07-07-2014 20:00
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07-07-2014 20:00
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I have recently started walking again after a few months off. I was doing an 11:15 mile until January. I started walking about 3 weeks ago and have done 3-5 days every week. Late last week when I tried to add 30 second intervals of jogging I got side stitches that left me sore through the weekend. Today it happened within 10 seconds. I'm breathing low, inhaling and exhaling on the foot opposite the stitch(always the right side) and am plenty hydrated. Even raising my arms above my head doesn't really help. Any insights or suggestions?

07-07-2014 22:48
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07-07-2014 22:48
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Don't listen to funny stuff while walking so you are laughing so hard - in stitches! .. ahem, ok, not a comedian.
Are you breathing with the diaphragm part of your lower stomach?
You might try breathing in through only your nose, pushing that lower stomach out.
Also, shallow breathing may not be best idea.
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07-10-2014 09:48
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07-10-2014 09:48
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Stitches are simply cramps. Do you stretch your torso before your walk/jog? If you don't, add it into your warm-up. Hold your elbows up, shoulder-height, and twist your torso from one side to the other. Do this several times until any tightness is gone, then stretch your arm over your head, leaning with the direction of your stretched arm. Bend your torso with this stretch, and do this for both sides.
These stretches won't keep stitches away, but they will make them much, much more bearable. Plus, you won't be sore for days after the stitch.

07-11-2014 16:33
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07-11-2014 16:33
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Stitches are often either cramps or overhydration issues. Try dialing back the amount of fluids you're taking in before walking / running, it is entirely possible that you're overhydrated and that is giving you the stitch. Also if you're not taking in some electrolytes you might try adding them. Especially in the summertime when your body is sweating you're losing electrolytes at a high rate, then add in extra exertion and increased sweatting in the form of an interval run and your body is going to say to you "HEY STOP!" There are electrolyte pills on the market and also drinks like Gatorade, Poweraid, and the like have them added in for you. Good luck.

08-07-2014 10:44
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08-07-2014 10:44
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Sorry it has taken me so long to reply but I couldn't figure out how to find my post lol. I wasn't breathing shallow, I apologize for the miscommunication. I couldn't think of a better way to imply the belly breathing than to say breathing low. I was doing everything the same as I had when I began jogging and had worked up to a 11:15 mi before having to take 5 mths off due to extenuating circumstances. As it turns out the stitches stopped the next week when I bought new shoes. I don't know if they typically go hand in hand but none the less problem resolved. Thank you both for your input.