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100 lbs to lose - New to Fitbit! - looking for friends on the journey


Hi I am Jane - have just started today with great excitement with Fitbit . 


I have quite a mountain to climb ! 


I have just set a target which if I can loose approx 2lbs per week in one years time I should be at goal.

I am weighing in at 17stone and want to get to 10stone 


Day one went out for a walk and achieved 6,000 steps overall today. Found walking with two sticks really good as it held my posture, assisted with stability and made the walking experience better.


Just about to put togeter a menu planner and do a specific shopping list so I can keep on track with eating .


Found the food logger easy to use and love the breakdown that can be achieved as I am a diabetic.


Looking forward to hearing from you if you are on a simular journey. I plan to do a regular post as the weeks go bye.





Best Answer

Hi Jane,


We have so much in common! I got my fitbit earlier this month and I'm already addicted. I'm aiming for 10stone by next summer too, although I will probably look at losing more afterwards depending on how I am at the goal. I want to be slimmer and fitter for next year's graduations.


I'm also diabetic (type 2) and am hoping the weight loss and fitness acheived will help with that.


I'm also getting my husband to take a photo of me each month so that I can see how far I'm progressing. So far I've just got the one comparison but eagerly looking forward to this next photo shot.



"Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!"

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