04-19-2018 01:05
04-19-2018 01:05
I've owned my fitbit charge 2 since January 18. My results so far have been pretty consistent with resting heart rate between 56 And 62.
However the last two weeks it has started to drop. I was at 55 for a week and the last few days dropped to 53,52 and today 51.
During sleep it has also dropped to between 38 and 45.
I'm 31 and wouldn't say I'm active at all and am slightly over weight. My sleep cycle has also been inconsistent since dropping below 53bpm, having virtually no REM sleep.
I have a doctor's appointment today but wanted some thoughts and whether anyone has experienced something like this?
Thanks in advance!
04-19-2018 02:53
04-19-2018 02:53
Nothing abnormal/unusual IMO. Your resting HR can fluctuate up and down based on stress, fitness etc. Any changes in physical activity during the three months you’ve had your Fitbit, compared to your pre-Fitbit times? How about your cardio fitness score (it’s not being registered by Fitbit, so you’d have to remember what it was last January and compare it to its current level)?
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
04-19-2018 07:13
04-19-2018 07:13
Thanks for your reply.
No change in activity level and not sure what my cardio score was. I think it was around 46 when I first started wearing the fitbit.
Will keep an eye on it and see what doc says!
Thanks again