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Have you lost weight since you got your Fitbit?

I am the exact same weight as I was when I got my Flex 3 1/2 months ago!

How about you?

I'm hoping with Spring here and Summer around the corner, that my walking will increase. 


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I average 16,000 to 18,000 steps a day Monday - Friday. I burn 950
calories. I consume around 1500 to 1700 calories a day. Why am I not
losing weight.
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You have to burn around 1750 calories at least each day to lose 1/2 pound.  Food intake and steps has to work up to this.  Use the charts they give you and keep track.  It will happen. You are getting in the steps, but not using up the needed calories.  Just a suggestion that worked for me.
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That is amazing ... well done!

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Hi, is that 1750 cal a day for a week to loose a 1/2 lb. for the week?  And no matter how careful I am in eating when I log my meals it always seems I have more fat than I should.  I'm using the general references for foods.  Should I customize my own and how can I show a 4 oz. chicken breast grilled with no fatty oils.  Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

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ToledoKitty - yes you are correct, that must have been a typo above, as neither that amount of calorie burn per day, nor that amount of deficit per day, is correct, but is correct per week.


Do you log your food by weight?

Because calories is per gram, weight - not by volume cups or spoons. (unless a liquid).


The USDA entry for chicken doesn't include any extra oil added - just confirm you weigh yours pre-cooked which is the same for the entry.

No need counting extra calories for water weight which has none.

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Thanks.  Helps so much.  I use cup measurements when logging on fitbit for lettuce, spinach, leafy things like that since they never show up on my scale for a normal meal.  

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Hi, I have found that the MyFitnessPal calorie counter to work for me ... unfortunately the Fitbit counter does not work for me ... try the MyFitnessPal, even though it is on another site, it is worth a try

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I started tracking my weight with Fitbit three and a half years ago. As of today I am exactly the same as I was then. I've gone thru some up and down swings, mostly related to how seriously I took my nutrition and exercise goals. 


In 2017 I did well by losing about 8 pounds. But unfortunately I've added about 5 so far this year (2018). Ready to get serious again! For me it's all about keeping moving and just cutting out sweets, snacking, consuming empty calories, etc. I'm fortunate that my wife feeds my kids and I very healthily (word?) so as long as I contain those things I can get it under control. 

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Yes, I know what you are going through ... my biggest enemy is myself lately, my lack of discipline ... however, my body tells me that alcohol, sugar and dairy are also my enemies, yet until I commit and commit for good, I will be singing the same ole song : (

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@Linda888 when I started my process a year ago it was a simple rule - either I do something right or not at all. I did stick to this rule and it gave me quick results ( now I would say that even too quick as a majority of my weight I lost within 3 months ). I used to be a heavy drinker ( sounds funny now, as it applies both to my weight and drinking habits 😉 ) and I almost entirely dropped it. Sugar comes only from natural sources ( like fruits, veggies ). If I want something to taste sweet I look for a way of utilizing those. For example, my morning porridge is quite sweet and there is not a gram of added sugar in. I reduced dairy too but not removed it completely. The point is - none of these is your real enemy. You are your only enemy because you are unable to say "no" to yourself and listen to it 🙂 Everything consumed in moderation may add to the flavour and make a nice meal. However, we tend to overeat nowadays. A single lunch meal served in any pub could serve for the whole day for most of the population. Glass of wine or pint of beer won't kill you if you do it from time to time. Moreover, it may be even beneficial. Dairy can be a good source of protein and it really adds to the flavour. But then, for instance, I see people who put a humongous amount of cheese on top of their pasta dishes in the restaurant, they ask for an extra slice of bacon for the burger, or extra cheese for the pizza. I do use dairy but it's enough for me to enhance my pasta with 5-10g of parmesan or 50g of ricotta.


What I want to say is don't make food your enemy but your ally, learn it and understand it. After all, you live because you consume food ( at least it's one of the reasons 😉 ). It's not about saying "i won't touch that anymore for the rest of my life". This way it's very hard to commit to anything that requires sacrificing something forever. I call it "conscious eating". It makes lot more difference when you are aware what particular food and its amount does to your body than not knowing and mindlessly wolfing down something and wondering where those extra kilograms appeared from 🙂


For the last, I put lots of effort into educating myself when I tried to lose weight. It helped me to commit to the new lifestyle as through education I started seeing and understand a lot more benefits than just change in my weight. We are selfish kind 🙂 Seeing no benefits and only sacrifices we will never commit to anything. However, if we can gain something worthy it comes lot easier to stick to the plan 😉


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There it is. Moderation works too!
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I am now a year in and I have lost 23lbs.  It is getting harder as I close in on my target, but I am at my lowest weight since the 1980s.  All I am doing is logging everything I eat with as much accuracy as I can.  The process has taught me what foods are particularly high in calories and I save those for special occasions.  


In my first year, I have logged over 4m steps and 4000 flights of stairs.  Onwards and upwards in my second year.

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Thank you for the encouragement ... I know its me : (

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Linda888,  I also know what you're going through and when I diet I seem to obsess but one thing I make sure I do drink is milk.  Being 66 now I have had my first bone scan and was told I have very good bones and shouldn't have to worry about breaking a hip.  My in-laws didn't do any type of dairy to keep weight off and my mother-in-law shattered her hip when she fell at age 70  and my father-in-law bones became so bad that they could no longer hold him up and he ended up in a wheel chair by the age of 78.  That's young today.  But they did keep their weight down she was 110 and 5'2  and he was 156 and 5'10.  Just a thought because the calcium supplements didn't help them.  Now if I could just find a diet that works for me or  meds whose side effects aren't weight gain. 

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Sounds like you got it under control. Even if you treat yourself to a pizza
every now and then, you can still maintain and keep your goal in sight .
Good luck on your journey.

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Yes, I share the dilema with dairy ... I know what does push my weight up and if I could get my mind right, be consistent and do things in moderation ... I know I will win : (  : )

Do you find that the older you get, the less will power you have?

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I find I have less will power when I really stick to my diet.  Exercise like I should.  And then get on the scale and I'm either the same weight or I'm up 1/2 pound.  I know my meds have something to do with it and finally getting off steroids will help but it is so frustrating.  And I really do watch the dairy intake.  My husband exercises 2 hrs a day and eats everything he wants and never gains an ounce.  If I have to do that much exercise just to stay the same weight I'll live on salads and chicken. : (

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Wow! I had the same thing happen to me a labral tear in hip and ball socket  end result for me was total hip replacement doing much better 👍 I hope you are doing well 😊

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Weight loss? What is that lol not on my 60's hard to lose but keeping positive I seem to find the weight my friend lose😀😀😀

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Having the ability to track my physical activity and food intake made dropping some weight fairly easy for me. 

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