10-29-2022 14:32 - edited 10-29-2022 14:57
10-29-2022 14:32 - edited 10-29-2022 14:57
Just two months left in 2022. How about that? I like NOvember. For those of us who have four seasons, the transition is still going on and that means it is a great time to get out and move around. The weather is not too cold/hot yet, and the landscape is changing. There is also still time to do something NOtable this year. Sign up for a Thanksgiving day run or bike ride. Go for an all time floor or step day, or a new Fitbit badge. Anything new and NOtable for just for you. (Thank's @Jotex for this month's theme)
General monthly instructions are below, including the monthly picture scavenger hunt.
How It Works
The primary purpose of these monthly challenges is to keep track of your daily step goals for the month; though many of us track other things as well, like body weight exercises, sleep, trips to the gym, logging food, etc. This is not a competition to see who can do the most of whatever, instead it is a challenge to measure your consistency. So whether you do 1k, 5k, 10k or even 40k steps a day, this is measuring how many days out of the monthly total you can hit your goal.
Some might have a constant goal of 10k steps every single day and others might have a variable goal throughout the week, (and some might even plan days off!) for example.
Monday -> Friday = 10k steps a day
Sat & Sun = “6k steps a day,” or “not tracking”
Regardless of how you structure your daily goals, the only thing that matters for the monthly challenge is whether or not you reach what you set out to do.
Suggested Posting Format
1) Post either your constant or variable step goal.
2) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved out of the monthly minimum and or monthly total
Picture Scavenger Hunt
So what is with the NO everywhere? For this month's scavenger hunt look for at least three signs that tell you what NOt to do. NO Hunting, NO Smoking, NO Dogs, DON’T do this or that. The funnier the weirder the better. (great idea @Vidd)
Just Don't ...
Not a dirtbike -- I think ...
Although you certainly don’t have to post daily, you’ll likely stay closer to what you set out to do by updating the thread several times/week
Injury Notice
If you injure yourself during the month and need to scale back due to the injury, then all you have to do is adjust your goal for that period. If you normally do 10k steps a day but pull a hamstring and decide to do minimal walking (2k steps a day), then all you have to do is change your goal.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
11-10-2022 04:53
11-10-2022 04:53
NOtable NOvember 9
17k Steps/Day Weekdays:1/22
9.5K Steps/Day Weekends: 1/8
2000 Calorie Limit/Day: 8/30
IF Daily (12 hr weekday/16:8 weekend): 7/30
Weights 2x/week: /8
Stretch 4x/week: /15
Squats 30/day: /10
Lose 3 pounds: --/3
Photo Scavenger Hunt: -/3
Total Steps: 115,002/450,000
11-10-2022 05:52
11-10-2022 05:52
10 November
10,000 steps a day for 20 days 9/20
15 days over 12,000 9/18
10 days over 15,000 steps 7/15
3 days over 20,000 steps 5/4
20 exercise sessions (swim, bike, vigorous walk, dance) 11/20
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 4/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
11-10-2022 06:00
11-10-2022 06:00
NOtable NOvember challenge @ Nov 9th
Post every Mon and Thurs (to keep me accountable)
Total steps for the month 108,437/330,000
Total Ellipitical KM for the month 0/14 km
No eating after 8 pm 6/25
Scavenger hunt pics 3/3
Took a chance and went through the path
11-10-2022 06:14 - edited 12-01-2022 05:19
11-10-2022 06:14 - edited 12-01-2022 05:19
I'm finally back! Last month was a total waste, so I will not mention any more about that. Two days ago, I told myself to snap out of the funk I found myself in and get back on track. So, here is a list of my hopes for November, along with my status for the month so far. Walk >10,000 steps per day, go to the gym at least 3 times per week, keep my calories <1,400 per day, take at least 1 picture per week, and lose 0.2lbs per day. Rather lofty goals, and I know I will not meet them, but I will try.
11/19/22 - I have added one more challenge to my day. To walk for at least 20 minutes daily. This is a personal situation: I find that if I try to walk at least 20 minutes a day, I will generally walk more, it's as if, once I start the endorphins kick in and I want to do more. Hopefully, this will help with the 10k steps per day, too.
So far:
10K steps 8/30
walk >20 mins 10/11 (started halfway through month)
Gym 3/13
< 1,400 cal 4/30
photos 0/30
0.2 lbs lost / day 13/30
Even though I am easily discouraged, I will continue to try, and maybe one day, God willing, I will get to where I want to be!
11-10-2022 15:18
11-10-2022 15:18
Hey, good luck with all that, @kaynelvb!. Just posting the goals is a good start, and even if you don't reach them all, give yourself a pat on the back for getting as far as you can.
Here's another notice, rather understated when looking at the possible dangers of the place beyond it.
Here's the view from the other side. The water isn't that deep, and it's a long way down for anyone daft enough to jump off......
