07-28-2019 19:58
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07-28-2019 19:58
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I don't know if this will work or not but I am trying it and so wanted to share this idea now for anyone else interested in trying this approach to getting a new Ionic under your Credit Card (built in warranty) clause. It may take 30 days before I know if this approach will work but wanted to share this idea now should there be others wanting to try this approach themselves.
I purchased my Ionic using a Mastercard which offers a 2 year warranty beyond whatever the manufacturer offers. So, since Fitbit offers a 1 year warranty, purchasing my Ionic in Dec., 2017 means I should have a warranty until Dec. 2020. I have contacted Mastercard and have started the process. However, they require I provide them with the following:
1.) Copy of my receipt (in pdf form)
2.) Copy of the Fitbit warranty (in pdf form)
3.) Picture of the Ionic watch (for some reason, not sure why)
4.) Repair estimate. To get this I copied and pasted my chat session from Fitbit and highlighted those sections of the conversation where they stated they did not offer a warranty past the 1 year period and all they could do was offer the 25% discount. I had them also state what the cost of the replacement Ionic would be so that is essentially the "repair estimate" I am hoping Mastercard will accept and reimburse me for.
If this works and MC reimburses me 75% out of pocket, then I will order a new Fitbit Ionic for the discounted price. I will buy the new Ionic again with my MC so when the new Ionic fails outside its warranty I can follow the same process and hopefully keep this going for years to come.
If you should try this, please reply back letting myself and others know what challenges you ran into and if/whether this approach worked for you. Best of luck!! (I will provide updates as I learn more as well.)

07-28-2019 20:50
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07-28-2019 20:50
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Why would you buy another Fitbit product after all this?

07-28-2019 21:12
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07-28-2019 21:12
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as it had all of the features I enjoyed. If I can get MC to pay my
out of pocket cost, essentially I am getting a new watch for free. If
I then purchase the new one with my MC, I should be able to do this
continuously and hopefully get my money's worth....eventually.
On the backside I am hoping / believing that MC will turn to Fitbit
and get reimbursed themselves for the warranty coverage cost of the
Fitbit Ionic. So, in essence, Fitbit will be covering the cost of
replacing my Ionic, which is honestly what they should be doing anyway
given the cost ($300) and the unbelieveable short lifespan of this
But again, as I mentioned I don't know if this will work. In the
meantime I've ordered the Amazfit Bit product and will try it for 30
days. By then I should have an answer regarding my MC warranty
reimbursement for the Fitbit Ionic and at the same time decide whether
the Amazfit Bit will meet my needs. If it does then I will use the MC
warranty money to pay for the Amaz-Bit or if I don't like it, I can
then order the Ionic knowing that my cost is covered.
I hope this helps.

07-28-2019 22:15
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07-28-2019 22:15
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@SunsetRunner wrote:
On the backside I am hoping / believing that MC will turn to Fitbit
and get reimbursed themselves for the warranty coverage cost of the
Fitbit Ionic. So, in essence, Fitbit will be covering the cost of
replacing my Ionic, which is honestly what they should be doing anyway
given the cost ($300) and the unbelieveable short lifespan of this
Sorry, that's not how extended warranties on credit cards work. You, the CC company and third-party insurers will be ultimately paying for a new device, not Fitbit. If that's how you want to reward a company that puts out garbage products (in terms of quality control), I suppose that's your prerogative.

09-06-2019 15:05
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09-06-2019 15:05
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Just to follow up. My credit card company did reimburse me the cost Fitbit said would charge me to replace my Ionic. Since I already purchased a Amazbit, which I am happy with, I do not plan on buying another Ionic or any Fitbit product. Since the Amazbit cost a lot less than the replacement cost the credit card compay is sending me, I guess overall I came out okay.
If you try this approach I hope you have the same experience with your credit card.
Good luck.