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What to eat after the gym?

Eggs and whole-wheat bread: Whole-wheat breads provide carbohydrates to restore the energy burned during exercise, and the fiber in it helps to stabilize blood sugar. Use with one egg for added effect. These two foods together will provide all 9 amino acids needed to build muscle mass.
Milk chocolate: with a carbohydrate / protein ratio of 4/1, it will help re-energize and restore muscle. Moreover, the water content accounts for 90% will help replenish the lost water of the body. One study found that athletes who drank a glass of milk chocolate after a workout recovered faster than those who drank only sports drinks containing carbohydrates.
Whole-grain rolls with turkey meat: Whole grains are a high-fiber source of carbohydrates, while turkey contains 12 g of protein for every 85 grams of meat eaten. Use avocado sauce for a rich source of potassium and magnesium for muscle pain relief, along with lots of vitamins and unsaturated fats.
Greek yogurt and fruit: with just one cup of Greek yogurt provides the body with 20g of protein. For added nutrients add fresh fruit. One study found that eating this dish after exercise was beneficial for reducing muscle inflammation after exercise.
Salmon and sweet potatoes: Salmon is rich in protein and omega-3 that can ease muscle pain after exercise, and eaten with baked sweet potatoes will help the body recover.

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I've read non-fat milk is a good choice right after a hard workout.

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Great topic @lenhattien! Welcome to the Community forums. 


You can find some extra tips and suggestions on what to eat after the gym in this other thread of the discussion's forum. I hope it's useful!  

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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