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Explain calories burned calculated?

Example; today I did 17 floors (helping son move) and nearly 3 miles....but still only shows 1777 calories burned (and yes, I've entered weight, etc.).  Shouldn't it be more than that?

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Have you manually entered your activity?
The fitbit calculates your burn basted on age, weight, height as you seem to know, plus a few extra for your steps.
If you have been moving boxes up/down stairs and have a flex/force, it might not even have counted steps as your hands would be fairly still on the box.
Try entering the activity and it should up your burn...
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0 Votes did help a little, but I still don't understand how all the steps and stairs climbed wouldn't seemingly affect the calorie burn #?

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They are supposed to affect it, so I'm not sure. Which fitbit do you have? I know some of them are supposed to log stairs climbed, but have no idea which. (Have flex myself.)
It's important to remember that your fitbit is basically just a pedometer with some nifty features to it. It won't give you your accurate burn without a HRM, maybe not even then.
I will manually enter all activity that is not normal walking. I personally don't count household chores, driving, etc. as activity, nor do I usually log stairs climbed unless I was to go 10+ stories at a time.
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