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30 lbs of Fat loss in 40 days

Hey Guys.  I am in Austin, Texas.


I just started a comprehensive medical supervised Fat Loss program that focuses on fine tuning your metabolism to burn fat using nutrition, hormones, exercise, lifestyle changes, and cleansing. Part of the program is using the fitbit.  The program is 90 days. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. in 90 days.


The first 40 days are done with a hormone called hCG. You have to eat like a PIG for two days at buffets, but you have no appetite after the first and have to force yourself to eat on the second.  You get a pedometer that counts ONLY your steps, unlike the fitbit that counts your arm swings.


You have to go to a High Intensity Training center where elite trainers do a Body Fat composition test using a BodPod that is highly accurate. They check to see your Fat Loss to Muscle loss ratio and give you your personal calorie requirements for your body.  


You have to eat a very specific diet that causes the hCG to make your body eat your own fat at 1/2 - 1.5 lbs. a day, depending on how much fat you have, your gender and your current health.  It has meats, veggies and fruits. You also have to drink tea to help get the fat out of your body.  Here is something I did not know, if your poop floats, then you are excreting fat in your poop.


You are supposed to walk 3K - 5K ACTUAL steps each day, but NO aerobics or weights yet. You can do Yoga and stretching too if you want, but nothing that makes you go aerobic for long periods.  Increased heart rates are good, but they say that during hCG hormones if you do high intensity then you will burn your muscle off, which is not what you want if you want a good metabolism.


They look at your fitbit logs and see what you are doing. Every day you get a new Metabolic Lesson to learn and answer questions on. You get lessons on nutrition, hydration, infections, yeasts, alkalinity, hormones, habits, and even on how things are marketed to make you buy them and consume too much.


After the first 40 days, then you switch over to a healthy diet with good food to change your life style habits to keep you losing fat and start building a little muscle, but really getting your metabolism going.


Turns out that after 30 or so, your hGH (Human Growth Hormone) starts dropping and your metabolism slows because your sex hormones also drop. The hGH is the master control hormone that regulates almost all other hormones. As you age the hGH drops and all your other hormones drop too and you get fat. So even if you lose weight on a diet, you will get it all back if your hormones are not balanced properly.  Like insulin (makes your body store fat), Leptin (makes your body feel full and burn fat, Thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), responsible for regulation of metabolism. Serotonin (helps you sleep and recover), Cortisol ( breaks down muscles and slows your metabolism), Testosterone (male sex hormone that makes you burn fat and gain muscle and have a good sex drive), well, anyway there are a lot of hormones that are controlled by hGH.


My hormone tests showed lower hGH and Testosterone and that will make me gain the weight back if I dont get those back up. I have to take injections that will activate my adrenal glands to make hGH and also have Testosterone injections after the hCG hormone phase.  


The elite trainers will put me on a special TIMED eating schedule to make me burn even more fat and increase my hGH where I only eat for a specific 8 hour period and have nothing for 16 hours. It is the same TIMED program Hugh Jackman was on to lean out for his Wolverine movie.


The exercises move into short burst 5 - 10 minute intensity to stimulate the metabolism even more with some small muscle gains.


Hormone levels are checked, body composition is checked, nutrition is checked and education level is checked.  So over 90 days, I am shooting for a realistic (I'm told) 50lbs of Fat loss and 10 lbs of muscle gain.


My starting stats are

244 lbs. 6'1"  

153.7 lbs. of muscle  

71 lbs. of Fat

Testosterone levels at 425 (range 0 - 1000+)

hGH level at 5 (0 - 12)


If anyone wants to know more, I will be glad to answer your questions.

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Well the hormone is not actually a drug.  But the second part (50 days) involves even more hormones. It seems that men's Testosterone kicks in around 12 and the body leans out and muscles grow.  Then by 30 the testosterone starts dropping and the body stops leaning out and starts losing muscle.  So men who want to lose body fat have more and more trouble as their hormone starts to drop off.  Additionally metabolism drops as the Master Hormone HGH drops as the pituitary gland stops pumping out as much.  As the doctor explained, you would have to be an Endocrinologist to understand everything, but basically no matter how much you workout or how healthy you eat, your hormone drop off slows your metabolism. So unless you balance those reductions, you will continue to lose muscle and it will be harder to keep fat from gaining back.  Your metabolism is the key to keeping fat off and muscle intact.  Without the hormone balancing, even eating healthy, your libido drops, stamina reduces and your collagen in your tissues starts sagging. That shows outside as your skin wrinkling, but inside as weakened muscle, bulging disks, weaker heart muscle, ect.  So you MUST balance your hormone loss if you want long term ( the rest of your life) health and fitness and not just short term (1 - 3 years) of maintained body fat composition.  So even though I do eat pretty healthy, my testosterone was way down and my HGH was low and dropping like most men my age.  Women have something called HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy when they hit menopause, but most men don't realize they are going through something similar. As women lose their estrogen, they become more like men with hairy lips, etc...  As men lose their Testosterone they become more like women, weaker and added fat stores.  So with this 90 day program they first jump start your fat loss with a hormone that is NOT a drug while you get better eating habits and lower calories per day, they they switch you to a good meal program with exercises while they balance out your hormone deficits.  Form that point on, there is a re-evaluation as to where you are and what your goals are for either continued fat loss  or maintenance.

