07-07-2023 08:12
07-07-2023 08:12
Hey there, I've had my Luxe since November 2022, and recently it has been having issues tracking sleep, syncing, and now connecting to my app. I deleted the watch off my app thinking it just needed to be re-paired to my app to start syncing properly. Now it just won't connect.
07-07-2023 09:14
07-07-2023 09:14
@Celestialwitch Can you provide details to what phone and OS you're using?
07-07-2023 13:08
07-07-2023 13:08
I have a Samsung Galaxy A-fourteen Five-G, android version thirteen. (I couldn't use numerals as they're not permitted in this community)
07-08-2023 04:45
07-08-2023 04:45
@Celestialwitch Since it sounds like you've tried most troubleshooting methods, I can only suggest a total factory reset of the device.
I'm going to ask another Product Expert who is more familiar with Android devices to chime in as well. I only use iOS, so I want to make sure you get correct info related to your specific phone.
07-08-2023 07:50
07-08-2023 07:50
Hello @Celestialwitch sorry to hear about your sync issue.
Removing a non syncing watch should be the very last thing to try.
I too run android and here is what I would try.
We are going to reset the fitbit app.
With future sync errors try these steps. Try a sync after each step
I rarely have had the above steps fail to fix a sync. Which ever step fixed the sync issue, that is the first step I try with the next sync failure.