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Whole Food Plant Based Diet Vs. Cancer

On February 13, 2015, the American Cancer Society published their recommendations that cancer survivors should follow "prudent diets," plant-based diets that are high in fruits, vegetables and unrefined grains while at the same time being low in red and processed meats, refined grains, and sugars. Its report states, "These diets are contrasted to 'Western' diets,' which have the opposite pattern and are heavy in meats, sweets, other processed foods, and dietary fat." They also recommend weight loss and exercise in order to prolong survival for people with cancer.


Dr. John McDougall has been treating cancer with a whole food plant based diet since 1980. He published the first research in 1984. You can read his thoughts here.

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Why did Steve Jobs Die?


Steve Jobs died of neuroendocrine cancer after having it for at least 32 years. There are lots of rumors about his diet, but once he learned about his cancer about six years before his death, he want on a WFPB diet. This kept the cancer from growing during this time. Then a family member started harassing him to add meat to his diet and the cancer started growing. Later, I'll give another source to show this does happen. To be successful, adherence to the WFPB diet must be strict.

Note: The press often states he had pancreatic cancer, which is incurable. However, he actually had neuroendocrine cancer in his pancreas. Neuroendocrine cancer can act as an endocrine gland and can cause some hormonal issues that are generally easily corrected with medicine.


Key concept - doubling


Usually, it takes at least 10 years to be detectible using current technology. This cancer has a doubling rate that can be controlled through diet. A WFPB diet can slow, eliminate or reverse the doubling so the cancer doesn't ever become visible, or if it does, it doesn't get to a size to cause problem.


What this means to us is we should assume we have cancer that hasn't been detected yet and eat a WFPB diet. The major players in the WFPB diet have known this since at least 1980 and have been treating patients.


Dr. McDougall does a great job of explaining the doubling in this video. 

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Good news!


I met with my oncologist today. All indications are the tumors are shrinking already. Looks like the Whole Food Plant Based way of eating is working. 


It can't be the medication as there is no medication for neuroendocrine cancer.


The oncologist was interested in reading "Whole" by Dr. Campbell.

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Whoa @GershonSurge did I read that wrong, or are you saying you have cancer? My friend, if so, no wonder you are so well versed on the WFPB way of eating. If I or a loved one were diagnosed with cancer, I world recommend they do exactly as you are doing.

Fitbits: One, Blaze, Charge 4, Aria 2 Scale
Reasons to Fitbit: Kendra, Elizabeth, Katherine, Charlotte, Evelyn, and Susannah
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I forgot to update this topic. My doctors decided I was cancer free on Mar 14th or thereabouts. They redid all the tests, and they declared I am cancer free. 🙂 The reason I didn't know on Mar 14th is some of the blood test results weren't available yet.



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I see the introductory post is missing. I think at the time I started this topic, I didn't want to admit I had cancer. I'll make a post tomorrow morning to give the whole story.

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Wow! That is fantastic news and I look forward to hearing your story! In fact, I wouldn't mind also sharing my own brush with the big "C", that, by the way, spurred me to go all-in on a plant based diet, get all of my extra weight off, and finally reclaim my health.

Fitbits: One, Blaze, Charge 4, Aria 2 Scale
Reasons to Fitbit: Kendra, Elizabeth, Katherine, Charlotte, Evelyn, and Susannah
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Hello again! I hope I'm not imposing here. I just received the invitation below from Dr. Fuhrman, in my email. I watched a previous docu-series that he recommended, and I was glad I did. I don't know what to expect from this one, but plan to watch it, as well. Because we are all interested in health and nutrition, I thought I'd share this invitation with everyone here, in case some of you are interested. Here is Dr. Fuhrman's letter (click the link if you are interested and want to register (I just did); each episode is free for 21 hours only; after that, it could only be purchased):


Hi Ellie,

The modern diet is making billions of people sick and fat.

If you’re fed up with toxic food, and hungry for a change, then I have wonderful news. My friends John and Ocean Robbins are getting ready to bring YOU one of the most powerful free events in the history of food. Have you signed up yet? 

Learn the truth about food in the 2018 Food Revolution Summit.

Our current diet is leading to:

  • Heart disease
  • Dementia
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • A multitude of other diseases . . .

But the truth is, you can beat disease, and step into great health, starting with the food on your plate. I have devoted my entire medical career to spreading this critical message over the past 30 years.

From April 28th-May 6th, John and Ocean Robbins are interviewing 24 of the world’s top medical and food experts, including myself; Kris Carr; Michael Greger, MD; Vani Hari; Neal Barnard, MD; Dale Bredesen, MD; and many more.

I am lending my support to those striving for clean food and a cleaner environment, even in cases where I don’t fully agree with their message. So though there may be some information – from a few presenters – that I consider to be misleading or off the mark, it gives me more to comment on and explain after the event, thus cementing understanding and clarity in this equation. Of course, your critical reasoning skills and core of Nutritarian knowledge will help you decipher what you hear, and understand the facts. 

During this week-long online event, you’ll gain the latest insights on food and nutrition. And you’ll learn about specific foods that can:

  • Enhance brain health
  • Prevent cancer
  • Put you solidly on the path to lasting wellness

This isn’t the time to advocate simply for fewer pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, added sugars, additives, colorings, and processing. If we truly want health, now is the time for a food revolution. We all need to work together to get toxins and chemicals out of our food.

If you know that food matters, and you want to do the best for your body and your planet, then this is THE place to be.

Join the Food Revolution Summit and get the resources you need to stand up for real food.

I’ll see you there!


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@GershonSurge & @ScottHsv, Dr. McDougal is also working with Dr. Goldhammer, from TrueNorth Health, in California, who specializes in Water Fasting and had incredible results with all kinds of illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, all kinds of autoimmune diseases, and "C".


I apologize if this is old news to you. You may already know about it, but just in case....  Here is his webpage:


You may also want to look him up on YouTube. He has a lot of lectures there, as well. 


Best wishes to you, both. 



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You are always welcome here. 


Dr. McDougall has a video where he says after explaining the rice and sugar diet that he prescribes in some cases, "If you think this is bad, wait until I send you to True North where they will put you on a water fast."


Doug Lisle has been the clinical psychologist at True North for 30 years as well as the psychologist for Dr. McDougall's program. His videos are fascinating.


True North seems to treat the full spectrum of dietary diseases. 


Compare this description of "Straight Up Food" sold on the True North site to Dr. Campbell's:


"All recipes avoid the use of animal products, including meat, fish, fowl, eggs and dairy products as well as the use of added oil, salt and sugar. All of the recipes use readily available ingredients derived exclusively from whole natural foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and raw nuts and seeds."


Cathy Fisher


The most important step is to change the way you eat. The diet is simple: eat whole, plant-based foods, with little or no added oil, salt, or refined carbohydrates like sugar or white flour. (Though it may take some research, there are cookbooks out there that will fit your needs— more of them now than ever before.)

Campbell, T. Colin. Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition (p. 289). BenBella Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.


Sound familiar? There was a behind the scenes relationship between Dr. Campbell and Dr. Fuhrman. 


What's my point? The time to learn this material is before discovering a disease. Then you can look the doctor in the eye and say, "I don't want any treatment; I'll cure it with diet." It's even better to decide NOW that you have the early stages of all the major causes of death and start to cure them before the "Witch Doctors" get involved.


You will also learn when your "With Doctor (otherwise known as a specialist)" comes into the room for the first time to suggest an interventionary tactic that will not cure the effects of dietary dysfunction to ask "What about nutrition?"




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