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Be Balanced program

Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure if many of you have heard of the "Be Balanced Program" or not, I hadn't until December 2017, I thought I would try and add yet one more program to my list of what I've tried and what has NOT worked.

Anyway it's an extreme program, very similar to the HCG program that was out a few years ago.  You take these drops 3 times a day with a few supplements you eat 2 protein, 2 fruits,and 2 veggies a day, I was tracking my calories on FitBit and they ranged anywhere from 425-475 a day, plus I drank 90-100 oz of water a day.  This program is expensive but they guarantee that you will lose 20 pounds the first month, I wanted to do it for at least 2 months to get a great jump start on losing 80 pounds.

OK here's the issue, I lost 6 pounds the first 4 days that was only because I went from eating carbs/sugars to NOT eating any at all. then it took me until today which is February 7th to lose another 9 pounds....Now am I missing something here but if I'm eating so few calories drinking all that water, and feeling like crap every single day, then why am I not losing any weight? stupid me decided to pay yet again for February which I will start this weekend, after a 30 day cycle you have to take a little maintenance for 5-7 900.00 later yepper it's like it cost me 72.00 for each pound, and I just don't get it.

If anyone has any advice, know of the program, suggestions, anything would be greatly appreciated....Thank you



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Best Answer

I don't know the program, but I suggest to quit it. It sounds like a program that does not set you up for success in life. What is going to happen when the program ends? How are you going to keep your weight off? In my opinion you are paying a lot for not eating. You don't need the drops and suplements if you eat healthy. My advice would be to quit any program and create a healthy lifestyle you can maintain, without having to feel hungry and crappy all the time. Weight loss might be more slow, but you will be able to keep up with it for longer and learn the skills/build up a lifestyle to keep the weight off.


Also this programs sounds rather dangerous to me, due to the very low amount of calories it allows for. They cannot guarantee how much you lose, even if they claim so, because weight loss is different for everyone. It depends on your starting weight, your goal weight, how active you are etc. etc. Calories eaten is only looking at one side of the weight loss journey.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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Hello! I happened to stumble upon your post and I wanted to reach out to you. I work with the BeBalanced corporate office in Lancaster, PA. We are very sorry to hear that you seem to be struggling with the program. We have helped thousands of women and have been a solution when everything else has failed. We stand by our program and want to make sure we work hand in hand with our clients to ensure their success. Although we do not guarantee you will lose 20 lbs in a month, we monitor your weight loss progress to get you through plateaus, and our guarantee is that we will continue working with you until you reach your 15-pound loss, no matter how long it takes. We typically recommend that you should be eating more calories than what you have been tracking, and that would be something we identify in our slow loss monitoring.  There are many things that can impact your ability to lose, such as over-exercising or medications.  Also, you should not have been hungry and miserable, so that makes me think that something else might be going on. It looks like you continued with the program so I’m anxious to hear how everything turned out and if your Natural Hormone Balancing Specialist was able to identify what was going on. We take great pride in helping women lose weight naturally and safely through hormone balancing and we want to see you succeed!

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@fitnessfan82 wrote:

your Natural Hormone Balancing Specialist [...]  helping women lose weight naturally and safely through hormone balancing

I’m personally very skeptical with regards to "manipulating"/"tweating"/"optimizing"/"balancing" our hormones in order to achieve goals like weight loss. Hormone imbalances are usually the consequence of lifestyle factors and/or medical conditions, so they must be addressed by fixing the lifestyle and/or underlying medical issues.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Stumbled across?  Does your work mean you scan the internet for comments about the program?

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I was looking into this program and googled how much it would cost when your post came up.  Thank you for posting.  I was hoping it was more of a dietary program to help you balance hormones naturally.  I should have known smh....

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I used and continue to use the Be Balanced program. I started in October 2017 and by January 2018 I had lost 27 lbs. I have maintained this loss. The program works through a combination of supplements and changes to your diet. The first 28-30 days are basically an elimination diet; no dairy, fat, low carb, etc. Although calorie intake is low, you are taking supplements that give your body what it needs. The rest of the program then involves adding things back into your diet and teaching you what works for you. This program has helped me tremendously! It has been a lifestyle change, not a "diet." I have learned that I am very sensitive to dairy, and like most people too many carbohydrates lead to weight gain. For the first time in my life I am not constantly hungry, I sometimes need to remind myself to eat. I feel better than I have for years. Before Be Balanced I had horrible hot flashes, arthritis pain, bloating, feet/ankles swelling up. As long as I follow what I have learned through this program these issues have almost completely disappeared or extremely minimized. 

Best Answer

Hi Linda…..I just saw your note about Be Balanced and am sorry to hear it didn't work for you.  I just completed my first 30 days and lost 22 pounds.  I love the program and am truly thankful for having a friend recommend it.  I followed it 110% and it works.  I would hate to discourage people from trying it because everyone is different.  Good luck in finding something that works for you.

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Just curious....what is in the drops they give you?

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Hi. I'm on this program 37 days and down 11 pounds. Obviously I'm not happy and in need of help so I'm reaching out to the corporate office because I truly want 15 to 20 pounds off to reach my goal weight and not getting answers as to how to achieve this. 

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They will help you for sure. Stick to it and it works. You must be very strict.  I started on July 24 and I’m still down 26 pounds. 

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@aces4000 wrote:

I'm on this program 37 days and down 11 pounds. Obviously I'm not happy 

Are you saying you lost 11 pounds in about 5 weeks (i.e. more than 2 pounds per week in average) and you think it’s too slow? How much faster did you expect / were you promised to lose? 

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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 I lost 22 pounds in the first part of the program and have maintained it and lost a few more pounds. They do not promise you anything but I believe most people lose about 15 in a month. I followed the diet exactly and drank lots and lots of water which I think really helps. You should reach out to the center and they may be able to give you more tips 

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@Cyndy66 wrote:

 I lost 22 pounds in the first part of the program and have maintained it and lost a few more pounds. They do not promise you anything but I believe most people lose about 15 in a month. I followed the diet exactly and drank lots and lots of water which I think really helps. You should reach out to the center and they may be able to give you more tips 

You wrote earlier on you started on July 24 and are still down 26 pounds: that’s 26 pounds in about 17 weeks, an average of 1.5 pound per week. Sounds like a realistic and reasonable pace to me, but it’s a far cry from the 15 pounds per month you believe most people lose in this program. This may work for a very short period of time, but no way it can be sustained for much longer than a month or so.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Ok sorry I have been confusing. I lost 22 pounds in the first month and the other 4 pounds since then For a total of 26 pounds as of today. The 22 pounds that I lost in PHASE 1 only were more than the normal 15 that people lose 



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Sorry your plan isn't giving you the results you desire. I have found in my years of wellness coaching, our bodies are like machines. Feed them proper amounts of high level fuel and they function, optimally. Rule of thumb: want to weigh 150 lbs? Eat 1500 calories, daily (add a zero to desired weight for calorie intake), drink 1/2 your body weight in oz. (Weigh 190 lbs., drink 95 oz) of water and walk 5 days a week. I am also an Herbalife Nutrition Distributor/Coach of 8 years and Pilates Instructor.  I incorporate the products into my healthy active lifestyle. Would you like me to coach you? Christine

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You must have misunderstood my post. I have done really work on my program and haven been maintaining with no problem. It was that other person that struggled. 

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Ok thank you!

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I am so glad I read your experience.  I was just about to join up this morning and I am having second thoughts.  It is expensive and the claims are outstanding.  Thank you for sharing.

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Okay thank you my dear

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