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any advise on how to train for your first 5k?

Im just starting I signed up for a 5k. Any helpful hints? Thanks in advance.Smiley Very Happy

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A 5K, or any type of K really, is about pacing yourself 🙂 You wouldn't want use up all your energy within the first few minutes. On average it should take you about 30 mins to complete to the 5K, and you'll get around 6,000-7,000 steps from it. Maybe you could start training yourself by jogging on the treadmill for 15-20 mins several days a week? I remember my first 5K and how exhilarating it felt afterwards! Good luck and have fun!! 😄
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I haven't done one myself, but have been interested in trying. I hope to try one in the spring time. While researching it I found the couch to 5k, which teaches you how to go from not running, to being able to run a 5k. There's an app on smart phones called run double. It tells you when to run, and then walk.
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If you have a smartphone, download a couch to 5k app. Zombies, Run! is a fun one.

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I would recommend you look at both Couch to 5K and Chi Running.  Both have recommended schedules for gradually leading you through a series of jog/walk intervals where the portion spent walking decreases as your body gets more accustomed to running.


One difference with Chi Running is the form / technique as you run.  Check out their website or search You Tube.


If you have a smartphone, there are apps which help with audio cues for when to transtion between walking and running.

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I was never a runner EVER even when I was in college and loved working out.  I decided last Spring to try the Couch to 5K apps.  I LOVED them.  I didn't finish it in the 9 weeks (4 kids under 5 prevented this...Haha) but I did finish and now I love running.  I recommend the C25K apps. It really does work.  There's a thread on here for people in the midst, starting or have finished and are continuing to train for 5Ks or greater.  It was a great source of encouragement and support.  

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I strongly recommend the Jeff Galloway training apps.  With those apps, you are able to upload your music into the app and it will change the tempo of your music to match the speed you need to run.  Galloway's method is run/ walk, but you can adjust the ratio (or just run the whole time).  For the 5k and 10k apps, it's a 3 day/week program.  Even though you have to pay for it, I think it's worth it.  I've completed his 5k, 10k, and half marathon training programs.

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I just heard about The Color Run, a 5K that seems to be for a lot of newbies.  It also looks like more fun than any other run I've ever seen.  I hate running, but I would like to be able to run with my kids, friends, and get fit by throwing on a good pair of sneakers.  This video and FitBit give me motivation!  I haven't signed up yet, but think I'll try the Hershey or DC event in May, and will try a Couch to 5K program to get ready!

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There are many couch to 5k apps out there.  Download and go for it!

@slem713 wrote:

Im just starting I signed up for a 5k. Any helpful hints? Thanks in advance.Smiley Very Happy


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I used Running Mate's C25K101 program. It is available as an app (for a small cost) that allows you to use your own music while telling you when to run/walk/etc. or as a free podcast where there is some background music already on the podcast. It is an 8 week program that takes you up to a 30 minute run. It is designed more for people who are not runners as it builds you up to being able to run for a longer period of time. There is also a follow up program called the "Faster 5K" which helps increase your speed and helps prepare you for an actual 5K race. This group also does a fitbit challenge and is one of the activity groups on here. Good luck!!

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Hi!  Is the faster 5K by Running Mate as well?  I completed the C25K program and am not exactly sure what I want to do now but I definitely think no matter what I do next, increasing my speed is one of my goals.  

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Yes, Running Mate makes the Faster 5K, the 10K training program, and I think they are in the process of coming out with one for training for either a marathon or half marathon (might already be out, not sure on it).

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I'll have to check it out. 


Katy, how's it going? Did you sign up for the Color Run?  They do look like fun.  There is one in Philly, but I don't think I can make that date.

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 I did sign up for the DC 5K.  Look into the Hershey one if it's close enough for you!  I haven't started the 5K training, but I have been walking my 10,000 steps a day, and have been trying to pick up the pace, as well as hit some hills.

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I'm not a runner (due to a bad ankle injury a few years back), but I do 5k's.  All that I've been to have been "walker friendly", with some people mixing walking and jogging/running.


A 5k is about 3.1 miles, and if you can walk that far, there is no reason not to try one!  Often, 5k's are used to raise money for a cause, and for example, the last two I did were for the American Diabetes Association.  Got a t-shirt, and helped a good cause!


The first event I did was last year - the 4.2 mile "Pat's Run" in Phoenix (  The wild thing about that was there were about 25,000 people doing it!  As a walker, they had us start at the back, and did that based on your own estimate of the time it would take you.  I guessed it would take much longer than it did, and was actually in the very last group to start.

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It's an awesome 5K but be sure to cover your car seats or take a change of clothes with you.  Back issues keep me from running it but I walked it in October and have signed up for the one this spring too.,  Of the 5k races I've done, the Color Run is more about the fun factor.

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Perhaps the most important advice..... go to a specialist store and get fitted for running shoes.  This goes a long way to preventing injuries due to unessesary foot/leg stress.

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Whatever you do remember to pace yourself, be consisitent, and that speed does NOT matter. Making the decision to try puts you ahead of all the people sitting home on their couches eating potato chips.

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I did the color run 5k last year and walked more than ran, but thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Here's some tips that helped me when I started running:

-When you are first starting, I think it's better to think of running in the context of minutes ran instead of miles ran.

-Control your breathing.

-Run on dirt/grass instead of concrete when possible, it's easier on your joints.

-When I can help it I avoid treadmills. It's really easy to get mentally dependant on a treadmill for things like setting a pace for yourself.
-Don't run on an empty stomach. My favorite pre-run snack is a banana with peanut butter.

-Find a running buddy. It helps me stay consistent with actually going for a run and it's easy to feed off of somebody else's energy.

Derrick | Retired Moderator, Fitbit

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