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When does exercise stop hurting?


Every time I try to get in shape the pain pushes me back. That constant deep ache that tugs at your every waking moment and keeps you awake at night.  After a few months I just can't stand it and need relief. Then I don't start up again after I'm rested. 


How long do you find it takes to go away if you are consistently working out 3 times per week?

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Thanks, @DavideFitbit 

I think I just didn't stick with it long enough. 

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Thank you, Amanda, I know you're trying to help. My point in telling the story of the Faire is that I'm quite capable of getting out and doing things. I should never have admitted to weight and emotional challenges because as soon as one does so people start treating one as if one is mentally challenged also.


Taking laundry up and down the stairs by individual item would not only add hours to a simple chore but aggravate my knees and be, in my opinion, exactly the kind of compulsive excess I'm trying to avoid. 


I think Davide hit it on the head: I didn't give my previous routine long enough for my body to adjust.


I'm going for a walk with hand weights now. I feel taking advantage of discretionary time rather than trying to force a daily exercise routine into a hectic schedule works better for me. 


Thank you for caring and sharing what works for you  I really do appreciate your openness and willingness to help. That's what makes a great community!

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Okey dokey, stepping back from this thread now... I wish you success in your fitness, @Chardy19 🙂


Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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No problem @Chardy19


I hope this works for you, keep us posted.  😀

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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As I've gradually become more active, I've realized it just never stops hurting. The pain is how you know you're alive! It's muscles and joints responding to new activity, but pain also comes from lack of activity. You just have to "choose your pain," to quote Star Trek. 

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That's a good way to put it @Chardy19, we always feel some degree of pain with new activities or when we increase the intensity, but it's a normal reaction from the body. 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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