06-08-2024 17:45
06-08-2024 17:45
I bought an Inspire tracker in Feb of 2020. From the very beginning, it has been a serious pain to charge. I eventually get it charged, but man is it ever flaky. I have always had to unplug and plug in the charge cable multiple times to get it to finally start charging and even then it sometime fails. It appears it is finally ready to give up entirely and I'm more than ready to throw it out the window. Have the charging issues been improved any in the latest models?
06-11-2024 10:59
06-11-2024 10:59
Hi, @Danhogan95 welcome to the community, I can't say I've had any issues with the Inspire 3 charging. You may find this article of interest Why isn't my Fitbit device's battery charging? - Fitbit Help Center, I apologise if you've already seen it and followed the advice. In my experience it is important to make sure any skin products you use have been cleaned from the back of your device, warm soapy water will do - I've used rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl 70%) Careful examination of the two pins in the back of the charging cable puck is worth your time, they should be equally proud and free (they are spring loaded) If in doubt replacement cables are available at Amazon at a modest price. Had your device still been under warranty it extends to the cable. As you will see from the link above the integrity of the USB port you are using should be reviewed.
You may be aware of the problems with the "Sense" but they have not been repeated with newer devices or the Pixel Watch.
I hope this helps.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
06-11-2024 14:08
06-11-2024 14:08
I'm glad to hear that someone didn't have trouble getting the Inspire 3 to charge reliably. I have the original one and I ended up trying anything and everything. Each time, I had to unplug and plug in the cable multiple times. I do see that the new one seems to seat mechanically while my original Inspire just has magnetic attachment.