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What to eat/drink before a morning run?

I'm wanting to try and start running in the morning.  I usually am a walker, but I have a goal I'm trying to achieve so I need to step it up.  For about a 3 mile run/walk, what do you eat or drink in the morning before heading out?  Thanks!

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Usually, you don't need to eat before a morning run, however, if you want to eat something then I usually eat something rich in carbs but very light, like a banana, maybe a toast. Before the run, you don't want to eat anything big. The same goes for drinking. Imagine that running is like bouncing and your stomach filled with liquid won't like it (believe me, I've been there 🙂 ). Running with a full stomach may turn into horror. For the long runs, I usually take some snacks, low-volume but rich in energy bars and isotonic gels. But we are talking here distances half-marathon+. If I run10-15k I just snack on some bananas 30min before, drink water and that's it (usually, I run during lunchtime, rarely in the morning). I realize however that I'm a bit like a camel (I can run a half-marathon without having a sip of water but will need some carbs on the way) so my advice may not be suitable for everyone or for beginners. Although, I think the advice of not getting your stomach overloaded before run is in general the good advice.

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Hi guys! In my own experience, I believe that every person is different and need their own system. I mean, I don't eat anything when I run in the mornings. On the other hand, my girlfriend needs to eat at least one granola bar in order to have enough energy during her workouts since her blood pressure goes very low if she doesn't eat anything at all.


I'd recommend to eat a granola bar or a light snack as @t.parker mentioned. Also don't forget to carry a bottle with water in order to maintain yourself hydrated.

JuanJo | Community Moderator

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@LadyBoss50 I have read for anything under and hour you really don't need anything.  However, I try to go out 3 days a week for a walk/jog of 5-6k.  The other days I ride my bike for 17-25k and Sunday's is just a casual walking/rest day.  That being said, I always seem to be hungry when I get up.  So I usually eat 1/2 a banana and a little bit of water.  That helps me take the edge off.  When I get back and stretch and cool down, I eat the other half of my banana on cold oats or something, or just eat it, LOL.  That is when I have the rest of my breakfast and a cup of coffee and relax.  I think you really need to find what works for you.

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I don't normally eat anything before a morning walk or run. I'm not really a breakfast person though and I never have been. I don't have an appetite in the morning until I've been awake a few hours. If you wake up hungry, I can understand needing to eat something before you head out. 

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Amanda | Wyoming, USA
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For a 3 mile run, you do not need any food.  Your body has enough energy stores to push you for a lot longer than 3 miles. The human bodies are amazing machines.  🙂


However, if you don't feel good running on an empty stomach, I think banana or toast and peanut butter is a good option.  

Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
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I eat nothing when I did morning workouts.


As long as you didn't eat a small early dinner night before, and then were active afterwards burning off the glucose stores - you'll likely have enough.


A little water for dry throat is about it. Even when I sweat alot, 3 miles isn't much in time before getting home to gulp it down. Not a level of dehydration that is going to effect performance in otherwords.

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It's amazing to read different points of view guys. I also carry my bottle of water in order to keep my body hydrated.

JuanJo | Community Moderator

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@LadyBoss50 wrote:

I'm wanting to try and start running in the morning.  I usually am a walker, but I have a goal I'm trying to achieve so I need to step it up.  For about a 3 mile run/walk, what do you eat or drink in the morning before heading out?  Thanks!

You have predictably gotten lots of varied responses, so I'll join the party.


If I'm going out for a morning training run, I'll eat one banana, if that, however, if my planned run is anything more than 3 miles, I'll drink at least a liter of green tea, sometimes as much as 3 liters for days which are warm and where I'm planning on a longer run of at least 8 miles.  Fortunately I run on rural trails so "bio-break" spots are pretty easy to come by.


If I'm prepping for a morning race I change things up; here again, for a race of 5K or less, I don't bother doing anything special, but if we're talking a 10-miler or a half-marathon or something, I set my alarm for four hours before the race, I get up, have a pot of tea (1.5 liters) and eat two slices of toast with either butter and preserves or butter and honey, and then go back to bed.

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