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Holiday trip abroad and diet

I'm on 2 weeks holiday now abroad ( now Hong Kong, tomorrow back to the Philippines ) where the food is little more exotic and for sure - not supporting diet. I've been on diet for last two months and I don't want to destroy results. So far, since I cannot really tell what I eat, I do limit amount and exercise ( actually I have a goal of collecting my "running routes" from places I visit ). How do you deal with the similar situation? The holiday trip couldn't be taken on hold just because of my diet ( my wife would consider me being at least slightly insane 😉 ) so I have to somehow adjust to the new conditions. Surprisingly I have earned new steps badge ( first time did 30k ) and looks like I burn a lot more calories just because of very hot weather as it makes my heart pump harder. Still, however, I'm bit worried. I'm thinking the best I can do is to go into "maintenance" mode and make sure I pick more "neutral" food ( vegetarian choices, chicken over pork, not using "mysterious" sauces and dressings, if rice is part of dish, then eat only steamed and a little amount etc. ) but my regular calories counting simply can't work here so I just approximate it assuming rather larger values. Furthermore, I do not allow myself to feel stuffed. How would you tackle such problem?

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Your holiday is just that.  You won't jeopardize anything by taking a diet break for the two weeks to explore the foods of a new/different area.  You didn't get fat and out of shape in two weeks and you won't get back there in that time.


Take a break from the calorie counting and the scale reading.  Enjoy the vacation, then get back to work when you get back.

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We went to Italy for Christmas. I am on a 1500 calorie consumption daily with a splurge on Friday and Saturday- I am also not actively losing, I am in maintenance. We walked everywhere. I stayed away from pasta. I ate grilled veggies, every fish you can imagine, bread, gelato (twice per day), soup by the huge bowl full and other delights. I even ate pizza in Naples ( I haven't eaten pizza since 2013). I ate a really light breakfast, mostly salad for lunch and then all the delights of Italian cuisine for dinner. Don't get me started on the wine. I came back two pounds lighter, which I gained back at home- go figure. Don't go bananas at every meal. But taste enough to know you were on vacation and partook in the cultural delights.

Elena | Pennsylvania

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