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July 4th to Labor Day Challenge 2016

Welcome one and all to our next challenge for better health and weight loss or maintenence.

We gather here to support each other, cheering and empathizing with the process of life style

change to improve our health and quality of life.

Set reasonable goals so you can feel success.

USW= heaviest weight when you began to lose

SW=starting weight

CW=current weight

GW=goal weight for Labor Day

UGW = Ultimate goal weight - long term healthy weight goal

Some people include their BMI = Body Mass Index, and some add their height as well. 



You can stop by once a week and post your progress or every day to get and give ideas and support. 

Most people track their food intake as well as steps to make sure you burn at least 500 to 750 more calories than you consume. Remember eat healthy food and portions in a way that you can maintain.

We can do this together. We have seen great progress over the last 7 challenges. 


Barbara G


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541 REPLIES 541

@Bobbinyc I am so sorry. I know how frustrating all of this can be. I wish I had words of wisdom or suggestions. It just doesn't sound right.

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@Bobbinyc, try new batteries first please, but I do understand.

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Greetings all,

USW June 2013 84kg, 185.2 lbs, BMI 35,

          Jul 9, 2016, 56.7kg, 125 lbs, BMI 23.6,

          Jul 16,         56.9kg, 125.5 lbs, BMI 23.7


My scales are having dejavu moments and esp moments but basically I have sat around the 57kg for a couple of weeks now and Body Fat according to my Aria is 29-31% which didn't sit well with what I see in the mirror so my trainer did a caliper skin fold test which has me a 24% Body Fat and which I am more inclined to believe. So for me, I am not attempting any further fat loss, but to maintain where I am at. I am an aussie size 12 (US 10) for the first time since I was 14 yars old and very happy to stay here. Maintenenance is now my plan and I will continue to chat and contribute. Thank you all for sharing my journey and thank you Fitbit, you have all made my journey easier.

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@RubyH That is fantastic news. One of the things that impressed me about your story is that there is no quick fix. I hope I can remember that. Congratulations.


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@RubyH Nice work there Ruby! I'm glad you are sticking around during your maintenance stage because you add a ton to this community.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Hi @RubyH

Congrats you had done a fine thing. I think staying with us is great. I hit maintenance and then slid back upward so when I make it back down about 11-12 lbs. I'm going to stay around too. Your contributions are supportive so staying aboard is welcome.

Barbara G

Best Answer


Hello there,

Wait. Go buy a new scale at a store where it can be returned. Use it for a week or two and if it is just the same as your old scale take it back. If it works then throw the current one in the trash.  I would go to the doctor and ask what tests he/she can do to check your hormones and metabolism. 

I hear your frustration. Are you counting carbs and calories both? It sounds like you are now up and moving since your foot surgery recently so that should rev up your metabolism. And you are eating healthy food so I wonder is any of the healthy food high caloric like nuts. I have to watch my nut intake since just a 1/4 cup is about 170-180 calories. 

Check on everything that you eat in terms of carbs, sugars and calories. Make sure you eat only the good healthy fats like from fish, nuts and avocados.

I hope that it is simply a broken scale and you will have lost weight. Smiley Wink

Keep the good healthy regime for your health. You will find the answer pretty soon I think.


Barb G 

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Hi all,

I managed to keep the 146.5 today as well so hopefully the scale will move slowly down. At least it didn't bounce up finally. 

Watching the horrific news of Nice then Turkish coup attempt. Seems like each week atrocities are occurring. I need to remember to walk not eat to deal with stress. 

All the best to you all,



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I'm one day early but I could use some motivating, uplifting posts. Two and a half weeks ago my mother was admitted to the hospital and it turns out that she has congestive heart failure and chronic lymphocetic leukemia. She's been in and out of the hospital since, seen a bunch of doctors and has accumulated lots of paperwork that I have to read through to make sure we're following rules and getting all of the lab tests done, they keep changing her medication, which I have organized in one of those big pill boxes, so I have to keep re-doing it. Plus now she can't do much to keep her lawn up or anything much inside the house, so I'm doing that, too.  It's left me with almost no time to go for a walk or to go to the gym, and I really miss those things. I think they keep me sane. I feel like I'm going to lose the muscles and stamina that I've worked so hard to build.

To make it worse my brother and his children are visiting from out of town. He and I used to be very close, but the past few years I never hear from him. If I call or send a message I get no response. That makes me sad, too. Plus his life is going so much better than mine, I must admit I feel like a loser compared to him. He married and has children, and he really does love his career (he works in film). I haven't yet met the person who I want to marry but I have met plenty of not so good guys, and I haven't worked for several years due to depression and some health problems. Today I can't seem to drag myself out of this depression, I can't get myself to feel good about anything, although I was making a dent in my goal to get fit and lose weight.