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condescending?  Hmm I was being analytical. I am a consultant by vocation and I am called in to solve problems. So I have to do very thorough research of a problem before I make any recommendation.  When I hear that there is information I may have missed, I am motivated to either find it and change my solution or find why it is wrong. I have no malice or arrogance. Sorry you took it that way.  I simply state the facts as my research uncovers.


The HCG I am receiving is biologically separated in a clean room lab from the urine of a pregnant woman. The HCG must go through the kidney Bowman's capsule and have been processed into the bladder, which is a sterile body area rather than taken out as a blood component.  The HCG is then dessicated into a powder form and vacuum sealed into a sterile vile. Before I get it in a liquid form for injection it is reconstituted by a trained pharmacist into a solution that has 125 units per ml.  The injection per day is 1 ml. 


You seem to think the HCG can stand for Horse Chorionic Gonadtropin.  It is Human CH annotated as hCG to denote HUMAN.  All mammals produce their own form and HORSE CG is denoted as eCG for Equine (Horse) CG.  There is also COW CG called bCG for BOVINE CG.  


However all pharmacies that are not used by veterinarians use hCG (Human).  So no worries. I did my research thoroughly.


You won't mention the physician?  I has no consequence?  If you bring it up iin support for an argument against a proves treatment then I guests you are wanting it to make a consequence.


I NEVER asked for permission to talk to your doctor about you.  I asked to speak to him about where he gets his info about what he says about hCG.  You are adding a strawman to your argument now and changing the actual question to either obscure your true motivations or to try and deflect the attention from showing your response is unjustified. Hmmm Interesting.


But you won't give a name?  Hmmmmm I have to suspect that you either do not have such a source or you are obfuscating for a reason.  Do you work for big Pharma?  LOL  Gotcha.  Most people will recommend a doctor if they think it will help someone. Of course a doctor would never discuss a different patient's medical records with others, so your justification for NOT telling the name is either a lie, you are paranoid unjustifiably or your have been mis-informed as to what a doctor will discuss with new patience.  So what is the doctor who told you that HCG has dangers???


I am a consultant. I studied biology and computer science in college at University of Texas. But I am not a medical professional.  My vocation is finding solutions for clients who hire me to research and solve an issue they either don't have the time/desire to or they cannot.  


So then who is your doctor. If it is dangerous, then I want to know why. Help me out and give me the name of the guy who can set me straight.


Or do you actually work for big pharma?  😉  LOL  Gotcha.  😉



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There does seem to be a big difference in the way I received the HCG and what you are relaying to me.  The supervisory physicians clinic that I was going to handed me HCG filled syringes out of a file cabinet, but I was told the syringes needed to be refrigerated.  I infected myself once daily.  The person who was supervising the distribution of the product was not a medical professional.  I questioned several aspects of this practice and was never given a full explanation. That, in part, is why I stopped going.  Shortly after I stopped going the practice was closed.  I only met the actual doctor of the clinic once.  This is why my physician felt the HCG I was being provided could be harmful and should be stopped.  I may not have been clear enough, but I have not lied about anything.


I do not work for a big pharma.  I am a retired grant fund accountant.



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I know that ANYONE can buy HCG from overseas vendors.  I am sure some people with medical backgrounds realize the benefits of HCG and its proven track record, in spite of the FDA not approving it as a weight loss hormone.  They probably got greedy and bought from overseas to increase profits.


I got mine by prescription from a compounding pharmacy.  I got my Testosterone from the same pharmacy.  You DO have to refrigerate the hCG, but you don't have to refrigerate the Testosterone.  Hormones are proteins and some can degrade when they are diluted into a saline solution. Refrigeration stops the degradation so that the injections are potent. It takes about 6 weeks before there is a reduction in effectiveness if hCG is refrigerated.


I would think that the clinic was closed due to it being illegal to purchase and ship controlled substances without a registered pharmacy license.  The purity and sterility would be in question if the origin of the hCG was not traceable through the correct documentation.  If the clinic you were at was giving you syringes with hCG already in them, I also would be suspect if I did not see the bottles the fluids came from or the procedure with which they were filled.  I can certainly see why a health official would close down a facility like that, but not because hCG is dangerous.


 The Doctor I have supervising me is focused on Metabolism enhancement with dietary improvements while using hormones to get more fat burned and less lean muscle lost.  


I have an appointment with the BodPod again tomorrow to check my body composition at 2 weeks into the program as part of the supervision to make certain I am losing fat and not much muscle.  Once those results show up, I am told that if I am losing much muscle the dietary intake of protein will be adjusted upwards to maintain my muscle mass. If I not losing any muscle then the caloric intake will be maintained with the current levels of protein.


I chose this clinic because of the excellent monitoring and experience of the doctor who is also a surgeon specializing in gastronomy.  


Now the idea of the clinic closing makes more sense to me.  But it is not related to the effectiveness or safety of using hCG.


