07-11-2024 05:02
07-11-2024 05:02
My husbands Inspire 2 has been having some issues holding battery life in the last few days. Not sure if it’s because it’s a few years old or because it’s been so hot lately. My question is, if we need to replace it, is the premium subscription a trial that we can discontinue or is it an unavoidable monthly subscription now?
07-11-2024 09:35
07-11-2024 09:35
I went from inspire 2 to 3 at Christmas. and they gave me 6 month free premium. ended july 4 i wrote a note in my calendar that it renewed on the 4th and to cancel on the 29th.. i wound up canceling it about a week before that because something popped up to remind me. they sent me cancellation email and said it would cancel the 4th and it did.
07-11-2024 09:37
07-11-2024 09:37
07-11-2024 09:37
07-11-2024 09:37
Thank you! We ended up replacing his Inspire 2 with Inspire 3. How do you like the difference between the two?
07-11-2024 10:25
07-11-2024 10:25
didn't really notice a lot of difference same short charger thingie. a little wider than the 2 so can't use the same bands on it or pocket clip. more swipes to get to the exercise. they have now made the dektop browser useless can only do it on the app. charge might last a little longer but then i'm not an athlete just walking and a machine at the gym occasionally so it really doesnt use a lot i wish i could get rid of the notification screen as i don't use it.