Does anyone have some uplifting words for those days when you just feel like a failure?

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@khreed  Years ago the only way to improve your HDL (the good ones) was exercise. After my Dad had a quadruple bypass he asked me to get my cholesterol, etc checked. This was back in 1995.  Everything was good except my HDL was low.

In the years ahead I joined gyms and started working out regularly. The next time that I had it checked it was right where it was supposed to be.  Easiest way to get that number up!

F, 53, 5'9", PA
Best Answer

@DJC_63 Thank you for letting me know about your father's success. It is very encouraging. I do have a couple of health issues that may impact my HDL. I'm going to check with my doctor. I just didn't think that exercise could have such a positive effect -- and no extra medicine!

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  Stop compairing yourself to others.  You are not your brother! Make a small goal and stick with that! Then you build on the selfestem you get from that.  Figure out what you want to do for work and work towards that too.  Baby steps.  No need to be jelous. Make it happen for you too. Or find your own way. 

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@DJC_63 No doubt about it -- you have a LOT on your plate. May I suggest that you visit your doctor and tell him/her exactly what you posted here. An anti-depressant can make all of the difference -- it has for me. I don't know your Mom's financial situation, but now may be the time to hire someone to deal with the yard and house. You won't be able to help her if you wear yourself down so much. We are here if we can offer support.

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Hi. Make time to walk fast as it has anti-depression effects. It is your medicine so even for 20 minutes just go. 2. Don't compare yourself to your brother as it brings you to think less of yourself. 3. Ask him if he is angry with you and therefore doesn't answer your calls or text. Then listen to his answer, it may clear the air. Ask your brother if he is able to pay for some in home care for your mom so you have time to work out and care for yourself. 

Make a list of the all the things that you do have to be grateful for and read it every day.

Your mom is very lucky that you are near and willing to help.That is very kind of you and something to feel proud of doing. Even cutting the lawn is exercise and good for you. When your mom naps go to the gym. Take her with you if you need to and let her read something while you work out. 

The husband will come later. Focus on your mood and thinking positively. Don't believe negative thoughts about yourself. Thoughts lie big time. Negative thoughts are a result of depression and also cause more depression. Challenge those lousy thoughts. They are probably not true or at least not 100% true. You are not a loser or less than. 

All the best,

Barbara G


Best Answer
@DJC_63: So, your successful brother comes to town to visit, and you are the one working both physically and emotionally to take care of your mother, her house, and her yard? Did he offer to help pay for a house cleaner, gardener, therapist, etc? I read your post and to be honest, I got a bit angry on your behalf. Barbara G. gave you a lovely, serene response. And she makes good sense. But there should be some input or help from your brother. Ask him to do his share. I am the little devil on the other shoulder. You deserve some time and peace.
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Well it is  12:54am on my regular Sunday weigh in day but the place I am staying at does not have a scale that can register my 300+ weight. Ill probably check in on Wednesday when I have access to my regular scale.


NSV: Earned my 25K steps/day badge and substituted fruit instead of cake on a family gathering birthday.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Got my fitbit about two weeks ago and want to join this challenge. I'm 30f who has always struggled with weight.
CW204.4 as of a week and a half ago
GW= 190
UGW = l will go for 145
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@DJC_63, We are like every flower in the world, we grow to bloom, not to compete with each other, there can be no joy in life if we continually are envying someone elses life, but ill lay odds on his life isn't as rosy in reality as you think it is, sometimes we are very good at making good appearances/entrances. Each of us is unique, beautir parentful, gifted, treasured, and its only random thoughts that would have us believe otherwise. Everyone of us, no matter our background or circumstances, can improve ourselves, no thing is un achievable, no thing is im possible, you only have to convince the inner demon of the truth of this. We can do, be, achieve, attain, any goal we set our minds on and that includes realtionships. Treasure your time with your Mum, it could be very short, and you will regret not being with her or telling her how much you love her when she has gone. I f your brother cannot commit to time sharing his repsonsibilities, then he can share monetarily whatever he can spare. You only ever have one Mum and Dad and as I grew older I truly began to understand all the sacrifices mine made on my behalf and my brothers too. Respect that and be grateful for all they have done for you too, after all, we would not exist if it weren't for our parents. I agree, you have a lot on your plate, but, if you don't respect yourself enough to put your health and yourself first, no one else will, and will use and abuse your generosity as a weakness. Stand up for yourself and your Mum. You are not less than anyone else, regardless of their seeming circumstances. You can do it. You are stronger than you think. Rock the world around you my girl and stand Tall.

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Reporting in -- leaving for Pittsburgh this morning for a week-long course on Genetic Genealogy. Can't wait. 

Start - 201

Today- 190.2


I am so happy -- finally 10 pounds! This week will be a challenge, but I feel like I'm up to it. Have a good week everyone.

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