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Christmas 2016 to Valentine's Day 2017 Challenge



Welcome all Challengers!  What an amazing group we have!

Let's all continue together to take off the excess pounds and keep getting healthier.

This challenge will begin on Christmas and finish on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. 


All you need to join this challenge is to post your stats regarding your weight, and check in weekly or as often as you'd like. We are a great support group and enjoy keeping up with each other and being there for our ups and downs.  Generally we have found that the more we check in and offer support, tips, info,  and ideas to others, the more we get for ourselves.


We list our weight, as well as any other goals we might have related to being healthy (such as increase water, more active minutes, etc).  Developing good health habits is primary.



A little rundown of terminology for anyone who is new.


USW- Ultimate Starting Weight

CSW- Current Starting Weight (for this challenge)

GW- Goal Weight   (for Feb 14)

UGW- Ultimate Goal Weight   (what your healthy target weight is)

PW- Previous Weight

CW- Current Weight

MFP- My Fitness Pal


List as much info as you like.  Some people include age, gender, height....whatever seems relevant to you.


We keep it as serious or light as we feel, but we always keep it focused on being as healthy as possible, while we support each other kindly.  We can do this together!!

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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1,007 REPLIES 1,007

@SunsetRunner - are you female and still menustruating?  I ask this as you can do everything right and start to retain water before your period.  Years ago (not at that stage) I was weighing daily and I could pretty much predict when it was going to start.  If you haven't got your period yet since you started, wait until after before you freak out.  Woman Happy


Also, you mentioned weighing at the same time each day - is this the morning?  I've found that my weight it most consistent in the morning (awake and after morning urination and a bowel movement).  Any other time it can be thrown off by the amount of food + water in your system.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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@Bobbinyc - I agree with others - make sure there are no medical reasons for your stall.  I know last year the doctor was talking about anti-depressants and none of them are weight neutral (ie. most will make you gain).  There are a number of medications that will cause weight gain.


Just popping in today for a quick hello.  I'm away for work and considering today a rest day.  I did very, very, few steps to this point and I know I've been a little compulsive about how many steps/calories burned a day lately.  I started this weight loss journey trying to ditch the all or nothing attitude that has led to illness in the past.  Last night I ended up pacing the hallway of the hotel as my steps were too low and I hadn't burned enough calories.  To some extent this is what eventually gets me worn out.  So, I'm going to go read before dinner.  I'm going to try and estimate calories for last night's dinner, but I'm logging nothing today.  Skipped breakfast and had all the madras curry, less than half of the rice and naan at lunch.  Tonight I'm going to have a couple of drinks (I drink alcohol on the rocks, so no mix) and a reasonable dinner.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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@A_Lurker no I am post-menapausal so that can't be it! Yes I weigh myself at the same time in the morning. I'm hoping it is water retention - I've really upped my water intake. I normally drink a lot of water but have been probably drinking twice as much as I usually do. Hopefully, my body will rebalance and the weight will start coming off. I've eliminated grains, dairy and added sugar from my diet so maybe it is still in shock!

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A pretty good week, the Christmas bloat seems to have dropped off, amazing what a few days without any treats can do. I went to a new exercise class this evening, a mix of yoga and Pilates. Quite enjoyable though not many calories burned but the one mile walk there and back helped get my steps in.




USW: 174

SW: 120.3 (12/26)

PW: 122.4 (01/03)

CW: 119.4 (01/10)

GW: 118

UGW: 112

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Gayle1018, This was fun to do. Thanks for posting the link. Not very motivating when they described me as normal / ideal/ and weight below average. And for my age at least they say losing to my goal would add no benefit to my health. I think I'll still diet one day a week to keep from gaining. It is easy to be below average when the majority are overweight though. Think I'll have a piece of diet cake.
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I have some catching up to do with you all of you, but better late than never.  I had asked for a Fitbit for Christmas, the family had other ideas so bought one for myself.  It arrived today! Yay!  I am looking forward to catching up to eveyone!

We are heading to Cuba in Mid February so I have lots of motivation, but it only gives me 5 weeks to lose my first 23 lbs.  I know I can do it!!


