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July 4th to Labor Day Challenge 2016

Welcome one and all to our next challenge for better health and weight loss or maintenence.

We gather here to support each other, cheering and empathizing with the process of life style

change to improve our health and quality of life.

Set reasonable goals so you can feel success.

USW= heaviest weight when you began to lose

SW=starting weight

CW=current weight

GW=goal weight for Labor Day

UGW = Ultimate goal weight - long term healthy weight goal

Some people include their BMI = Body Mass Index, and some add their height as well. 



You can stop by once a week and post your progress or every day to get and give ideas and support. 

Most people track their food intake as well as steps to make sure you burn at least 500 to 750 more calories than you consume. Remember eat healthy food and portions in a way that you can maintain.

We can do this together. We have seen great progress over the last 7 challenges. 


Barbara G


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541 REPLIES 541

Friends, I have good news (and it has nothing to do with weight). I went to have my cholesterol, etc. checked.  A year ago, my cholesterol was 249 and they asked me if I wanted to consider medication. I told them I wanted to try diet and exercise (not believing for one minute that I could do it or it would work if I could). I'm happy to report it was down to 209! So other things are improving -- even if the weight loss is slow. I appreciate all of your support and hope this offers a little encouragement too all of us. There is more than one way to measure progress.

Best Answer

great job on lowering your cholesterol!  


I've been doing my two mile walk every morning. On the weekend we did a bit more at a wild life refuge on Sat and then Sunday over 5 miles on our towns greenway. I have not weighed  myself, I am trying to wait longer than a week. I have been eating well, salads, chicken, fruits.


Vacation next week but back home where I enjoy hiking and being outside so hopefully lots of walking.

If the door doesn't open, it isn't your door.
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Congrats on getting the cholesterol numbers down!

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Was very sorry to hear about your accident and hoping everything works out ok for you in the end. My advice is to get a second opinion on any pain related injuries just to be sure.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Hi everyone!  One of my goals this year, was to lose 25 lbs before my next birthday.  Well, today is my birthday and although I haven't quite reached 25 - I will take the inches and lbs that I have lost.  I feel sooo much better than I did last year on this day -   I was preparing for my hysterctomy and weighed the most I have in my life.  Now, thanks to my Fitbit and all of you in this group, I'm moving in the right direction.  So, thanks again for always keeping me motivated!!

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@scottie0714 Happy birthday and congratulations! I would feel so satisfied if I can say I've accomplished as much a year from when I started.

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@khreed Congratulations on the lower cholesterol.  That is fantastic!  This is the real reason we are here - to be healthier.  You are accomplishing what matters most.  I'm really happy for you.  

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@scottie0714  Happy birthday!  I hope this year is a great one for you and that you continue to feel better and better.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Welcome to our group. Just join in as we have about 7 more weeks to Labor Day Sept 5. 

Most of us are eating healthy food, smaller portions of certain foods, drink lots of water and exercising more. 

Come and give and get support. 

Barbara G

Best Answer

@khreed Wow what an improvement in your reading. Did they break it down into HDL, the healthy kind that you want high and LDL the lousy kind that you want to lower? You are also trying to change the ratio. Your family doc should test them each year or 2.   I bet your doc will be surprised and pleased. 

Congrats for the significant change. Keep it up and you may dip below 200 in a while.

The weight will dip also so be encouraged.

Barb G

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What a beautiful dream!!  It's the dreams that help make everything possible!

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Happy Birthday. That loss of inches and lbs is the best birthday present ever. Health is so precious. 

Did you treat yourself to something nice as a reward? 

What is your birthday goal for next year? 

Barb G

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@almost_where and @Mommo Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm healing well and the bruises are changing colors as they do. My sternum area is the sorest so no weight lifting or ballroom dancing this week. Even carrying a gallon of water is a strain.  But I'm not in alot of pain so that is good sign.

Thanks for the second opinion idea. I was thinking of going to see my primary doc just to check on protocol of care for my sore chest.  

Thanks for all the caring messages. It really helps and matters to me.

Best to you all,

Barbara G


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@khreed, congratulations! That is a huge success. I've been trying to get my mom to measure her success in different ways as well, such as lowering her blood sugar levels rather than focusing on the pounds. It's a daily struggle, but weight is definitely not our only determinant of health!

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Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

@dancefoxtrot I'm pretty sure that my co-workers have a nice big cake hidden someplace...I plan to eat a slice.  I worked out an exta 15 minutes today just in case I decide to over-indulge.  As for next year, I hope to have lost 20-30 additional lbs and wear (feel comfortable in) a swimsuit. 🙂

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@dancefoxtrot My HDL/LDL ratios aren't as positive. My triglycerides were fantastic. I'm going to find out what I have to do to HDL and lower LDL a little bit. Thinking of you and your recovery.


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Thank you, I need this. Hoping to make healthy-steady progress. Sorry about your accident, hope you are back to normal soon.

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Good news in spite of far less exercise since Sunday due to accident. Lost a total of 1/2 lb since 7/4 after I went up from 147 to 148,9 now finally down to 146.5. Phew! 

1/2 lbs in 10 days is still a loss. Hopefully steady will follow If that continues I may get to 144 by Labor Day. 


Very best to you all. Stay strong.

Barbara G

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@dancefoxtrot  Terrific!  A move in the right direction.

How are you feeling?


The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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I am officially declaring war on my scale. For weeks I have been eating well, drinking more water, walking more, going to the gym, moving around more, avoiding deserts ....nothing.  Not one ounce.  

Monday the scale goes in the trash.


The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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