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February 14th to April 1st 2019

Welcome to the newest challenge and the second one of 2019! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!

Good wishes and the best of luck to all. Work hard, keep your mind focused on your goals, and we will all succeed together!

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Wow your plan  is working well. Congrats on a significant weight loss. 

Keep up your progress.  I try not to eat simple carbs, other than a little fruit. 

Hope to follow your lead.


Barbara G

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Awesome job I love all the inspiration and support. Thanks to this group and ideas my weight is headed back in the right direction. 

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Hi all,

The bouncing weight is back up to 152.4 but at least I'm eating healthy food and focusing on less late night snacking.  The weight came off more easily before but now my torn meniscus limits my steps. I'm aiming for 5000 instead of 10K.  Took a day off from morning exercise today so need a good walk during the sunny moment as we are having showers today. Well off to PT now and I need to remember to put my fitbit on my ankle to count my biking 10 minutes there. 

Stay on the path to health. 


So happy that you are moving back to health! Glad that your weight is decreasing! 

Doing better together is great.

Best to all the warriors for health,

Barbara G


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@dancefoxtrot   Are you back???


I am so sorry I've been gone and quiet for so long. I still wear my fitbit every day. I don't know my weight but I'll take the bitter pill and get on the scale Monday and start over again. 

I have been to the pool for water aerobics once in a while and I have been going out to walk a bit, but I haven't dedicated myself to it as much as I did when I lost a lot of weight. I get injured too easily. I have to be careful. 

I am going to be encouraged to have surgery soon-ish, and they'll want me to be as light as I can be, so back to it I go. 

Again, sorry I've been absent. I'll post my stats, etc at the beginning of the next challenge.




Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Just realized I haven't posted here and missed posting my last weight (3/25):

Current starting weight - 204.6 (2/14/19)

LW - 202.2

CW - 205.6

GW - 195.0 (4/1/19)

Stretch goal weight - 193.0

UGW - 150.0


Almost done with the challenge and a pound over where I started! Wasn't paying attention to the fact that we only have a few more days, eeeek!

The only excuses I have are:

1) We went to the C2E2 ComicCon last weekend and my eating was out of control. I did make my step goals but my 'good' knee was acting up horribly so I was on a lot of ibuprofen as well. Soda instead of water, chips, cookies, etc. Fast food instead of home cooking. 

2) Have not pushed to increase my water at all and have backed off on getting to the gym because of the knees.


I did have my semi-annual check up this week and he is somewhat happy with me (we always butt heads over my procrastination of needed tests - mammogram and colonoscopy) but he informed me that according to their records, my weight is down 5 pounds over the past year. Would have been more if I had taken my shoes off this time 🙂


@_Lilac_  - Welcome back! Hope all is going well. Slow and steady is better any way.

@Denise50  - Welcome!

@Eljuanito  - Good job!

@Bobbinyc  - I wish I knew the secret to getting in more water. I've tried a bunch of things too and it always comes back to just pushing to do it.

@dancefoxtrot  - Good luck on the birding. Post pictures please!


I will start a new thread for April 1st and will post the new name here so everyone can find it. I think it will run to July 4th, any other suggestions?

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Last weigh in 207.6

Current weight 206.8

BF% 26.6

I need to get my body fat % lowered by 1.6% and I will not be in the “obese” category. Diet and nutrition have been good last few days. No meat today as been Friday during lent. Hope you all have a great day stay strong. 

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Hi all,

Back to 151.4 so if I don't bounce up again I will be down a bit since I returned.  Welcome back @Lilac . Down a bit is better than nothing that is for sure.  Hope that you can move enough without twisting or tearing something. 

Crazy insomnia last night. Thank heavens that doesn't happen a lot.  Still struggling with myself to set a midnight bedtime consistently. 

Okay. Let's do it again.

April 1 to July 4 is great.  My goal is to move back to the 140's again.  Doing better on late night eating last 2 nights. 

Stay strong everyone because we deserve to be healthy and happy with ourselves. Smiley Happy

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@_Lilac_  Welcome Back Lilac!  I just came back myself.  I hope you are feeling well.

@Cele21   Keep up with those medical tests, they matter.  And 5 lbs is great!

@Eljuanito  Impressive!

@dancefoxtrot  Yes, birding together, even on different coasts would be fun.  Glad you did some meditation.  I had done an 8 week class in it....yikes!  We had to meditate for an hour and then a full day.  I'm more of a 3 minute meditation person.  I've got it down to two breaths and I'm good to go.

I've eliminated all but two piles of papers - down 90%.  It feels great to be more organized.  I actually chose to do some filing yesterday, with my pretty new files  (ok, it sounds like kindergarten but it works for me).  Now to clear my desk.  And do taxes.  Ugh.

I have been walking a lot more this week. And eating a lot less.  So my weight is up 3 pounds.

I know from previous experience, it is a biological process, not a mechanical one.  Just because I do something, doesn't mean the effect will show immediately.  My body gains first, then loses a little, gains a bit more...takes its sweet time in getting there.  Have to remember not to drown my discouragement in chocolate pastry.

Love this weather, and will go for a walk now while it is still quiet.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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I also forgot all about this going to April 1.  It works so much better when there is a time limit -easier to do something that isn't easy for a brief time.  I remember previous years, people wanted the challenges to be short so it would be easier to stay focused.  We sometimes did April to Mother's Day.  It doesn't matter to me, I just blocked out the time limit completely!

Thanks for setting this up, Cele.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Current starting weight - 204.6 (2/14/19)

LW - 205.6

CW - 204.2

GW - 195.0 (4/1/19)

Stretch goal weight - 193.0

UGW - 150.0


Ok eating a touch better this past week. Still need to hydrate more but at least I am currently below my starting weight for this challenge.

@Bobbinyc  - Forgot all about Mothers Day - a six week challenge sounds about right to me.


I will be setting up the new challenge either tonight or tomorrow at the latest so we can start fresh and new on Monday.

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Hi all,

Yipee  It is working to eat less after dinner and sleep more. 10 hrs of sleep last night and then the scale said 150.6. Yipee! 

Busy now so wasn't able to figure out how to find the stages of sleep record at Fitbit. 


Also we have done Apr first to Memorial Day and then Memorial day to July 4 before.

Maybe shorter is better cause it adds time pressure to meet our goal. 


Great work on the colored files and 90% of the paper piles done! We can attack the taxes together maybe. Happy Spring. It is sunny and in the 60's today out here after lots of rainy days.

Bye and stay strong. 

Barbara G


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Hello everyone,


So sorry, yesterday got crazy so I just set up the new forum - April 1st to May 12th 2019.

That is about 6 weeks and takes us to Mother's Day.


See you there!

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@dancefoxtrot , @Bobbinyc , @Eljuanito , @Denise50  and everyone else; come on over to the new forum titled:  April 1st to May 12th 2019. The chatting is fine 🙂

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