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July 4th to Labor Day Challenge 2016

Welcome one and all to our next challenge for better health and weight loss or maintenence.

We gather here to support each other, cheering and empathizing with the process of life style

change to improve our health and quality of life.

Set reasonable goals so you can feel success.

USW= heaviest weight when you began to lose

SW=starting weight

CW=current weight

GW=goal weight for Labor Day

UGW = Ultimate goal weight - long term healthy weight goal

Some people include their BMI = Body Mass Index, and some add their height as well. 



You can stop by once a week and post your progress or every day to get and give ideas and support. 

Most people track their food intake as well as steps to make sure you burn at least 500 to 750 more calories than you consume. Remember eat healthy food and portions in a way that you can maintain.

We can do this together. We have seen great progress over the last 7 challenges. 


Barbara G


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541 REPLIES 541

USW 6/19/16) = 204 lbs

SW (6/27/16) = 200

LW (7/4/16) = 198

CW (7/11/16) = 196

GW (9/5/16) = 188

UGW = 155


Sleep quality and energy levels have improved over the last week. I didn't get as many steps in as I should -- bad but not unexpected with having to work overtime and through lunches. I came in most days under budget on calories. No migraine in six days. I think that's a record. I think that has more to do with dietary choices (keto) than exercise.

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USW= 215

SW= 214.8

CW= 214.0

GW= 207.0

UGW = 140.0


0.8 lbs down in a week - I'll take it!

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@SunsetRunner  We all go through/went through some version of that.  I think of hormonal changes as a stress.  That means taking extra good care of yourself then.  Starting a few days before can help.  You could stock up on healthy, lower calorie instead of carb, easy-to-grab snacks that you like.  Drink a little more water, get a bit more sleep, try not to take on any other stresses (if only we could control that).  I know women who swear by yoga and had started it for cramps but found it eased cravings too and kept them from emotional eating.  Are you always this tired from it?

Mostly, go easy on yourself.  Whatever you do in those few days won't change your life.  To me, it is another sign that you have a healthy, beautifully functioning woman's body, doing what it needs to do.

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Yippee! Over a pound lost!


USW   199

CSW    181.8

CW       180.2

GW       176.8

UGW     >150


Wishing everyone a great week. Keep on stepping.

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Hi - update for the week.  The scale says I remained the same - so I will take it!  I hipe everyone is having a good week.  It's been an interesting couple of weeks, because now I'm having the "problem" of my pants being too big.  I've dropped 2 sizes so far...but the inches are impacting as well.  I know this is a good thing, but I don't want to buy too many new items, just to have to buy more later.  Any thoughts?  


USW - 213 (1/14/16)
SW -191.1 (7/3/16)

CW - 191.1 (7/10/16)
GW - 181 (Labor Day)
UGW - 175ish

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@Bobbinyc " I like to think it is strength, determination, focus, will power.  Nah.  I'm probably coming down with something."  All I can say is LOL

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@MandaPanda2853 Awesome!!! I think.... how did you do that?

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USW 199lbs
GW 181.4lbs
UGW 140lbs
PW 191.4lbs (last week)

CW 187.8


Weight was as low as 185. 8 this week but I have had a cold and working out/ walking has been tough. Can't wait to be back on track and function a little bit better through the day.

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Hi - I've had multiple HR;s and I loved it - but I had tooo many issues (ie. not keeping a charge, the heart rate monitor not working, etc.).  But at the end of the day, I love any Fitbit, cuz it helped me become more active.


I recently upgraded to the SURGE.  I LOVE it!  It has the heart rate, and you can track exercise from your arm, as well as your app.  Give it a try!

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USW - 282 (6/29/16)
SW -279 (7/3/16)

CW - 273 (7/10/16)
GW - 260 (Labor Day)
UGW - 215


Off to a good start but doubt this progress is sustainable

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I couldn't find the new board at first. Glad I did. 


I made it to 193 (my goal) on my weigh-in day.

CW 193.8 

Goal by Labor day 188

UGW 175 (to be adjusted lower if I made that).


I'm discouraged. I got down to 192.6 and overnight I "gained" a pound. As I've said before, I know I haven't really gained a pound, but it's hard for me to keep focused when this happens. That's why I'm here posting.

I did pick myself up and go to the gym today. I hope I can get back on track. Since 4/20, I've only lost 7.2 pounds, and believe me, I've been working at it.


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@khreed  We must have the same broken scale.  I went from laid up for 4 months, having to eat whatever was brought to me, and gaining over 25, to moving, walking, eating very well, drinking water, etc. And the scale hasn't budged.  But, you are inspiring.  You were discouraged and went to the gym, so I will too.  

I have trouble remembering not to give the scale too much power; it really is about getting healthier and stronger.  And that is more in our control than these darn scales. Next week will roll around and I may not have lost weight, but I can choose if I am healthier and stronger, or not.

I think I will try measuring myself and see if that changes.  Maybe I've become solid muscle  (um..just checked the mirror...not likely).


The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@SunsetRunner wrote:

@Bobbinyc " I like to think it is strength, determination, focus, will power.  Nah.  I'm probably coming down with something."  All I can say is LOL

Thanks.  Glad  you appreciate my warped humor. Smiley Happy

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@Bobbinyc I really enjoyed your comment. I got out of my funk a little bit -- you made me laugh. I :smileyhappy did have a slight increase in muscle percentage, but I chose to ignore that fact and focus on the negative.

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USW= 275 new years eve year and half ago.

SW=155 today weight is down



UGW = Right now I want to be 148 for the end of the year.  My old goal weight was 170, but it keeps changing since I am still slowly lossing 🙂  

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Hi Mike,

   That is great you set your self up for succeess. I am also 38, time is flying.  Best of luck to you!

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I'm crashing this party!  This girl is in the game!!  Yep, I'm a newbie to this community and I'm up for a challenge.

Here are my stats:

USW = 255 lbs January 2015

SW = 234 lbs on 06/21/16

CW = 225 lbs on 07/11/16

GW = 210 lbs by Labor Day

UGW = 185 lbs at that time I will re-evaluate my ultimate goal.


I will be on vacation July 14-25.  I plan to "consult" my Blaze the entire time tracking my activity level.  If I have internet access I will post whatever information I can.  I am excited about this, which is half the battle.

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@khreed No No No, you may not be negative.  Bobbi's Rule #1.  No negativity. Sometimes we need to focus on the things that matter most.  Like gaining muscles.  That is totally worth focusing on.  


And I'm delighted that I made you laugh.  Wow...2 people in one day!   (It's because I'm feeling discouraged too, and I deal with it by trying to laugh at the things that bother me. ) 


The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@kumbu.bumbu I saw the color and said to myself "Could this be?" Do I actually weigh 224 lbs now, yisssssssssss, UGW achieved. Then I woke up and realized Im still in the 300s 🙂

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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My first check on the new thread. Hope everyone had a good July 4th here in the U.S. I've been busy busy helping my Mom who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and chronic lymphoceutic leukemia 2 weeks ago. Before this she was always healthy and fairly active so it's a big adjustment for all of us. Since they sent her home from the hospital she's had a lot of trouble with her legs retaining fluid making it harder for her to walk. Last night she was having trouble breathing and I called an ambulance and spent the night in the ER with her. 

So I'm getting a lot of steps in but it's not at the fat burning or cardio level which bothers me. I only got to the gym once last week for about 40 minutes. I'm hoping this week to get more visits there. My weight is still going in the right direction, altho I went up a tiny bit this week in my weekly average. Too tired to list all my stats this time. I was at 191.6 vs. 191 last week. I'm pretty sure next week I'll see a drop.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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