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Pants Falling Down


Everytime I exercise, until I build up a decent sweat, my pants fall down.  Apart from being embarassing it's very frustrating trying to run with one hand holding onto your capris!


Does anyone have any suggestions that will help?  Are there any exercise pants out there that will actually stay up?




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Try volleyball shorts. 

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Are you wearing compression capris or non-compression capris? Compression capris are more form fitting, made from spandex-y material and stay up very well no matter what.



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Ha!  thanks for the laugh! 

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think that's why the popularity of the stretchy yoga type pants today.  i just bought a pair of capri length pants in nylon stretchy stuff that will stay up no matter what.  Plus they make me feel like exercising!

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I agree with @MsJulie. Smaller pants should do the trick. Cat Very Happy

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I might add to the recommendation of yoga pants from Target. In their activewear section there are slightly pricier leggings and capri length pants in the Champion brand. Don't know what they're made of but very lightweight and comfortable even on hot days. I got one pair and went back a few days later for an identical pair. Comfy, cool and they stay up...perfect!

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Try a bodysuit with a shirt over it. Like this one.

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staples indeed !!!!!  why why why ??? when duck tape is a much better solution (to almost everything, not just falling pants) AND it is available in an array of exciting colors 😀😂🙄

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Hi Jen, I like wearing high waisted yoga pants because they are not as slippery, so to say, and even if they fall down a bit, they are still there. The summer alternative for me is active shorts. I hope I helped

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I always had the same problem. And, I, for one, hate leggings/spandex or anything tight , especially when I run. So it was a real problem. Pants with a drawstring did it for me. You can always continue to adjust them as needed, because if you are like me, after a few miles, you may need to cinch them a little more.

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