06-12-2024 09:57
06-12-2024 09:57
How do i disconnect WhatsApp from my fitbit inspire 3 hr device?
06-12-2024 11:31
06-12-2024 11:31
@Bebe01 , Nice to see you around. Thank you for your message.
In the Fitbit App tap on the devices icon ( upper left corner) > Inspire 3 > Notifications.
Unser Text Notifications or App Notifications, you will see the WhatsApp option. Tap on it to deselect it.
With that you'll no longer will receive the WhatsApp notifications on the Inspire 3
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.