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Who would like to join a PiYo (Pilates/Yoga) Accountability Group?

I have had pretty good results with walking and yoga these last 8 months and lost 55 lbs, but now I am looking at the next big goal ....


So I just ordered the PiYo program to get the next 30 lbs off and become fitter and a bit more toned overall. Since I am a big fan of yoga I think the PiYo is perfect to do at home, but I need people to do it with! 


I was wondering if there are others out there who would be interested in joining a challenge group!

It would start on Sep 4 (Labour Day) and go for 60 days - until Halloween!?


I would like to share experiences, good days, bad days, motivation for each other etc. The program even offers meal plans, shopping lists etc and I think it works pretty well with the fitbit food logg. 




I love yoga, pilates, knitting, my fitbit and walking my dog! +++ Started with 100 lbs to lose - 60% there - reclaiming my life and health!
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i was just reading your post and was wondering what area are you in it looks like a great idea

my name is Connie and i am lacking motivation and i think something like what you are offering would be a great idea... i just dont drive very far so hence i need to know where abouts you are.


cheers connie


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Hi Connie! 

I live in Toronto, Ontario. Right downtown. 
The workouts - next to walking - I do are either at my yoga studio or on dvd from home. I can also stream them from the net, which is cool, because my order of the dvd's isn't here yet but I can already start with the online workouts. 🙂
 I thought we could motivate each other in a group here and/ or‎ in a private group on facebook and if people like i'd be totally up to meet biweekly or monthly in person somewhere central in the GTA.‎ 
How cool would that be? To watch each other's progress online and then see the transformation in person?!
I myself am not at my goal. I still have 45 lbs to go. But in the last 8 months I lost 55 lbs already and I would love to meet fellow fitbitters and help, motivate, coach, vent and rant together. 🙂

Moderator Edit: format

I love yoga, pilates, knitting, my fitbit and walking my dog! +++ Started with 100 lbs to lose - 60% there - reclaiming my life and health!
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Oh just wanted to add - I created a private group on FB today that is gearde towards living healthier, happier and getting fitter. 


It's all about Peer Support and Motivation, sharing recipes and ideas. Ranting if we have a bad day and celebrating successes. 


So if anyone would like to join you can find us here:


We are planning to do a "clean eating" challenge for 30 days starting September 1. 

And then maybe from October - December a "get your workouts in" challenge... 

I love yoga, pilates, knitting, my fitbit and walking my dog! +++ Started with 100 lbs to lose - 60% there - reclaiming my life and health!
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I'm in - on my third day of it


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 i would love to join if still possible. my email is

add me if i can? thank you

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I'm wondering how you got on with PiYo since by your expected timeline you should be done now??
I'm thinking about doing it but am really struggling with motivation at the moment, though I get really down when I don't exercise so something needs to change!

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I am in my second week of it.  Very difficult but it is a challenge - I am using muscles I normally do not use - surprising my body. I do it four days a week.   I think too early for results. I mix it up with weightlifting 2 times a week and Wifit.

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