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how to burn more calories daily


I jog 4-5 miles daily before work.  At work I get up and walk two to three times a day for a total of about 2 miles.Every opportunity I get I walk more or go up and down more stairs but I never break 2000 calories burned.  I know it sounds dumb - I know to burn more calories exercise more, but i do have to sit at my desk and work throughout the day.  Any suggestions

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@Orlaa wrote:

I burnt 1,800 yesterday is my watch wrong?

Should be: "My Fitbit said I burnt 1,800". Reason: it’s an estimate / an educated guess. 


is my watch wrong?

Impossible to say without knowing your height, your weight and your age. All of these affect the number of calories you burn.


Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Im 5’5 126lbs and 14 F

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Late reply for sure, but I wanted to comment that my new standing desk has helped my overall health a lot more. It would be great to try a treadmill desk one day.

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That’s a lot of exercise! I don’t know your height, weight or age. Those factors are important. However, for comparison purposes: I am a 68 year old female. I am 5’7” tall. I weigh 143. My calorie burn is almost always over 2,000 per day which is good for my age. My step goal is 12,000 per day which I usually meet. I get 30 to 60 active minutes a day. Some days are much higher. For example, last Wednesday I worked in the yard and got 160 active minutes, 30 floors, 15,818 steps and 2,658 calories burned. Thursday it dropped to 14,113 steps, 64 active minutes, 49 floors and only 2,086 calories burned. Even when I don’t meet my goals, I burn around 1,800 calories. It’s all relative. If you are petite, you may not be able to get as high, but you are getting a ton of exercise with what you described!

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