02-23-2017 23:24
02-23-2017 23:24
On my Charge 2, my average daily climb of steps is around 10- 14.
Yesterday, it was 28 and this is not what I did.
On the 'get moving' vibrate 10 minutes to the hour, because I'm in work, I walk to the toilet and just jog on the spot to make up the 250 steps. But I've done this for days (2 wks) since having my Fitbit and it's never exaggerated it before.
I noticed around 16.30 - 16.45 that it calculated a 6 moderate climb, yes I went up to sets of steps in town which are approx 9 or 10 steps each with about 15 steps worth of walking to the second lot. I don't understand this rise, as it is not feasible.
Any ideas please?
As always, thanks again and happy Fitbitting lol 😆
02-24-2017 00:49
02-24-2017 00:49
Floors are counted using an altimeter. An altimeter is a sensor that calculates altitude based on atmospheric pressure and atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing elevation, so the it calculates elevation gain based on the reduction in atmospheric pressure. Your trackers register a floor when they detect continuous motion combined with an elevation gain of about 10 feet. Given the fact that 10 feet is an average between residential and commercial floor heights, although commercial floors in particular tend to be higher than residential floors.
It will add floors when it is windy or cold.
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
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02-25-2017 19:35
02-25-2017 19:35
I think the floors get messed up a lot. If it's hot upstairs in my house, it may say I climbed 12 floor when I only climbed one. It also likes to count more floors if I run up them rather than walk. Other days it doesn't count any floors. If you use something that vibrates (like an electric toothbrush) it likes to go crazy and may give you 100 floors. The only time it tends to register correctly is if I'm actually climbing a large set of steps or running up a hill. I've noticed that on short bursts of any activity the watch doesn't seem to register correctly. I think it's programmed for continuous movement and doesn't act quick enough to register short amounts of activity.
02-26-2017 17:25
02-26-2017 17:25
During windy stormy weather if you are outside, it could register extra floors climbed. It has happened to me several times.
Elena | Pennsylvania