personal experience it will be greatly appreciated.


I'll be around!

Alvaro | Community Moderator

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