03-31-2014 08:28
03-31-2014 08:28
what is a reasonable starting goal for # of steps per day?
03-31-2014 08:32
03-31-2014 08:32
Found many relevant posts. Any additional insight is welcome but I think I am good...
03-31-2014 22:11
03-31-2014 22:11
I started out with 5,000 and have been working my way up.
04-01-2014 13:01
04-01-2014 13:01
It really depends on what kind of shape you were in. I started with 10,000 because that was the default, and I found I was getting about 7,500 to 8,000 just from my regular daily activity. I increased it from there. I try to get about 22,000 now as that equals about 10 miles for me.
07-05-2014 17:06
07-05-2014 17:06
I do an average of over 10, 000 steps a day walking. I love walking. I have a two and a half year old nephew that keeps me pretty active so I can't tell you what's reasonable because only you know what's reasonable to yourself