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February 14th to April 12th 2020

Hello and welcome to the 2nd challenge of 2020!

We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, etc. please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!


If you want to respond to or 'tag' a particular person with your response, type in @ and you will get a drop down box of recent users to choose from, this will alert them that someone has responded to something they posted and we will all see who you are talking to or about. For example: @_Lilac_  hope to see you here!

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Welcome back. Looks like u r motivated. I'm moving slowly this time but at least I can report a small loss. I haven't seen the 140s since the fall.  Well at least I can take a nice walk as the sun came out. 

I am trying to go to sleep earlier so I don't munch out late at night. 

Be strong everyone and wash your hands a lot. Avoid crowds as Covid-19 is very contagious.

SW 151.8

CW 150.8

GW 148

UGW 142


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@dancefoxtrot ,

So good to see you again. I am impressed with your progress. 

I've been walking about 10K /day since I re-joined. Today, however, we have a big snow storm in Colorado. I tried to go for a walk as it was, but it's very difficult. My little yorkie was all buried in the snow. I had to pick her up and carry her home. 

So far, I lost the first 2 lbs since last week. I hope I will be able to keep it that way, and get back to my ideal weight (which I am still not quite sure what it is). The lowest I went was 145 lbs, but that was when I had a three day of water fast. As soon as I ended the fast, I went back to 150 lbs. So, for now, I am going to aim for 150 lbs. and see how that goes. 

1st week - 175 lbs

2nd week - 173 lbs. 


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Thanks @Cele21 ! Great to see you here again. 

Sorry about the late reply. I've been using my iPhone for FitBit and I find it difficult to locate the group. I am on my laptop now. Much better! 😉


So far, I've been able to walk the 10+K steps/day (except once). Today is going to be my second miss, because we have a big snow storm in Colorado. So far, I lost my first 2 lbs/week. This is my second week. Hope to keep it up. 


I also keep a log of my intake, which keeps me motivated and accountable. 

With the covid-19 going on, I don't feel safe to go to the gym but, weather permitting, I will try to keep walking in my community every day. 


Best wishes!




CW-173 (lost 2 lbs)


GW-168 (for this challenge)




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If you guys haven't heard fitbit premium is doing 90 days free.

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Hi everyone,

Well been walking my 7500+ steps a day but I went up in lbs. this week.

I went car camping for 2 days and in spite of some rain in was beautiful in Northern CA.  Today is lovely and the birds were signing.  We are on shelter in place rules but we can walk in the sunshine in an uncrowded place. 

CW 152.6 disappointingly. 


Well off for a little more walking. Let's keep moving even inside if the weather is nasty and cold.

Take care and stay 6 ' apart. Wash those hands a whole bunch. 


Barbara G




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USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 204.8 (2/14/20)

LW - 202.0

CW - 202.4

GW - 200.00 (4/12/20)

Stretch goal weight - 196.0

Mini goal - 195.00

UGW - 150.0

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Hi all,

Grateful to be well and having the luxury to shelter in place.  It's been raining here on and off but sunny now. Been watching far too much TV and social media following the pandemic. Just heard the the ugly covid 19 isn't rapidly mutated so the vaccine may be effective when it is ready next year.  OK keep washing hands, wearing a mask at the grocery store and keep your 6-10' distance.  

About weight loss I've been eating, grazing I should say, too much.

Gained today now up to 153.2 grrrrr.

Off to walk part of my 3 miles a day. 

Stay well.

Barbara G

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Hope you are all safe and well out there!

One week left on this challenge!

I was doing pretty good and on track to hit my goal until this past week. Lots of boredom eating. I'm not quarantined and am still working as my job is considered "essential" but they sorted us into two shifts of three days each so I'm putting in 12 hour days on Tues, Thurs and Sat and am home on the other days. While being home is great and I'm getting stuff done that I wouldn't be able to otherwise, it's much easier to eat more often at home than at work. Also the holiday treats keep sneaking into the grocery cart.

I want to try to knuckle down and see what I can do this week to stop the madness and maybe even hit my goal. Who's with me?

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Happy and Blessed Easter to you all!!


So once again I have ended a challenge heavier than when I started. I notice that activity has dropped off drastically. I'm hoping you are all safe and well. Please check in when you get a chance! I will start another challenge later today but if attendance stays down it may be the last one. Please let me know if you are still interested. Maybe we can start having mini challenges during the big challenge? Something to keep it fresh and interesting. Any ideas will be welcome.


USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 204.8 (2/14/20)

LW - 202.0

CW - 207.2

GW - 200.00 (4/12/20)

Stretch goal weight - 196.0

Mini goal - 195.00

UGW - 150.0


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For all you who are interested I have just started the new thread:

April 12th to May 25th 2020 Challenge


Hope to see you there!

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Nice challenge!


For those of you who are in a relationship, you should totally sign up for


You get a weekly fitness challenge to compete with your partner, and the weekly winner picks your Together Time !(The winner receives 3 suggestions of couple's activity and picks 1, the ''loser'' is in charge of planning it).


It's a great motivation! You get to compete fitness challenge like steps, calories , sleep and +





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