USW 203

CSW 203

GW 180





Sent from my iPhone

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                                    Tybokitty,  They always caution you to do squats "just so" so I thought lunges were easier and just as good for thighs.  Also sitting down and getting up repeatedly can't be done wrong.    But I'm old and cautious.  Since you had a professional trainer to help you maybe you can do it.  Good for you for trying.  It is worthwhile.  Maybe it will encourage you to know that one day I was sitting on a backless bench in a square of benches outdoors and noticed that all the other people seemed to be teens with so little core muscle that I was the only one sitting up straight and everyone else looked like noodles.  It was amazing.  You can tell which young women just sit at home on the sofa most of the time with no core muscle  too because even at age 30 they already have a little pot belly.  Maintaining arm muscle is so necessary because you need those muscles for lifting big bags of pet food, mulch,  salt for the water softener.  You don't want to get to the point of needing help all the time.  Lifing is so much more useful to me than pushing.  I can't even think of anything pushups will help me do.  If your trainer wants you do do lots of bicep exercises maybe you could ask her what it is good for.  ho ho

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What a day! I went to the pool for aquafit then walked to the dentist. I spent an hour and 40 min in that chair for my cleaning, exam, etc. I caught a chill after walking there in the cold, while wet from the pool. My entire body was clenched the whole time and I'm sore and my muscles ache. I had a nap this afternoon but still tired and weak. I'm shaky even. It physically exhausts me. I took the dogs for their walks and ended up with over 12k steps today. Been very hungry too. Just feeling so crappy. 

I'll be going to bed very soon and get up to walk with Mom. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and get back to normal. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when they pull my wisdom teeth. Ugh. They can put me out for that, though.

Have a great night, all. Enjoy the healthy living.


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Thank you, @A_Lurker, I know that Water & BMs affect my Weight.  The former was why I purchased the Digital Body Fat Scale.  I can usually see an impact when my Water Percentage goes up. 


As for the BMs, they're not "regular" and their impact can be hysterical to me at times.  One Day, I'll have a "good" one and expect my Weight to be down the next Morning.  Not necessarily so!  Or visa versa.  Drives me Batty!!!


I've never tried a long term correlation.  I definitely appreciate your sharing that you have already done so.  I do enough Tracking of Stats that I'll go with your experience and not add another one to my List!!!


Again, THANK YOU!!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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                                    CanadianMartha,  Good for you for buying a Fitbit for yourself!  Hope you enjoy your upcoming trip.  I was reading an article this morning that suggested that you should take off the Fitbit before committing any crimes.  Fitness trackers are a new problem for the justice department.  What is fair and / or an illegal invasion of privacy?  Especially maybe those that show heart rate.  Some show where people are and maybe heart rate goes up when you are engaged in criminal behavior?  And they can indicate if you are probably not a flight risk.  Can you delete all that past history on your computer?    I'm a tech dunce but glad I have an older simple non GPS tracker, but I don't plan to commit crimes.  You made the right choice with a Fitbit rather than another brand because with it yu have this group.  Right?   Glenda

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Morning!   WE had a winter tornado come through last night-- so no walking (again)  either ice storms/ snow/ windchill and when warm enough- tornados..    Was pleased to see my weight is still down,  I've been good, but sometime when I loose 3-4 lb in a week it fluctuates back up a pound or so.  Happy to be the same this morning.

Being taking out for 2 lunches this week by work, so praying for myself be reasonable! -- 


Love hearing how everyone is doing and welcome to new folks!  (ps just had my teeth cleaned last week-  and felt cruddy for the next few days- not sure if related but I did have dential issues--Gotta love dential work.)  

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I'm still blah. I went walking with Mom this morning but we quit after 2.5 laps of the mall. Sat and had coffee. We went to her house and I got her set up with a fitbit account to go along with my ancient fitbit ultra she's using. I got her to track her food so she knows how to do it. The ultra is charging so she'll be able to start with it tomorrow. 

The temps here are above freezing so things are melting, and it's raining, which means my walk to the doctor's office later is going to be miserable and messy and wet. I might just take a bus since I'm feeling so drab today. I'm still recovering. Though, I need my steps. I'll see how the weather is when I leave.