11-11-2022 04:57
11-11-2022 04:57
NOtable NOvember 10
17k Steps/Day Weekdays:1/22
9.5K Steps/Day Weekends: 1/8
2000 Calorie Limit/Day: 9/30
IF Daily (12 hr weekday/16:8 weekend): 8/30
Weights 2x/week: /8
Stretch 4x/week: /15
Squats 30/day: /10
Lose 3 pounds: --/3
Photo Scavenger Hunt: -/3
Total Steps: 124,336/450,000
11-11-2022 05:06 - edited 11-11-2022 05:06
11-11-2022 05:06 - edited 11-11-2022 05:06
NOtable NOvember — Day 9, 10
8,000 steps: 7/10 days
5,000 steps: 2/15 days
Calisthenics: 5/20 days
Work with Weights: 4/10 days
Intermittent Fasting: 10/30 days
Scavenger Hunt Pics: 4/3
For this month I have cut my goal of 15x10,000 steps/day in half. My time and energy bas been occupied by my Mother’s condition and passing away a couple of days ago.
11-11-2022 06:23
11-11-2022 06:23
Hi, Jotex. I understand why you cut your steps in half. Your circumstances explain it all. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Hang in there. You will have some rough days/weeks etc, but you WILL make it! I'll be thinking about you.
11-11-2022 12:30
11-11-2022 12:30
I know the past couple of years have been hard for your mom @Jotex as well as for you and the rest of your family. I’m glad you were able to get back to the US to see her before she passed. You are in my thoughts.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
11-11-2022 14:44
11-11-2022 14:44
Very sorry to hear of your loss, @Jotex.. May your Mum rest in peace.
11-12-2022 04:48
11-12-2022 04:48
12 November
10,000 steps a day for 20 days 11/20
15 days over 12,000 10/18
10 days over 15,000 steps 8/15
3 days over 20,000 steps 5/4
20 exercise sessions (swim, bike, vigorous walk, dance) 13/20
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 4/3
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum @Jotex
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
11-13-2022 03:44
11-13-2022 03:44
13 November
10,000 steps a day for 20 days 12/20
15 days over 12,000 11/18
10 days over 15,000 steps 9/15
3 days over 20,000 steps 5/4
20 exercise sessions (swim, bike, vigorous walk, dance) 15/20
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 4/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
11-13-2022 03:51
11-13-2022 03:51
NOtable NOvember — Day 11, 12
8,000 steps: 7/10 days
5,000 steps: 1/15 days
Calisthenics: 5/20 days
Work with Weights: 4/10 days
Intermittent Fasting: 12/30 days
Scavenger Hunt Pics: 4/3
Thank you so much @kaynelvb @Baltoscott @Vidd and @NellyG . The funeral was yesterday, the burial (200 miles away) today.
11-13-2022 18:16
11-13-2022 18:16
Notable November Day 13
16K steps/day | 12/20 | |
15 6-10 minute calisthenics workout | 6/15 | |
9 weight-lifting days | 4/9 | |
post 3 scavenger pics | 3/3 | |
Sleep 6:10 hours + 18 days or more during the month | 8/18 | |
1 pull-up (modified) | 13/15 | |
Unicycle: 15 mins/day for 15 days | 10/15 | |
10 Dry (no alcohol) days | 3/10 | |
Beat November 2021 bike mileage (175 miles) | 137.3 | |
1 pushup | 13/28 |
Not on theme, but the disc golf course gets a lot of action around here.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
11-14-2022 04:00
11-14-2022 04:00
NOtable NOvember — Day 13
8,000 steps: 7/10 days
5,000 steps: 2/15 days
Calisthenics: 5/20 days
Work with Weights: 4/10 days
Intermittent Fasting: 13/30 days
Scavenger Hunt Pics: 4/3
11-14-2022 08:45 - edited 11-14-2022 14:25
11-14-2022 08:45 - edited 11-14-2022 14:25
I have not done very well, but here are my current stats as of 11/14. And yes I do walk at night on occasion 😁!
10,000 steps 2 of 4 days
5,000 - 7,500 steps 13 of 30 days
2 pics so far
Modified once again on 11/14 to fit my needs and because of winter weather moving in.
11-14-2022 10:17
11-14-2022 10:17
@Jotex I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Condolences to you and the family and friends. Your time spent with her did not go unnoticed
11-14-2022 10:35
11-14-2022 10:35
NOtable NOvember challenge @ Nov 13th
Post every Mon and Thurs (to keep me accountable)
Total steps for the month 154,052/330,000
Total Ellipitical KM for the month 0/14 km
No eating after 8 pm 9/25
Scavenger hunt pics 4/3
This is at a drive through at one of the fast food restaurants
11-14-2022 15:19
11-14-2022 15:19
NOtable NOvember Day 14
Minimum of 38000 steps every day in the month | 14/30 |
270000 steps per week | 2/4. Week 1 302501. Week 2 303943 |
1.15 million steps in the month | 606444/1150000 |
3 Scavenger Hunt pictures | 5/3 |
In bed by midnight every night.... | 13/30 |
.... and by 23:00 at least once per week. | 1/4 |
3 dog walks per day of at least 3 miles each | 14/30 |
Play some piano or organ every day in the month | 13/30 |
3000 floors in the month | 1938/3000 |
11-14-2022 15:23
11-14-2022 15:23
NOtable NOvember — Day 14
8,000 steps: 7/10 days
5,000 steps: 315 days
Calisthenics: 5/20 days
Work with Weights: 4/10 days
Intermittent Fasting: 14/30 days
Scavenger Hunt Pics: 4/3