Side note, hCG is a banned substance by the MLB because player athletes use hCG to jumpstart their normal testosterone production after it drops due to steroid use.  So the athlete will use steroids for 6 - 8 weeks and that causes their natural levels of hormones to shut down since they are getting more than enough from outside sources.  They take hCG to get their natural levels back up because hCG is beneficial in helping men get their testosterone levels up just like when the female fetus turns into a boy. All fetuses start out as female, then with hCG and the right genes, the Ovaries morph into testicles.  So the MLB commissioner knows that if they find hCG in the system, the player was cycling off of steroids. Just FYI, something my research turned up that I thought interesting.

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I'm glad that we can now put our argument to rest. 


My best wishes with your continued success with you HCG program.


As for me, living in a tourist town that has so many scam business's, I think that I'll just go for portion control,  the clinically approved diet called "the push-a-way", and exercise. Woman Happy

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Hey:  Thanks for the referral on the Personal Trainer Food.  I just ordered my food supply.  Wish me well.  I have been losing the same 10 pounds for the last 10 years.  I need a break through.

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Wish you the best of luck! Hope it works as well for you as it has for me lajune2! 🙂 I hope to loose a few more pounds before our cruise in January.  Love Personal Trainer Food!!!

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It's nothing but a money-making scam:


To make matters worse, back in its heyday, it prevented the women who need hcg the most (those undergoing infertility treatments) from receiving it.  The scammers created a shortage of the medication, and caused already pricey medicine to skyrocket.  It isn't so much of an issue today, because the few clinics out there are generally fly-by-night charlatans, and are eventually put out of business, thus the demand is no longer so great. 


And speaking of charlatans, Dr. Oz will jump on any bandwagon that is currently in fashion.  And jumps right back off to promote the next miracle that comes down the pike.  When I hear "Dr. Oz recommends xyz" I know to stay far, far away.


People, if you really want to lose weight, permanently, then eat unprocessed, whole foods, avoiding anything that comes in a box or bag, and keep putting in those steps on your fitbit.  Take this from someone who has successfully lost 75 lbs., and kept it off for more than 3 years, by walking and fueling my body with quality foods and the appropriate number of calories for my height and weight (500 calories, pffft!). 

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As a nurse practitioner with 40 years experience I assure you there is heavily documented evidence in the holistic and scientific community of the efficacy of Hcg. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but please do not present is as fact unless you have the experience to validate it. I have seen awesome results in my practice with this and if you understood the biochemistry better you might come to a different conclusion

Sent from my iPhone
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"You are certainly entitled to your opinion but please do not present is as fact unless you have the experience to validate it. I have seen awesome results in my practice with this and if you understood the biochemistry better you might come to a different conclusion"


Okey dokey.  You want facts?  Here ya go.

You clearly rely on anecdote, so it's your turn now.  Let's see YOUR studies.  And not biased studies that are paid for by the shills that sell hcg products.  Anyone will lose weight on a 500 calorie diet, so the alleged success that you've witnessed in your practice is simply a result of a very low calorie diet.  Period.  Nothing more.






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I thought the HCG battle had been put to rest, but it seems to rage on.  There are many so called clinic's that are not selling a good HCG and are usually put out of business.  What JimmyH and I battled was resolved in the fact that I went to a place that was not on the up-and-up and was put out of business.  What JimmyH  has found, after a great deal of research on his part, is what he firmly believes is a good HCG provider. I don't know if JimmyH was only eating 500 calories a day.  I was never told to limit myself to less than 1,200 calories.  I was told to cut the carbs and up the protein. Seems there is never going to be an end to the HCG battle.  





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Thank you for posting these articles and study results. I have been tempted to try this, even though I really do know better, lol. Reading all of those study results put me back on track. I am losing 2 pounds a week using the fitbit and counting calories, walking, going to the gym etc. I just get impatient and want it to go faster. I must remind myself that I didn't put this weight on overnight and I can't lose it overnight either.


Thanks again.

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do it slowly -
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send me info - i would like to know also.  Im also going to do the juicing veggies and fruit plan.  no carbs 

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@loseitGurl wrote:

send me info - i would like to know also.  Im also going to do the juicing veggies and fruit plan.  no carbs 

fruits have plenty of carbs.  veggies do too, just to a lesser extent.  did you mean no refined carbs? 🙂

LCHF since June 2013
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I'm wondering how Jimmy is doing.  It's been well over his 90 days and I want to hear if this diet has been sustainable and/or has worked, and were there any physiological side effects from the hormone treatment.

I hope you're doing well Jimmy.  Give us a holler and let us know.

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send me some information on it - is it expensive????  is it in ny nj area

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I just started the Personal Trainer diet and I agree the food and convenience is great.  WAY better than any other pre-packaged food I have ever tried.  Only on Day 4 so hope the weight lossis as good as the food.  Woman LOL

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I had brought this too - lost 11lbs i think.   pretty good

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Have you seen ongoing success with it [Personal Trainer Diet]??  Did you lose the weight over the 28 days?  Thx!

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