My daughter texted me at 2am saying she was struck with food poisoning or stomach flu. She then texted just after 7am saying she was still miserable. She had to postpone grad photos and might miss classes today. Wonderful, so I might have that building up in my system since she left here just Monday! There is a bad bug going around. Get out the hand sanitizer!!! 

I missed breakfast and didn't take my pills but I had lunch and I'll take my meds now. I'm so out of whack! I have a running list in my head of things I need to do. I think I am ready for a rest day. Its been ages since I had one. would feel weird not going to the pool or walking or doing a video or searching for ways to get my 10000 at a good heartrate. Almost...neglectful. I can't just veg. Maybe just a 'half day' would be best. 

Ok, gotta get my stuff done. Hope everyone has a great day and stays healthy and safe in the various bad weather we have going on. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Well it's a new day. So far it has been a good one. Today is my birthday and I am doing the Daniel Fast so the crew at work knew I couldn't have a "normal" birthday cake so they were very creative and made me an adorable one by wrapping a large can of nuts and adding lots of curly ribbons on top and it even has candles in the middle of it. It is super cute. I thought it was very nice of them to not only respect my fast but be creative about it too. I do work with a super awesome crew of gals.


With the fast I am doing good on my eating, but I didn't get a walk in yet today and when you go straight from work to church and then home it is almost bedtime. I'm not sure I will get it in. I sure do need to get more regular with my walking. Some weeks I can squeeze a walk in every day.. other weeks I am lucky to make 5000 steps. I NEED TO DO BETTER!!! (Just a reminder to


I hope everyone is having an awesome day!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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USW- 231

CSW- 210.8

GW- 195  (for Feb 14)

UGW- 135

CW- 210.8 (1/4/2017)

CW - 212.6 (1/11/2017) Ugh!!!



5' 1"

47 yo

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                                    HeartBiller,  Happy Birthday.  Glad you had a candle for a wish.  Hope you have a GREAT year and get any wish.! 

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                                     Hope you and your sister had a flu shot and neither of you actually get it.  Maybe food poison is just as bad???  Hope you don't get that either.   I guess people are a bigger danger for each more than your cold weather.  Take care, and try to be very careful not to fall.

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Update on my afternoon: I walked to the doc appointment and felt so good for having done it. I climbed the two flights instead of taking the elevator to her office. She saw me and said I was getting slimmer and slimmer. Of course, she had to mention I need to get down to 300lb to get on her scale, but she didn't go on and on about it. I told her it would be soon. She's happy with my progress. 

I walked home too. I got 10000 steps coming in the house. I still haven't taken the dogs for their walks yet so I'll have more later. I need to rest right now though, and they need cuddles since I've been out most of the day.

I got a rug to put in front of my recliner, where I do my walking/stepping videos. I'm scuffing up the wood floor by doing them daily so I put the rug down. I think that will help.They need to be refinished anyway, but why make it worse?

I am glad I didn't take the bus. I just couldn't justify it in my mind since the weather had improved. There's no excuse for being lazy anymore.


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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LOL... No crimes being committed...unless sneaking one of the last pieces of Christmas shortbread counts.  I took one bite felt guilty and put the rest in the garbage. UGH! 

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Late in joining the challenge but better than never.

So here are my stats:


USW- 69kg (July,16)

CSW- 59.5kg 

GW- 57-58kg   (for Feb 14)

UGW- 54kg


MFP- 1,200 calories


I'm 171cm tall and 25 years old. Daily Goal step: 10,000.

I really hope I can achieve my weight goal !!



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You're not late, @Chocobo9.  Late would be joining on 13 February.  Smiley LOL

Had to convert your International Kgs into our American Pounds!

USW- 69kg (July,16) 152.1 Lbs

CSW- 59.5kg 131.2 Lbs

GW- 57-58kg   (for Feb 14) 125.7 - 127.9 Lbs

UGW- 54kg 119 Lbs

171 Cms Tall  5'5"

Welcome to the Group!  We're here to help & encourage & support & provide a Shoulder if needed.

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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